Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 5 [5] Kill a few to add to the fun

Chapter 5 [5] Kill a few to add to the fun

People's thirst for salt comes from nature, and scientifically speaking, it is what the body needs.

Primitive humans began to try, generalize, and collect salt very early.

Before that, just like animals, they ingested the required salt in rock walls, oceans, and salt lakes.

In North America, even in the uninhabited countryside, you can occasionally see paths "walked out" by animals on the mountain, all of which lead to the source of fresh water and salt.

The aborigines of North America in the 15th century, of course, had learned how to extract salt, but only a small number of them always mastered the technology, and this technology existed in large tribes.

And even in large tribes, salt is extremely precious.

The ancients have long known that improperly disposed salt is poisonous, and the most primitive extraction methods can collect very little.

At this time, the salt that made them countless was in front of them.

They dance, jump, and go crazy for God's gift.

A bag of five kilograms of salt was quickly wiped out by them. The half-grown child even lay down on the ground, licking the white salt particles left in the soil with his tongue, and then showing innocent and romantic mouthfuls of yellow teeth.

Crazy emotions spread like a disease.

Someone actually wants to break open more salt and go on a carnival.

Fortunately, he was discovered by the leader in advance, and he stepped forward fiercely, and mercilessly knocked out the idiot who wanted to waste precious salt with his fist.

The sacrificial old lady also found that the scene was not very controlled, and immediately called for people to quiet down.

When the carnival dies down...

Where is God?

They found that Zhou Li'an was missing.

People looked around in a panic.

Until the boy and girl who were the first to witness the coming of God uttered a 'hiss', and the two quietly pointed to the tent of the sacrifice...

God is still there.

They laughed foolishly again, never had such a sense of solidity and security.

The sacrificial old lady was slightly lost in thought, wondering what God was doing in her residence, but she dared not approach.

"Witch." The leader came to her side, "What shall we do now?"

The voice of the leader was low and sounded like a husky voice. He was the most valiant warrior in this small tribe. He had participated in many wars between the big tribes and killed dozens of enemies.

But in front of Wu, the leader bowed slightly and kept his head down, like a well-behaved child.

He continued: "I have been to the remote 'Baiyan Department' and witnessed the mysterious and great salt prayer ceremony of the 'Salt Witch'. Each salt prayer requires four slaves as sacrifices..."

"Wu, as long as you open your mouth, I will start to choose now and make sacrifices for our god."

The more the leader talked, the more excited he became.

While speaking, he looked at the huge pile of salt given by the gods under the altar, and kept swallowing his saliva... God gave too much.

The ritual he had seen required three days and three nights.

The salt witch cooks in a boiler, and every day and night, the blood of living people is splashed on the outside of the boiling pot. The steaming blood mist will be absorbed by the salt god, and the salt god will give the salt witch edible salt.

When the ceremony was over, the four slaves bleed to death, and the salt they got was only a mere pot, and it tasted astringent, and the color was dark yellow, far from being as white and flawless as he saw now.

The leader doesn't know what the word 'efficiency' is.

But he knows very well...

God has so generously given so many gifts to their little tribe.

If he didn't kill a few people to help the gods, it would be unreasonable.

So, the leader's gaze began to search the crowd again, comparing the numbers, he was suddenly a little annoyed...

It seems that there are not enough people?
Wu glared at him: "Missing teeth, gods never plunder living beings, the wind gods are the supreme gods in the natural gods, they represent peace and tranquility."

"Thus, the 'mountain climber' who should have died under the horns of the bison will be resurrected."

Missing Tooth is the chief's name.

Half of his front teeth are missing, which was caused by a bump after changing teeth when he was a child, so his parents named him Missing Teeth.

Missing Tooth didn't believe Wu's words: "Wu, don't lie to me, you should kill or kill, we can't blaspheme, and you don't know how to pray for salt."

"I'm the witch, don't you listen to what I say?"

The old lady was a little angry.

Missing teeth is very brave, yes, but sometimes a little careless.

If God needs the sacrifice of the Holy Spirit, does God still need them to do it?
Missing teeth, what else do you want to say...

But Zhou Li'an has already walked out.

The gathered crowd immediately knelt down without any hesitation.

Zhou Li'an was speechless. He had been rummaging through boxes and cabinets for a long time, but he didn't find anything of value.

North American natives are a bit ignorant, they prefer colorful ores, mainly turquoise, but this thing...

It's worthless.

He also found a shiny human skull inside, and Zhou Li'an really wanted to tell the old lady that this thing is not in the market.

At this time, he glanced at the person kneeling on the ground, obedient is obedient, but he can't understand people's words, all he can do is stare wide-eyed.

How about another mural?

But how to paint gold?Do you use watercolor pens?
Hey, wait a minute...

Zhou Li'an was stunned for a moment, and he took out his mobile phone and glanced at it.

Then, whoosh...

People disappeared again.

Seeing this scene, the venue suddenly became chaotic again.

And the missing tooth was even more anxious, blushing and speechless for a long time, only waiting for a breath to say: "God is gone, God is angry! Wu, you are blaspheming."

The old lady finally hesitated and no longer had the confidence she had before.


She has never been confident. From the beginning to the end, she pretends to understand God's words.

Is it possible that missing teeth are right?

Do you really have to kill a few to add to the fun?

The old lady couldn't bear it.

Their tribe is too weak, and the population is the most precious thing. During yesterday's hunt, several strong men became the dead souls under the hooves of the bison.

They don't have slaves like the big tribes. If they really want to sacrifice, they can only choose from their own people.

The old lady was thinking, maybe she was the one who should be damned?She should lead by example!

After all, she simply cannot understand God's word.

"Missing teeth!"

The old lady finally made up her mind.

Between the righteousness of dedicating to God and the sacrifice of the tribe, she chose the former. She firmly believes that sacrifice can bring more rewards, which is a gift from God.

"Choose someone."

The missing tooth was overjoyed and was about to issue orders.


The sound of 'whoosh' piercing through the air sounded.

God... is back? ? ?

"Wu, God is listening to our conversation, God knows our sincerity, so come back again!!" Missing Tooth was extremely excited, and he even felt that he could understand God's mind better than Wu.

At this time, God came over...

The missing tooth was trembling all over, eager to try, waiting for God's praise.

However, the god ignored him, took Wu's arm, and walked aside, whispering something to each other.

Missing teeth stayed where they were, his face froze with excitement... Suddenly his heart felt empty, it was clearly his idea, it was clearly his idea...

not far away.

Zhou Li'an sent the pictures taken in this world to the old lady.

"Gold, gold!"

He is teaching the pronunciation, and he doesn't expect the old lady to understand, at least leave a concept, and he will know what he needs when we talk next time.

The old lady is worthy of being a priest of the tribe, at least she looks much smarter than the others, especially compared to the strong and tall man just now who is missing half of his front teeth.

"Fine, light... fine." The old lady followed silently.

Zhou Li'an smiled: "Gold, gold."

While looking through a lot of photos for her, except for gold nuggets, gold jewelry, and even the scene where the dog's head gold was found, he patted his chest, meaning that he needed it.

The old lady probably understood.

But more emotions remained on the phone, and his expression was full of shock.

So, is this the mighty power of God?

Can God seal a world in His palm?
She didn't dare to look at the forbidden things from the gods, for fear that she would also be sealed by the gods, so she turned around and shouted: "...r65$#...%¥"

Zhou Li'an still couldn't understand the words of the natives, but he knew very clearly...


(End of this chapter)

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