Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 52 We Are Soldiers

Chapter 52 We Are Soldiers

52 We Serve as Soldiers

Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi led the three classes into the cafeteria neatly.

The other classes were already waiting there.

Seeing the people from the third class come in, those guys acted as if they were commanding them, and with a swipe, they all shot at the third class, and finally they all fixed on Fade Chen.

"Join the team quickly! Join the team quickly! I'm waiting for you!"

When Gao Cheng saw Shi Jin coming in, he greeted him with a smile.

"That. Fade Chen came out to direct everyone to sing! Hurry up and make a song before the meal, and then start the meal. I've been hungry all morning, and my chest is already on my back, haha!"

There is only one word written on Gao Cheng's face: happy.

His sword eyebrows were raised cheerfully, his eyes were full of smiles, the corners of his lips were pulled back, and every cell in his body exuded a cheerful breath.

Class three joined the team, and Fade Chen walked out.

"Company Commander, what song are you singing?" Fade Chen faced Gao Cheng and asked.

"It's all right! You can figure it out!"

Fade Chen thought it would be fine, does Gang Qilian have this ability? Gang Qilian can sing every song?
Also, he asked everyone to sing a ten-eight-touch, is that okay?
Of course, he complained in his heart, but he didn't say anything, he just said: "Then sing "We Served as Soldiers"!"

Fade Chen had already found out which songs Gang Qilian would sing. He had already talked about this when he chatted with Shi Jin before.

When he came to Steel Seventh Company, Gaocheng would definitely let him do literary and artistic work. He knew this well and made some preparations secretly, so he was not surprised or nervous at the moment, because everything was expected among.

"We Serve as Soldiers" is a song that the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company like very much.

Fade Chen came to the front of the team and stood up, facing everyone: "We soldiers, what's the difference? It's just because we all wear simple military uniforms and prepare to sing—"

His singing skills at this time are already very good, reaching the level of a professional singer. As soon as he opens his voice, his true feelings are naturally revealed, so it can be said that when he heard his voice, all the soldiers present were brightened.

Everyone sang along.

Fade Chen tapped the time, concentrating on directing.

His command is also very distinctive.

There was also someone who conducted the song before the meal of Steel Seventh Company before, but that guy's conduct was not satisfactory. Fei's conduct, like a real conductor, is not only professional, but most importantly, his conduct reveals his understanding of the song and the emotion he put into the song.

The song "We Serve as Soldiers" is a song written for soldiers. Every line of lyrics and every chant reveals the pride of soldiers in their profession and their full sense of honor. Fade Chen This kind of emotion was shown in the conductor, and he sang along while conducting. You can feel his passion, his blood, and his boiling just by looking at his expression, not even listening to his voice.

Moreover, when he commanded, he was not always fixed in one place, but walked around, standing in front of the crowd for a while, standing in front of the soldiers in the first row for a while, standing upright for a while, and slightly swaying his legs for a while. For a while, only the fingers of both hands are used to exercise in a limited space of ten cubic centimeters, and for a while, they are opened and closed, with both hands flying, the height can be fifty centimeters above the head, and the lowest can be as low as the knees. His command, the gorgeous movements, and the abundance of emotion are shocking.

The soldiers watched his movements, and their voices grew louder without knowing it, and their suppressed emotions burst out without knowing it. At the climax, all the officers and soldiers of the company sang in unison, even Gao Cheng and the instructor Hong Xingguo couldn't help singing.

The most powerful thing was that the people in the cooking class actually put down their work and began to sing along. The monitor of the cooking class couldn't help but picked up the rice spoon and sang and tapped.

We soldiers

Just different

For the peace of the country
we hold guns

We soldiers

That's it-

Chen Fei raised his right hand high, and grabbed it hard in the air. After a moment, the singing stopped abruptly, as if he had grabbed it in his hand.

The soldiers had already shut their mouths, but the singing seemed to be still reverberating in the restaurant.

"Okay!" Gao Cheng couldn't help shouting, and immediately applauded!
"Singing is really good! Singing is really good!" Instructor Hong Xingguo also clapped.


The other soldiers also applauded together. The applause was like thunder, and the roof of the cafeteria was almost blown off.

Gao Cheng applauded while turning his head to look at Hong Xingguo: "Old Hong, how is it? The soldier I found for you is not bad!"

"This soldier is good. He can sing and direct. Our literary life after the Seventh Company will finally not be so boring!" The instructor Hong Xingguo was very happy, smiling from ear to ear.

"Then I'll leave him to you, you have to make good use of him—"

"Don't worry, my company commander Gao!"

Gao Cheng strode forward, came to the front, raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling everyone to stop clapping.

"Let me say a few words--" He looked around with a smile until everyone looked at him, and then he said: "Today, there is a song before dinner, it is well sung, and it expresses the pride of our soldiers. , It sang the pride of our soldiers, very good, from now on, our Seventh Company will sing every song like this!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Cheng turned his head and looked at Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, I will leave all the singing tasks to you in the future. You have to do a good job of him and make him special, so that our Seventh Company can also become the 702 singer in this respect." The benchmark of the regiment!"


Seeing this, Gao Cheng was very happy, and his smile became brighter. He looked away, looked at everyone and said, "Today is an important day. From today onwards, fifteen new comrades from our Steel Seventh Company have joined, so Today, I deliberately asked the cooking class to kill a pig and cook a good meal for everyone.

Originally, these words should have been said yesterday, but yesterday our new comrades just got off the company, and there are many things to do. I also have a lot of things to be busy here, and I don’t have time to eat with everyone, so I will say this. Speaking of today, comrades recruits, first of all, you are welcome to join the Seventh Steel Company—"

Gao Cheng was the first to applaud, and the others quickly followed, applauding in an instant.

"The Seventh Company of Steel is a company of heroes! The soldiers of the Seventh Company of Steel are all heroes and good men! I hope that each of the new comrades can humbly learn from the veterans and learn their skills , learn from their spirit! In a word, in our Seventh Steel Company, only those who want to be excellent, work hard to be excellent, are really excellent, and only such soldiers can stand out!"

Gao Cheng spoke impassionedly again, then waved his hand and shouted, "Dinner is served!"

As soon as they heard the word "serve dinner", the soldiers flocked to the place where the meal was served in an instant, as if charging into battle.

"Fade Chen, come here!"

Fade Chen was about to grab a favorable position when Gao Cheng yelled, so he had no choice but to walk over.

"Commander, what's the matter?"

"Just now they said that you will challenge Class One next week, is it true?" Gao Cheng was very curious.

"Really! The verbal gauntlet I made with Squad Leader Li in the garage!"

"Are you really going to fight?" Gao Cheng was taken aback. For a moment, he turned his head and looked at Hong Xingguo excitedly with joy on his face: "How about it, old Hong, let me just say it's true?"

Hong Xingguo originally wanted to say something, but was preempted by Gao Cheng. Gao Cheng said excitedly: "Well, Fade Chen, if you really win a class, no, no, as long as you can draw with them, I will I promise you one condition, as long as you don't violate discipline, you can mention it as you like!"

When Fade Chen heard this, he was overjoyed. He was about to ask Gao Cheng for something, but why did Gao Cheng take the initiative to deliver it: "Company Commander, keep your word?"

When Gao Cheng heard this, he was not happy: "Can my dignified commander of the No. [-] Steel Company lie to you?"

Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap and saluted: "Yes, company commander!"

(End of this chapter)

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