Online game super god animal trainer

Chapter 55 Attacking the BOSS

Chapter 55 Attacking the BOSS
The chewing sound is creepy, and I can't stand it alone in the sea, so I turned on the cartoon mode.

In the cartoon mode, the bloody and terrifying scenes will be harmonized, which sometimes affects the prediction of the monster's real action, so both Su Ming and Spade K resisted the pressure and did not open it.

This point Su Ming learned from the strategy of "Let's enjoy the drunken wine".

Pete's son burped after eating. He raised his stubby arm and pointed at Su Ming, shouting:


In the elevator shaft, six infected workers fell, and their target was also Su Ming.

"Pete's hatred has been passed on to his son, spores, be careful." Spade K said, and began to shoot with his crossbow.

Mutated Infector - Life Overload Form (LV15, Pitt Factory BOSS): 90000/90000.

9 blood volume is exaggerated for a level 15 boss, but Pete’s son has been sitting on the ground and doesn’t move very much. He may be a standing boss. The blood volume of this type of boss is higher than that of bosses of the same level. High is also normal.

"Heiye, Dahai, come and help me deal with the little monsters." Su Ming shouted, he ran sideways with the little monsters, and asked Xiao Hei to use the percentage damage of "Coordinated Attack" to deal with Pete's son.

When playing a dungeon, the most common situation is "killing at the first sight". Some bosses are actually not difficult, but the first time I see them, I can't figure out the attack mode of the boss, and invest too much resources in the wrong place , leading to group destruction.

Su Ming and the others need to fight carefully and figure out the boss's action pattern little by little.

With the huge body of Pete's son, it is estimated that there will be a strong attack within close range. The position of the night and the sea is not good, so Su Ming dare not let them deal with Pete's son.

But they had fought hundreds of infected workers before, so it was okay to deal with mobs.

The hatred of the mobs is very fragile, a few attacks by Hei Ye and Dahai can draw the hatred away and relieve Su Ming of some pressure.

"Go to hell." After Pete's son's blood volume dropped a little, it stood up with difficulty, shaking the rotten flesh on its body, and the green juice was thrown out, corroding the floor around him.

If Xiao Hei accidentally walks through the corroded floor, he will suffer 400~500 points of toxin burn damage.

After covering the corroded floor around his body, Pete's son sat down again, pointed at Su Ming, and spoke again:

On Su Ming's side, as soon as the infected workers were cleaned up, a new batch of workers came in, and the number increased by one to seven.

"This little monster is so annoying." Du Juhai switched to the suppressed state, relying on high attack speed and blood recovery to fight a monster one-on-one.

Three hundred black nights are better than standing alone in the sea. Berserker's level 5 skill "Bloodthirsty" can also recover blood, and with the high attack speed and damage brought by blood pressure, he can hit two by himself.

As for Su Ming, he ran with 4 workers and recovered with blood bottles. Fortunately, the addition points and equipment of the animal trainer needed to increase the life value, so it could be considered a half-meat.

"Forget it's annoying, if you don't have experience in fighting, it's useless." Sanbai Heiye said.

"The night, the sea, bring the monsters together, I asked Xiao Hei to help." Su Ming shouted.

Since Peter's son was surrounded by corroded floors, Xiao Hei couldn't get close to him at all, so Su Ming called Xiao Hei back.

The night and the sea worked together, and the infected workers were brought together.

Perfect tactics!

Viscous liquid!

Rapid ejection!
As soon as Xiao Hei joined the battlefield, the blood volume of these workers dropped rapidly. However, the output of tokens is not counted in the team panel, so the current number one output is firmly occupied by the King of Spades.

"Go to hell!" Pete's son spoke again, and Su Ming and the others became nervous, because every time Pete's son spoke, he would make a strange attack.

This time, Pete's son pointed at the spade K, and a ball of viscous venom burst out from where the spade K was, and was snatched away by the spade K with a roll. .

"Go to hell! Go to hell!" Pete's son chased the spade K and attacked, and a large area of ​​the floor was infected again.

"No, you guys have to do the output too." Spade K frowned, "If I play this slowly by myself, sooner or later these floors will be completely corroded."

Su Ming is also aware of this problem.

Not only is the floor unable to stand on the output, but the number of mobs summoned by the BOSS is also increasing. The output must be played quickly, not dawdling.

"Attack!" Pete's son called out the infected workers to help after releasing the ground blast venom. This time, the number of infected workers became 8, and they chased the Spade King to interfere with his output.

After knocking out 20% of Pete's son's blood volume, the hatred finally shifted.

Su Ming watched the infected worker fall from the elevator shaft, and with a flash of inspiration, he handed the elevator key to Hei Ye and said:

"In the dark night, you go up the elevator and see if you can block the mobs summoned by the boss. If you can, run away if they blame you, so as not to attract hatred. Can you do it?"

"I'll try it."

Since fighters have more long-range attacks than berserkers, Su Ming left the sea behind.

Hei Ye took the key and took the elevator back to the first floor.

Su Ming, Dahai, Spade K, and Xiao Hei, the three of them joined forces to deal with the mobs, and quickly cleaned up the summons, and then started to deal with Pete's son.

Xiao Hei is the only one without long-range attack means, but there is also a way of output, as long as it bounces over and bounces back, and don’t land. It’s not enough, and sometimes he will be caught by Pete’s son. Fortunately, Su Ming has the skill of "protecting the Lord" , can forcibly pull Xiao Hei back.

The skill of protecting the master seems to be more protective of pets.

"go to hell!"

Pete's son started the ground blast venom attack again.

"Strange, the drop in blood volume is not the same as before. Why did you use the skill again?" Su Ming wondered, "Is there no pattern?"

"It should be released according to the time." Spade K pointed out: "I calculated it, once a minute. You can check the time I posted on the team channel."

"It turns out that the time you posted was for recording purposes. I thought you, like Li Nuo, would have something to do later." Du Juhai laughed.

Su Ming memorized this technique silently and continued to output.

Because the hatred is on the Spade K, the attack is chasing the Spade K. The speed of the second ground explosion speeds up, and the number of times increases. It is really impossible for Su Ming and Dahai to avoid it.


This time, no mobs appeared.

The good news from Sanbai Heiye came from the team channel:

"The group of mobs can't find the entrance, they're wandering around the elevator entrance. I'm safe hiding on the second floor. Come on."

Without the threat of mobs, Su Ming's output became even more unscrupulous.

"Spore, pay attention to your damage, don't overtake me, you may not be able to dodge the boss's special attack if you don't move fast enough." Spade K said to Su Ming.

"Yeah." Su Ming also knew, and Xiao Hei carefully controlled the output efficiency.

Dahai doesn't have to worry at all, he can release his skills after cooling down, he can't attack normally, and the output efficiency is very low, it is impossible to surpass Su Ming and Spade K.

The blood volume of the boss decreased steadily, but as time passed, more and more ground was infected by the venom, and the attack became more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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