Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 100 Fade Chen makes new contributions, Shi Jin is expected to stay in the team

Chapter 100 Fade Chen makes new contributions, Shi Jin is expected to stay in the team

100 Fade Chen makes new achievements again, Shi Jin is expected to stay in the team

Chen Fei drove the No. 703 chariot slowly past.

His speed slowed even more as the chariot passed smoke-filled Blue Army wheeled armored vehicles.

on purpose.

He also opened the heavy hatch and poked his head out.

Bai Tiejun went too far and yelled at Lan Jun: "Hey brother, what's wrong! Someone boiled it?"

Several soldiers of the blue army climbed out of the car, and when they heard Bai Tiejun's voice, they all glared at him viciously.

Under the fierce eyes of the blue army, the soldiers of the third squad laughed so hard that their mouths reached their ears.

Wu Liuyi also got out, and shouted with a smile: "Comrades have worked hard—"

An angry Blue Army soldier jumped off the chariot, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it at Wu Liuyi with a swish. Although he deliberately missed it, everyone screamed in fright: "Fade Chen, drive Fade Chen fast!" drive!"

Fade Chen stepped on the accelerator.


The diesel engine rotated at high speed, a puff of black smoke rose into the sky, and the tracked armored vehicle quickly accelerated to more than forty.

Blue Army's wheeled armored vehicle.

Several people stared at each other in silence for a while, and someone asked, "Can the tracked armored vehicle speed up so fast?"

A few people look at me and I look at you, but they don't know the answer.

"Fuck - no wonder we lost just now!" Someone cursed.

"Squad leader, go back and ask the company commander to find out what type of tracked armored vehicle they are equipped with. The speed is so fast. If we can also equip it, it will be awesome. The speed is comparable to that of a wheeled armored vehicle, and the passing ability is comparable to that of a wheeled armored vehicle. Compared with tanks, this kind of car is the king of chariots—”

"Exactly! Our army should be equipped with this kind of vehicle!"


After Fade Chen drove away from the blue army, his speed gradually slowed down, and he drove back at a speed of about [-] yards. The task has been completed, so there is no need to rush.

No one thought that after driving for about five kilometers, the armored vehicle went on strike, and something went wrong, and it couldn't drive away.

"Squad leader, there's something wrong with the car. It won't drive. It needs to be repaired." Fade Chen yelled at Shi Jin.

"Deputy Wu, prepare to repair the car." Shi Jin turned his head and said something to Wu Liu behind him.

"Others get out!"

Fade Chen also got out of the car with Bai Tiejun and the others, then found a flat and soft lawn and lay down, fell asleep on his back, basking in the sun, listening to the wind blowing, watching the white clouds roll up and spread out, the ears From time to time, there was the sound of Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi smashing the armored vehicles with hammers and other tools.

"Fade Chen, you did a good job today, you have made great contributions. After you go back, the company commander will definitely reward you!"

Bai Tiejun elbowed Fade Chen and said enviously.

"Today is everyone's credit. Even if you want to award it, it will be our third class." Fade Chen said with a smile.

Others don't know Gao Cheng's small thoughts, but he is like a mirror. Gao Cheng's biggest concern now is how to keep Shi Jin. Obviously, at this time, this is another good thing that can add a lot of color to Shi Jin's resume. He will definitely not let go of the opportunity.

Jingle - jingle -

Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi hit hard with a hammer.

"Squad leader, squad deputy, come on—"

Fade Chen turned his head and took a look, then shouted with a smile.

"This kid——" Wu Liuyi gritted his teeth in anger. He wanted to curse a few words, such as if you didn't drive the car according to the rules, would it be broken? He swallowed hard.

"Forget it, Fade Chen has already done meritorious service, so he won't be held accountable for this little problem!"

"Besides, if he didn't drive like this, today's third class would have been wiped out by the Blue Army long ago, let alone meritorious service!"

Thinking of it this way, all the anger in Wu Liuyi's stomach disappeared immediately.

He let out a breath, picked up the hammer, and smashed it again with a clang.

Shi Jin glanced at Wu Liuyi with a smile: "Deputy Wu, you look much better like this, don't put everything on the line! Rules are dead, and people live and die."

Wu Liu nodded, still agreeing with Shi Jin's words in his heart.

But he never thought that Shi Jin would say soon: "A good soldier like Fade Chen can be treated like this, and a bad soldier like Xu Sanduo should be treated equally and treated the same!"

Wu Liuyi frowned when he heard this, and stopped even swinging the hammer. He raised his head and looked at Shi Jin: "Squad leader, I think Xu Sanduo has become your madman?"

"He has long been my demon!"

Wu Liuyi shook his head, a little helpless.

"You are also my demon!" Shi Jin lowered his head and murmured.

"Me?" Wu Liuyi rushed up in one breath, but opened his mouth, but let out the breath again.

He didn't speak any more, just picked up the sledgehammer, jingle, jingle, jingle, and hit it hard, as if the hammer had a grudge against him.

Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi worked hard for four to ten minutes, and finally repaired the car again, and the group of the third squad rode the infantry chariot again, and drove to the No. 10 Steel Company.

In the evening of this day, the steel seven company camp.

When everyone was sitting quietly on the grass, the roar of the rumbling engine came faintly. Someone raised his head and glanced, and quickly shouted in surprise: "The third class is back! The third class is back!"

Everyone who heard this sentence stood up and cheered together: "The third class is back——"

Gao Cheng and Hong Xingguo were startled by the cheers in the tent, and ran out quickly: "The third class is back?"

The two raised their heads and looked into the distance. Sure enough, an armored vehicle was galloping towards here at a speed as fast as lightning, and the sand rolled up by its tracks rushed straight into the sky.

"Fade Chen—how can you drive so fast?" Gao Cheng frowned.

Hong Xingguo was also a little tongue-tied: "If the car in shift three is consumed at this rate, it will be returned to the factory for overhaul in less than a year."

Both of them secretly made up their minds that when they had the opportunity in the future, they must have a good talk with Fade Chen and let him change this violent driving method.

So when Fade Chen got out of the car, Gao Cheng immediately went up to meet him. He thought of everything he wanted to say, and he thought that the first sentence should be "Fade Chen, do you think this car is not your own?" You don’t have to take care of it.” But what he didn’t expect was that Fade Chen rushed in front of him and said, “Commander, after our exercise is over, can you contact Shen Long, the engineer of the First Machinery Factory, for me immediately? Tell him that during this exercise, our third squad, under the leadership of squad leader Comrade Shi Jin, has explored the new extreme combat data of this type of armored vehicle!"

Gao Cheng was taken aback.

The ultimate data of the new armored reconnaissance vehicle?

After regaining his senses, Gao Cheng was overjoyed: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask Squad Leader Shi Jin? The data we obtained this time is much higher than the manufacturer's. This should be of great significance to the combat and training of new armored vehicles!"

Not only is it of great significance to combat?
Gao Cheng let out a sigh of relief, feeling very excited.

If these data are true, then the .
The third class can definitely apply for a higher level of honorary title. If this is the case, Shi Jin's fourth batch of non-commissioned officers really has no problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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