Chapter 46
Wen Zhong looked at the two corpses hanging on the book and fell into deep thought. What do these two corpses represent? It looks like they were hung up by someone.

"Is it a ghost? I didn't act because I didn't satisfy their killing rules." Wen Zhong frowned. He observed the two corpses carefully, and his doubts grew more and more.

Wen Zhong glanced at the direction he came from. There were no dead bodies hanging on the trees beside the road. What did this mean? Thinking of the experience just now, the answer was ready to come out. There were ghosts on the road without hanging dead bodies.

In other words, the direction where the dead body hangs is the way of life...?

"Why are there two corpses hanging? Do you have to rely on luck to choose a road without ghosts? But this does not conform to the laws of supernatural events. There should be something I haven't noticed." Wen Zhong stepped forward and stood in the middle of the road, approaching Observe two hanging corpses from a distance.

The surrounding smog is getting worse, it seems to be blocking Wen Zhong's sight, and he doesn't want him to see the details of the corpse.

Wen Zhong raised his hand and waved it, trying to disperse the dense fog, but this fog seemed to have some kind of strange power, gathering and not dispersing, and now Wen Zhong had to go to the tree if he wanted to see the corpse clearly.

"Go and have a look first."

Wen Zhong raised his feet and walked slowly to the tree on the right side of the intersection. Under the cover of the smog, Wen Zhong could only see the outline of the corpse clearly. He stood under the tree and thought for a moment, then lifted the ghost The hand grabbed the corpse hanging from the tree.

The corpse was wrapped in iron chains and was firmly tied to a tree. Wen Zhong groped and found that the corpse was missing its right leg and right hand, which had been covered by a wide white robe, so Wen Zhong didn't discover it in time.

As for the face of the corpse, because Wen Zhong couldn't reach it, he had to give it up, but through the hair, he could vaguely see that the face of the corpse was covered with pus-yellow, viscous corpse fluid.

The iron chain wrapped around the body was not firm, and it was covered with rust stains. Wen Zhong wanted to break the iron chain and pull the body down, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do it.

Then, he came to the tree in front of him again, and groped the corpse in the same way. Unlike the corpse hanging on the tree on the right, this corpse was quite complete, also bound by iron chains, and his face was full of rot. corpse water.

"These two corpses, one is complete and the other is mutilated."

Wen Zhong fell into deep thought, and now he was very sure that the two corpses were to serve as a guide.

"These two corpses should be hung up artificially, but why did he (she) hang up two corpses, and what's the point of hanging the corpses?" Only the living will see it.

Therefore, if the two corpses serve as a guide, then there are only two purposes.

"One is for deterrence, but it's unlikely because it's really unnecessary." Wen Zhong narrowed his eyes, "The other reason is more simple. It's purely local materials. It is the most convenient guide material."

However, they were able to use the corpse as a road sign, and even dressed up the corpse on purpose. It seemed that the mental state of the person who did this was quite abnormal.

"There are ghosts in the place where the corpse is not hung. If there are other survivors, they should be on these two roads." Wen Zhong frowned.

"And it looks like there used to be other ghost masters in this old forest."

Wen Zhong recalled the "ghost and man" he met just now. He also laughed at the ghost with golden hair on his head. Now that he thought about it, it was the ghost driver who died there after the ghost recovered. He just didn't know that the yellow hair was dyed by himself. Yes, or is it a foreign ghost master?

If this kind of supernatural event was not involved in it like he was unlucky, it would be an organized team of ghost masters. I don't know if there are other living ghost masters here besides him and Yan Duo.

Wen Zhong looked at the corpse hanging on the tree again.

Now it is time to unravel the mystery of the meaning of the two corpses. If they are really suspended artificially, it means that the two roads are safe, but Wen Zhong has only one person, and there is no way to walk two roads. Of course, choose a relatively safe path.

Wen Zhong came to the right again and carefully observed the wound on the corpse. The cut surface of the wound was very smooth, as if cut by a sharp weapon.

"I seem to understand a little bit..." Wen Zhong nodded thoughtfully. If the corpse is a road sign, then the place cut off by the knife can also be regarded as a different kind of mark, a simple and rough mark.

Then, the meaning of this body that has been hacked twice is self-evident.

"It seems that the road ahead is the road they came from, and the road on the right is the road they took, and they have passed it at least twice, so it seems that the right road is relatively a safe road." Wen Zhong thought of this, slowly let out a sigh of relief.

All of the above are his guesses, and in this ghostly place lacking information, he can only speculate on what might happen based on his own observations.

Wen Zhong raised his vigilance and walked towards the road on the right. He didn't notice that the surrounding smog gradually dissipated as he left, and the two corpses were still hanging quietly on the treetops...

Walking on the small road, Wen Zhong paid attention to his surroundings from time to time, looking at the unchanging scenery around him, he kept walking like this, and after an unknown period of time, just when he felt a little tired, he suddenly stopped and looked at the nearby woods.

I don't know if it's his illusion, he has a feeling of being spied on.

Wen Zhong frowned, the path under his feet had disappeared, and the sense of peeping was coming from the nearby woods. Although he was slightly tired, his vigilance had not weakened in the slightest.

Almost instantly, he ran to the side of the woods. At this moment, a figure flashed in the woods. It didn't look like a ghost, but it should be a living person from the back.

Now that the surrounding smog is not serious, Wen Zhong can see it clearly. It is a woman with long black hair, wearing some worn-out student uniform, panting heavily, and looks a little panicked.

"It seems that my guess is correct. There are still survivors here. I don't know if they are the people who were pulled into this ghost domain like me, or the survivors from before."

However, Wen Zhong has not found drinkable water and food until now, even ghost masters need to eat.

This is a big problem. There is not enough water and food in the ghost domain. It is almost impossible for the people who were pulled into the ghost domain to survive here.

Wen Zhong looked at the back of the woman going away, thought for a while and chased after her. He felt that if someone survived here, they should know something about the situation here.

(End of this chapter)

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