Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 73 Veteran's Military Merit Medal

Chapter 73 Veteran's Military Merit Medal
73 Veteran's Military Medal
Fade Chen and Hong Xingguo looked into the yard a few times, and shouted a few more times, but there was no response, so Fade Chen closed the door.

Two people, one on the left and one on the right, stood waiting at the door like two door gods.

After a while, several villagers passed by and saw the two of them. They were very strange and boldly stepped forward and asked, "Comrade PLA, what are you doing here?"

Hong Xingguo replied with a smile: "My fellow, I heard that the old man who lives here is a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War. Why don't you come here to find out?"

"Veteran of the Anti-Japanese War? Old man Huang?" The sturdy man in his 40s froze for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Comrade PLA, you must have misunderstood. Old man Huang is not a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War at all. In our Yangcun, a soldier and There are no military members, if you don’t believe me, ask the village chief?”

"But didn't he say that he had fought in wars before?" Hong Xingguo was surprised and puzzled.

The man laughed even more when he heard this: "Comrade PLA, which of these elderly men doesn't say that they have fought in wars and killed people? But there is no evidence to say that you are a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, and you have a military medal." What about the certificates? Right, comrades of the People’s Liberation Army! So you must have misunderstood, among the few 80-[-]-year-olds who are still alive in our village, who doesn’t brag about how many little devils they have killed and how many achievements they have made? , it’s all bragging!”

After hearing this, Hong Xingguo turned his head and glanced at Fade Chen. Both of them felt a little murmured in their hearts, but when the villagers left, after thinking about it carefully, they felt that the previous guess should be correct.

After waiting patiently for about half an hour, the old man from yesterday appeared in the field of vision.

"Old man—" Fade Chen hastily greeted him.

"Comrade, why are you here? Have you been waiting for a long time? Come in! Come in, I'm going to the market, I bought meat, and I just roasted it for you!" The old man was very happy when he heard this.

At this time, Hong Xingguo came up and called out kindly: "Old man——"

"Old man, this is our instructor!"

The old man froze for a moment, then quickly wiped his hands on his body, and then shook hands with Hong Xingguo. Hong Xingguo was a little suspicious at first, but as soon as he shook hands with the old man, he immediately knew that Fade Chen's guess was right. Yes, he winked at Fade Chen, and then said with a smile: "Old man, we just received a notice from above to verify your identity."

"Verify identity?" The old man was taken aback.

Hong Xingguo quickly said without blushing, "Yes, old man, recently, the country has carried out information collection of veterans, and we have just received a notice from our superiors to register and verify your relevant information .”

"Didn't you just register last year?" The old man was a little surprised.

"Last year it was from the civil affairs department, but now it's from the army."

"Oh—no wonder!" The old man suddenly realized.

"Old man, what year did you become a soldier?" Hong Xingguo took out a notebook from his body and asked very seriously, looking extremely serious.

The old man listened, looked at Hong Xingguo, and then at Fade Chen: "Comrade PLA, I have never been a soldier."

But before the old man finished speaking, Hong Xingguo said solemnly: "Old man, the nature of our inspection this time is different from that of the Civil Affairs Bureau. The Civil Affairs Bureau investigates whether they have served in the army and wants to give corresponding preferential treatment, but we are the army. There is only one purpose to register veterans in our army, to collect relevant data and prepare for the future. Elderly, if there is a war, you must return. You should always keep this sentence in mind, right? Although your age is relatively When you grow up, even if you want to fight, you will not be allowed to go to the battlefield, but you must not miss it when you register, so, old man, please answer truthfully!"

The old man was startled when he heard this, and then he was a little puzzled: "I haven't heard that the situation is more tense recently?"

Soon he said loudly again: "If the motherland needs it, don't say that I am only 80 years old, even if I am 90 years old, I can still go to the battlefield! Even if I can't go to the field to kill the enemy, I can still do some work of pressing bullets!"

After hearing this, Hong Xingguo's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "Old man, what year did you become a soldier? I have to write it down seriously!"

But the old man said, "Let's talk at home."

"Okay!" Hong Xingguo did not refuse, and motioned for Fade Chen to help the old man carry the basket.

After the three of them entered the yard, the old man first made tea for Fade Chen and Hong Xingguo and sat down after working for a long time.

"I was a soldier when I was 12 years old. I am 78 this year. When I was 12 years old, that is, in [-]"

The old man's brain is still very agile, and he can calculate math problems quickly and accurately.

"I didn't want to be a soldier at first, but I was arrested as a strong man, so I had to take up a gun. So in the first two years, all I thought about was when I could escape, but when I got to the army and fought with the little devil After the battle, I never thought of running away, the little devils are too inhuman, and I will never put down the gun in my hand until I drive them out."

The old man started talking in detail.

During those years when he fought in Lao Jiang's army, he made countless contributions and made outstanding achievements. Later, after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he saw that the situation was not right, so he didn't want to fight anymore. So on a rare opportunity, he dropped everything and ran back to his hometown, but unfortunately he was stopped by the People's Liberation Army on the way. After doing some ideological work, he joined the People's Liberation Army, but he concealed the past, so he only Start with a soldier.

In the 50s, the Anti-U.S.-Aid-Korea ended, and the relevant departments made a major strategic judgment. There will be no large-scale wars in the next ten to 20 years. Hundreds of punches come, so there is no need for so many active-duty soldiers. Therefore, the higher-ups made a major decision. In the past few years from 1954 to 1958, nearly 300 million soldiers were withdrawn from active service.

The old man was one of those veterans back then.

After returning to the local area, the old man married a wife and had children, and lived a normal life. Since the country was always in difficulty during that period, the old man did not talk to or ask for anything from the local government.

Later, the old man's children grew up, and his life was getting better and better, and he didn't need the state to take care of it, so he kept those things secret and never told anyone.

Of course, sometimes, he still can't help but miss those glorious years, so sometimes he will tell some children in the village or other people the heroic stories of those years, but many people only regard him as a story Come to hear, no one really thinks that he was a soldier. The old man was a little disappointed at first, but then he gradually thought about it, and thought it was quite good.

"Old man, do you have any documents in your hand that can prove that you are a veteran?"

"Certificate?" The old man was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "I seem to have lost the military officer's certificate. I don't know if military medals and meritorious service certificates count? Wait, I'll look for it!"

After 3 minutes, the old man took out a wooden box, [-] centimeters long, [-] centimeters wide, and [-] centimeters high. When he opened it, he found that it was full of military medals and meritorious service certificates. The front must be full.


Seeing this, Fade Chen and Hong Xingguo both took a deep breath, and the two immediately became respectful to the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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