Chapter 7 Scare Xu Sanduo

7 scare Xu Sanduo

The meal was a success.

At least, Fade Chen firmly imprinted his name in the heart of company commander Gao Cheng. At least, he let Gao Cheng know that he is a recruit with ideals.

If you want to do well in Gang Qilian in the future, it is very important to impress Gaocheng.

As long as Gao Cheng likes it, it means that his professional skills are not good enough, and that's no big deal, Gao Cheng's ability is great.

Of course, at this time, Gao Cheng's impression of him, Fade Chen, may be mixed. There are good and bad, and there are even more bad ones. Therefore, Fade Chen has to work hard to strengthen the good ones and weaken the bad ones, especially professionally. , he has to break through bravely, as long as he is professional enough and capable enough, even if there is a flaw in his life, Gao Cheng will not take it seriously.

After lunch, each shift takes it back and starts a lunch break.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the training started again, and it was still the practice queue.

Fade Chen's queue has improved a lot compared to before, but he is still at the bottom of the fifth class, just better than Xu Sanduo. He still has a long way to go before he can reach the level of the deputy squad leader.

"Go forward, break down the movements!" Wu Liuyi yelled the password forcefully: "One!"

Hearing Wu Liuyi's password, Fade Chen kicked his left foot about 75 cm forward. At the same time, he swung his right arm forward and his left arm back, with his legs straight and his toes pressed down. The soles of his feet were parallel to the ground, about 25 cm.

"Fade Chen, relax, you are still too nervous, relax your shoulders!" Wu Liuyi walked around the fifth class, and finally came to Fade Chen's side to help Fade Chen correct his movements.

Fade Chen was practicing hard, he also wanted to relax, he felt that he could relax too, but the coordination of this pair of bodies - it was really too poor, and he couldn't always do it well.

At this moment, Fade Chen personally experienced the helplessness and sadness of the quick-gun-hands: In his heart, he really wanted to do better, wanted to be better, but his body didn't listen. , powerless!

Fortunately, Chen Fei has been a human being for two lifetimes after all, and his mind is very mature, and he can hold his breath.

He was neither arrogant nor impetuous, he did not get angry at himself, he trained calmly, even if he did not do well, he was not angry, he just tried his best to correct it, if it failed once, then do it again, if it failed twice, then it would be three times.

Wu Liuyi corrected his posture, and then went to the last place to help Xu Sanduo correct his posture.

The decomposing action of walking forward is really tormenting. After a while, the soldiers of the fifth squad were a little staggered.

Xu Sanduo was the worst. He twisted a few times and fell to the ground with a slap.

What was even worse was that he looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he got up in a panic and stood up.

That pair of thieves and thieves has no demeanor of a soldier at all.

Gao Cheng, who was standing in the distance and secretly spying, shook his head after seeing Xu Sanduo, not knowing what to say.

Xu Sanduo's performance at this time is slightly better than in the TV series, but there is no essential difference.

Since listening to Chen Fei's narration about Xu Sanduo's life experience, Wu Liu has tolerated Xu Sanduo a lot and is no longer so harsh, but to be honest, Xu Sanduo didn't give him too much surprise, and it still makes him angry from time to time. vomiting blood.

"Xu Sanduo, stand still!"

Wu Liuyi endured the emotions in his heart and tried to remind him with a peaceful voice.

After Xu Sanduo heard this, he quickly smiled: "I'm sorry, monitor!"

If it was before, Wu Liuyi would definitely reprimand him sharply, but this time, Wu Liuyi didn't do anything, he just pretended to be calm and said: "If you can't stand up, take a rest and then stand up again, don't force yourself, training should focus on quality, not quantity! "

"Alright monitor, I'll remember!" Xu Sanduo said again with a playful smile.

Seeing Xu Sanduo like this, Wu Liuyi was a little helpless, but he didn't say much, just sighed secretly and shook his head secretly.

But Fade Chen didn't pay much attention to Xu Sanduo's matter, he just concentrated on practicing his movements.

The decomposing movement of walking forward is really difficult for him at this time. Not to mention, after a while after lifting his feet, his body began to sway here and there, and he could no longer stabilize. His physical coordination is still poor.

He also wanted to train himself to be a guard of honor. It seemed that it was almost impossible for a recruit company to accomplish.

But he has been practicing hard.

[Ding——You have sweated a lot and put in a lot of hard work, but your progress is still limited, but you are not impatient or angry, calm and calm, and continue to train as always, your physical fitness +1, queue +1]

After a while, a cool feeling rose from the soles of his feet, and Fade Chen felt his tired body feel a lot more comfortable, and his stiff movements became a little more coordinated.

Wu Liuyi happened to walk over beside him, glanced at him, and patted his shoulder: "Well, yes, it's much better than before, keep working hard!"

After the class meeting that night, everyone sat leisurely in the dormitory, some chatted and spanked, some were alone in a daze, and some played with their small objects.

Chen Fei brewed a cup of tea, sat on a small ponytail, and silently thought about his own affairs, what to do tomorrow, what is the goal of the next stage, how to work hard in the future, etc. After thinking for a while, he stood When he got up, he found that Xu Sanduo was still sitting by the bed flipping through the dictionary that he had flipped through countless times.

"Xu Sanduo, are you looking through the dictionary again?" Fade Chen was a little amused, and couldn't help chatting with Xu Sanduo.

"Brother Fei!" Xu Sanduo stood up hastily, with a smirk.

Fade Chen was still a little curious about Xu Sanduo's dictionary, so he couldn't help but reached out and took it over and flipped through it.

This is actually a modern Chinese dictionary, which is already very worn out. There is a sentence written in red pen on the cover: "Awarded to Xu Sanduo, an outstanding student in Class [-] of the third year of junior high school—Teacher Ma."

"Xu Sanduo, can't you see that your academic performance in junior high school is so good?" Fade Chen raised his head and deliberately praised.

After Xu Sanduo heard this, he smiled, and for the first time, a sense of pride burst out on his face.

Fade Chen flipped through it casually, and the dictionary came to the page about the definition of a mule.

"Mule—a domestic animal born from mating a horse and a donkey. It has a short mane and a slightly flattened tail. It has strong vitality and is generally sterile. It can carry things or pull carts."

After flipping through it for a while, Fade Chen returned the dictionary to Xu Sanduo.

"It seems that you have studied mules a lot." Fade Chen said with a smile.

Xu Sanduo was a little embarrassed, lowered his head, and his voice was like a mosquito humming: "The company commander always said that he would pull us out for a walk, to see if we were mules or horses. I don't think I am quite like a horse, so—"

"You really don't look like a horse!" Fade Chen said bluntly.

Xu Sanduo raised his head and looked at Fade Chen blankly.

"Actually, I'm not like a horse, am I? When I first started, I had the same hands and feet as you, so I'm not like a horse either!"

Xu Sanduo opened his mouth in astonishment, and looked at Fade Chen puzzled.

"But I want to be a horse! I don't want to be a mule all my life!"

"Brother Fei, I." Xu Sanduo hesitated to speak.

"Do you think I'm not a mule now?"

Xu Sanduo was stunned, then nodded.

"Compared to you, I am indeed more like a horse, but compared to being a talent, I am still a mule!
At first I was more like a mule than you, but now I am more like a horse than you, do you know why?That's because I've been working on it these days!

When you were looking up the dictionary, I was practicing by myself on the side of the playground. When you were watching other people bragging, I was still chanting slogans and practicing by myself on the side of the playground. When I was just a mule, I was still training on the side of the playground, you see—”

Fade Chen raised his feet, exposing the soles of his shoes.

"See, we came to the recruit company at the same time, but the soles of my shoes are worn out, look at your—"

When Xu Sanduo heard this, he lifted up the soles of his feet and took a look. The anti-skid marks on the soles of his [-]-style training shoes were still clearly visible.

"Xu Sanduo, there is no other reason why I have the current results, but because I have paid more than anyone else."

"Brother Fei, I." Xu Sanduo opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Fade Chen approached him a little closer, and lied: "Xu Sanduo, let me tell you a secret, if you do not perform well in the army, the army will report this matter back to your hometown, and then your family members will be looked down upon by the people in the village. Dad will also be called to the town, and will be reported and criticized. The mayor will also fine your dad, saying that you have lost face to the whole town.

Oh, yes, and if you don't perform well in the army, your family will have to pay more agricultural taxes than the average person!But if you perform well, especially if you can be praised by the squad leader and company commander, then the money your family pays will be much less! "

"What?" Xu Sanduo was terrified, and stared at Fade Chen with wide eyes.

"Now you know why I work so hard, right? I'm not just for myself!" Fade Chen patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder, and said quietly: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Squad Leader Wu Liuyi, he I'm from your hometown!"

After finishing speaking, Fade turned around and left, leaving only Xu Sanduo standing there blankly. At some point, with a snap, the dictionary fell from his hand and fell to the ground.

Fade Chen's words were of course false, but he felt that these words should stimulate Xu Sanduo.

Xu Sanduo is actually not incurable, as long as he is willing to work hard, his potential is still great. In the TV series, with Shi Jin's help, wouldn't he become the top of the Seventh Steel Company?Even Wu Liuyi can't compare!

The reason why he is so unbearable is that he has no goal, he has no fighting spirit!

Chen Fei knew that Xu Sanduo still cared about his father very much, so his words may be useful
Of course, he will have to collude with Wu Liuyi for a while, otherwise it will be revealed.

"Xu Sanduo, Xu Sanduo, that's all I can help you with. If you want me to help you more, it's impossible. If a person doesn't even have the heart to improve himself, then no amount of help from outsiders will be of any use. !"

(End of this chapter)

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