Start North America 1400: nation building

Chapter 26 [26] Everyone is the first time

Chapter 26 [26] Everyone is the first time

This is the situation.

Zhou Li'an wants to ask, are you polite?

He smiled, allowing the girl to open her mouth wide, revealing her indescribable yellow teeth, and then stepped forward.

It wasn't until the distance between the two of them was far away that they heard footsteps behind them.

"God, Xue Nu shouldn't offend you, Xue Nu is willing to suffer punishment, anything is fine..."

[Really...anything is fine? 】

"..." Zhou Li'an was speechless, and cursed in his heart: "Shut up!"

Then, he said slowly: "I will not punish you, you did nothing wrong... Tell me, what happened in the past three days."

After the girl heard it, she was really relieved.

Instead, joy appeared on her face, and even her tone of voice became much lighter.

In her words, a lot happened in these three days.

It was all major events that she had never experienced before.

She freed the slaves.

The two titles Chishui and Shanhua have already disappeared.She listened to the report of the elders of the Tushi clan and learned that more young and strong were sent to the chief tribe, but they left behind many healthy women besides the old and the weak.

The elders of Tushi said that this will be a favorable condition for the growth of the tribe.

The tribe held another large-scale funeral, and those tribesmen who were brutally killed by the girl were rested in peace.

But she was flustered again: "God, can you see that they have reached the gate of death? Because the funeral was presided over by Xue Nu, Xue Nu will not perform sacrifices and pray for blessings at all, so she can only keep calling your name..."

"I heard it, and I saw it." Zhou Li'an nodded slightly.

"Really? Then, have you heard what the Snow Maiden has said to you silently these days?"

Zhou Li'an stopped in his tracks and said seriously: "Not all words will be heard by God."

"Oh." The girl nodded cautiously, silently remembering this sentence.

"Go on, what else happened."

"Xue Nu's father has become the new patriarch of the Tushi tribe, because the elders of the tribe learned that Deng Shan is Xue Nu's father, and has received your grace to come back from the dead."

Zhou Li'an remembered that person, he just knelt behind the girl.

And judging from his complexion, his condition has improved. People who have never used antibiotics do not have drug resistance, and the effect is surprisingly good.

He nodded slightly, signaling her to continue.

The girl said: "Xue Nu also ordered the tribe's hunting team to hunt more bison. Now the tribe hunts more than ten bison every day, and the meat brought back is not enough for the whole tribe to eat."

"The elders were worried about the spoilage of the meat, so they began to dry it to make meat pies."

"It's the first time for Xuenu to eat that kind of meatloaf. It's crunchy and melts quickly in her mouth, and it also tastes like salt."

"By the way, God, the elders of the tribe hope that the caravan will carry salt to trade in exchange for the supplies needed by the tribe, as well as more furs, but Xuenv dare not make a decision lightly."

"My father also reminded me that the tragedy of the past cannot be allowed to happen again! Therefore, my father and the elders all hope that Xue Nu can listen to your guidance and make the final decision."

Zhou Li'an was not in a hurry to give an answer, but asked, "Is there any more?"

He wanted to obtain as much information as possible, so as to make the most comprehensive consideration.

The girl tilted her head and thought for a while, then said depressedly: "Xue Nu uses the sweat room every day to clean her body...but Xue Nu actually doesn't like the sweat room, it's very stuffy and hard to breathe."

"But the witch once said that Xue Nu must clean herself every day, and serve you with the cleanest body."

Ah, this...

Zhou Li'an looked at the girl with complicated eyes.

After feeling this gaze, the girl lowered her head in fear, and said in a panic, "Ah, Xue Nu will be obedient... she cleans herself every day, God, please forgive me..."

Zhou Li'an smiled wryly, and said, "It's right to clean every day, you must keep it."

The girl's face became depressed again, but after a few seconds, she became firm again: "Xue Nu is willing to obey God's command."

Zhou Li'an said: "But there is no need to use the sweat room every day, and order people to boil hot water for cleaning."

Indian sweat room, he had the honor to experience once.It is a sauna built with tents in the wild. The principle is the same as that in China, probably because they have the same ancestors.

The red-hot stones are placed in the tent, and water is ready to be poured upwards. During the period, aromatic herbs such as sage and cedar are placed on the hot stones for incense.

The whole process is holy, and for the aborigines, it is an important ritual to drive away diseases and demons, and to find themselves and spirituality.

The girl was shocked, and said stupidly: "Hot water? That will scald Xuenv to death."

Zhou Li'an was speechless: "Mix it with cold water. If you want, you can also use cold water directly. Do you understand?"

"Hmm." She nodded half understanding.

Zhou Li'an took another look at her teeth...Unless she has a deep cleaning, there is no way to save her, forget it, let it be like this.

He continued walking, and the girl continued talking.

No matter how important or not, Zhou Li'an listened quietly.

Because even unimportant information can be stripped of valuable things.

The aborigines are relatively clean people, and they use the sweat room to clean their bodies during the worship ceremony twice a month.

This 'love clean' should be maintained and strengthened.

Bathing once a week is not too much, is it?
Public bathhouses can be built in tribes, redefining their hygiene habits.

And, the problem of drinking water.

The aborigines have already used charcoal and cotton cloth to filter drinking water, but they also have the same problems as in ancient times in various countries, and they cannot drink boiled water.

These problems seem trivial, but they affect their physical health.

And good living habits gradually evolve into conventional things, and culture and civilization will be born.

The road to civilization is long and requires countless tiny branches to build and construct.

The two came to the bottom of the cliff inside the valley.

It was only then that Zhou Li'an discovered that stone houses had been carved out of the cliffs on both sides.

The girl joyfully led him into the largest stone house, which had obviously been carefully decorated, and said, "God, this is your residence. Snow Maiden also lives here these days."

"Every day, women from the tribe come to clean it, and use herbs and aromatherapy to take care of it. Several layers of raccoon skins are laid on the stone platform. These raccoon skins are exchanged and are very precious."

"God, try it quickly, it's very soft."

Zhou Li'an sat down with a smile, the soft fur was indeed very comfortable.

He looked at the girl: "Xue Nu, you haven't answered my question yet, would you like to learn my language?"

The girl seemed very happy: "Yes, Xue Nu is willing, but can Xue Nu really learn the words of God?"

"As long as you want to, you can learn!"

Language unification is imperative.

Of course, Zhou Li'an couldn't teach everyone in person, he must first select a few communicators, and then spread them to the entire tribe.

After the entire tribe has learned it, it can consider promoting it to the outside world.

As for how to promote...

"Xue Nu, call the patriarch and elders here, I have something to say to them."

The girl suddenly became serious and stood at the door. After the other party was chased away, the people who followed silently shouted——

"God is willing to accept your worship!"

Seeing the girl giving orders in a dignified manner, Zhou Li'an felt a little approval in his heart.

In fact, girls don't need to learn the skills of witches.

Their own existence, to them, is the coming of the true god.

The former witches are all useless and false heresies.All the girl has to do is to respect her heart and dedicate her sincerity and humbleness to the true God.

After all, it's the first time for everyone.

You are a witch for the first time.

I am also a god for the first time.

 And the third one, when it comes to breaking out...words must be followed!sleepy sleepy!Babies remember to vote after watching, I will continue to work hard!hum~~~
(End of this chapter)

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