Chapter 257
After a year, Su Fan returned to the East China Sea Territory again.

After traveling for a year, he came to part of Shenhan's land, and Su Fan also had a certain understanding of the location of Shenhan's world.

At the same time, he also knew better about the princes of Shenhan. After all, the information of the dark owl was not as accurate as what he saw with his own eyes.

Moreover, An Xiao's strength was far inferior to his. Most of the time, An Xiao couldn't investigate clearly what he could perceive.

From south to north, Su Fan personally observed the strength of several princes, and now, Luoyang Zhengtong is considered the biggest power.

Occupying righteousness itself, plus part of the Forbidden Army and Xiliang Army, as well as Lu Bu's Bingzhou Army, these are all elites.

Although the various forces in Luoyang City are fighting for power and profit, there is no unified voice, and even the Yang family cannot have the absolute right to speak like Dong Zhuo.

Therefore, the strength is the strongest on the surface, but it is difficult to send troops. However, if someone attacks Luoyang, these people will gather together.

Therefore, Luoyang's threat is not great, only defense has no offensive ability, and the success of the court, in addition to fighting for power and profit, is more about drunkenness and death.

Secondly, the princes of the Northland should belong to Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan.

Liu Yu in Youzhou was defeated by Gongsun Zan, and most of the chassis fell into Gongsun Zan's hands.

But Jizhou fell into Yuan Shao.

The two princes both coveted each other's land.

Yuan Shao coveted the war horses of Youzhou, while Gongsun Zan coveted the wealth of Jizhou.

So the two sides tacitly agreed, so they raised their troops and went to work.

The battle between the two princes was quite fierce. As for the army, Yuan Shao had millions of troops under his command.

Jizhou is rich and has a large population, even higher than Yuzhou, so since Yuan Shao took Jizhou, he immediately started the violent mode.

In just a few years, millions of soldiers and horses were pulled up.

This is the work of local tyrants, because there is no shortage of money and food, the Yuan brothers can conscript as much as they want, but other princes can't.

If you raise soldiers, it’s fine if you don’t pay them, but at least you have to feed them. The daily military rations are terrifying figures.

Most of the princes have just obtained their own chassis, have not digested it, and do not have much money and food at all.

So it's hard to be violent.

The entire Shenhan, that is, the two Yuan brothers have more than one million soldiers, and others, such as Liu Biao of Jingzhou and Liu Yan of Yizhou, only have an army of hundreds of thousands.

Of course, due to the geographical location of the two places, there is no need for violent soldiers.

However, in recent years, Jingzhou has also started conscription, because Yuan Shu is constantly attacking, so Liu Biao has to conscript to deal with it.

Gongsun Zan in Youzhou was even more miserable. The bitter cold of Youzhou was not much different from Bingzhou.

The population is small, not rich, and Gongsun Zan's internal affairs are not good, so the governance of the region is even worse. After acquiring Youzhou, he has no money and no food, otherwise he would not go to Jizhou for attention.

There is not much money and food, so there are not many soldiers and horses under his command. After swallowing Liu Yu, he barely reached 60.

However, he doesn't have many soldiers, but the proportion of elites is extremely high. After all, Youzhou is at the border, and he often has to fight the barbarians in the grassland.

Even the original army under Liu Yu's command, many of them were elite soldiers.

Because of this, Gongsun Zan had the confidence to fight Yuan Shao.

In his opinion, although there are many soldiers and horses in Jizhou, they are similar to the Yellow Turban Army and have no combat power.

It may not even be comparable to the Yellow Turban Army. After all, the Yellow Turban Army has Yellow Turban warriors and a group of soldiers of faith, who can often exceed their limit combat power.

The soldiers and horses in Jizhou are all recruits, how can they compare with their Youzhou soldiers.

In the battle between the two princes, the Jizhou soldiers and horses at the beginning were indeed not the opponents of Youzhou Gongsun Zan.

After all, the quality of the soldiers is incomparable, especially Gongsun Zan's cavalry is extremely powerful, and Bai Mayi has never been a heavy cavalry, but a light cavalry.

However, they are almost invincible on the battlefield. Whether it is rushing into the formation or long-range harassment, Jizhou soldiers and horses are still unable to counterattack them.

Therefore, in the early stage, when the two armies fought, Jizhou often suffered more losses, and even Gongsun Zan laid down a base of many counties in Jizhou.

It's a pity that even though such a county is conquered, it is difficult to gain much. After all, he has not completely defeated Yuan Shao. Naturally, the rich families in this county will not completely surrender to him, and what he can get is only a small amount of food.

After all, most of the food was in the hands of those aristocratic families, and he didn't dare to snatch it easily.

The power of the aristocratic family, even the peak gods at that time, would not dare to suppress it too much, let alone now.

The last person who suppressed and slaughtered the family is already dead.

To Gongsun Zan, winning a county didn't give him that much. On the contrary, after several battles, the soldiers under Yuan Shao's command were tempered, especially those generals, who experienced a few battles, and each of them made great progress.

In addition to Ju Yi, a strong general in Jizhou, you must know that when Yuan Shao was still trying to get Jizhou, the general of Jizhou was not only Pan Feng, but there was also a general in Jizhou, and that was Ju Yi.

Of course, Pan Feng is stronger in terms of personal force, but in terms of leading troops in battle, Ju Yi can beat Pan Feng and the others.

Ju Yi himself came from a lowly family background, he was born in Liangzhou, he fought in the frontier army since he was a child, and later he was appreciated by the previous governor of Jizhou, and became a general in the Jizhou army.

A capable person is inherently arrogant, and Ju Yi is naturally too. He looks down on Han Fu and thinks Han Fu is incompetent.

So when Han Fu became the governor of Jizhou, he was quite suppressed.

Later Yuan Shao and Han Fu fought, he took the lead to join Yuan Shao, and it was he who caused Han Fu to lose to Yuan Shao quickly.

After all, his status in the Jizhou army is still very high. Pan Feng is very strong personally, but he is not a general who knows soldiers. The soldiers know that Pan Feng is brave personally, but he is not good at fighting.

But Ju Yi is different, most of the soldiers are more willing to follow Ju Yi.

It was because of Ju Yi that Yuan Shao could easily win Jizhou.

In the battle with Gongsun Zan, Ju Yi had been fighting against the front line. Without Ju Yi, Yuan Shao's defeat would have been even worse.

After all, in history, Yuan Shao was not Gongsun Zan's opponent in the early stage.

It is even more difficult now, because in Jizhou today, the military generals have withered, and half of the famous generals in Jizhou have fallen into Su Fan's hands.

The quality of generals in Jizhou dropped by [-]% at once.

People like Zhang He Gao Lan, although they don't have much experience at the beginning, but after going through a few battles, they will definitely become powerful generals.

It's a pity that they are all gone, and the same is true. Facing Gongsun Zan's attack, Yuan Shao retreated steadily. In addition to Ju Yi's desperate efforts, he was able to block it with the help of Yuan's magic group.

Of course, after half a year of fighting, Gongsun Zan's soldiers were also exhausted, and the fighting gradually ceased.

(End of this chapter)

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