Chapter 234 Warning
"Take away all the craftsmen in the city, and give the food and grass to the common people. We should also withdraw," Su Fan stood in the county government office, looking into the distance. He knew that Dong Zhuo might have known the news of the collapse of Pingyin County.

This was a warning Su Fan gave the other party before leaving.

A few days ago, the two parties had already negotiated, and he wanted the position of General Mu Zhendong in Yangzhou, but the coalition forces fought among themselves, and more than half of them left. Dong Zhuo felt that it was okay again, so he played with him.

Su Fan was not used to Dong Zhuo. In terms of strength, he was no less than Dong Zhuo.

At most, there are not as many cavalry as the opponent, and not as elite as the opponent.

However, he is not without means to deal with cavalry, besides, he will not lack cavalry in a few years.

In the East China Sea Territory, he established a horse farm early on, a horse farm that can accommodate 80 war horses.

In the past few years, relying on Mi's business, he has transported 10,000+ horses from the Northland, and now the racecourse has achieved results. As time goes by, there will be more and more warhorses in the racecourse.

Naturally, there is no shortage of cavalry.

Su Fan is also planning ahead. The southern waters are vast and need a navy, but the northern lands need a cavalry if they want to move freely. Otherwise, in the event of a battle with the princes of the northern lands, it would be a disadvantage if they don't have cavalry.

Even if Su Fan had the means to restrain the cavalry, it would be very troublesome for light cavalry like Baima Yicong to harass them constantly.

In fact, there are really no heavy armored cavalry right now, even the Xiliang iron cavalry is nothing more than leather armor. After all, Dong Zhuo is not from a top-notch family.

Only Su Fan has this ability.

In fact, there was indeed a heavy cavalry in the Eastern Sea Territory, but it was just an experimental soldier, because Su Fan planned to make this heavy cavalry into an invincible existence.

Even their iron armor must be equipped with rune secret armor.

This kind of rune secret armor is also a kind of rune magic weapon slowly built by Mo Gong and others according to Su Fan's suggestion.

Of course, the price of this kind of rune secret armor is quite high. One piece of rune secret armor costs as much as a hundred pieces of iron armor.

And it must be an ink worker who has practiced the way of runes in order to create it.

Therefore, his experimental force is not large in number.

Although he has earned a lot of wealth through business over the years, he has to spend money and food everywhere, especially in the army, and the annual consumption of wealth is astonishingly large.

However, the money and food that Su Fan spent in the army over the years has also been shown.

Just like now, Pingyin County has [-] soldiers and horses, but Su Fan only used [-] to break through the county.

It can be said that it was completely crushed. After losing the other princes, Su Fan completely released the fighting power of the army.

Even though Pingyin County has strengthened the talisman array, it still couldn't resist Su Fan's [-] army.

Of course, there are also Xu Chu, Chen Dao and their fierce generals played a big role. In Pingyin City, although there are Lian Gang generals, compared with Xu Chu and Chen Dao, the gap is not so big.

There may not be a big difference between warriors in the Real Astral Realm, but there is a huge gap in the first level of the Yuanling Realm and Shenzang Realm.

Not to mention the difference in the number of getting along.

After Xu Chu rushed to the top of the wall, none of the two generals who practiced Gang could stop his strike.

So Pingyin City didn't stop Su Fan's army for long at all.

After winning the city, Su Fan also reminded Dong Zhuo that even if the others left, he could still threaten Luoyang.

A few days ago, when Tao Qian and Kong Ni learned about the news from Hulao Pass, they led the army to Hulao Pass.

Dong Zhuo repented a little, so Su Fan planned this fight, and finally counterattacked before leaving.

When he came, there were 10 troops, and when he returned, there were [-] people. Among them were the talents he recruited and some refugees.

Sure enough, a few days later, before Su Fan left Hanoi, Li Su also came again, and also took an appointment edict, but the other party played a trick, General Zhendong gave it to him, but Yangzhou Mu It became Yuzhou Mu.

Su Fan knew what the other party meant, did he just want to watch him fight Yuan Shu?
In fact, not only him, but all the princes who left were promoted one by one by Dong Zhuo. Only a few princes such as Yuan Shao who were still in Hulao Pass, Dong Zhuo did not move.

Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and the others didn't move either. Obviously these people were not reconciled.

However, it is not easy for their millions of troops to attack Luoyang City. Lu Bu is not dead, and with a strong general like Lu Bu sitting in the town, these princes are also terrified.

After all, if it really continues and Lu Bu comes out, who will resist? After Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were gone, the princes realized that the generals under their command faced Lu Bu like paper.

Of course, Yan Liangwen Chou under Yuan Shao's command is actually not bad, and his cultivation has also reached the sixth level of Gang Gang.

Among the generals under the command of the vassals, they are also at the top level, only slightly inferior to Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. The two teamed up to fight against the seventh level of refining gang, and they are not afraid.

The two came from the same school, and they share the same mind. If they fight together, their combat power will be improved by a level.

But relying on the two of them alone, they are not Lu Bu's opponents. Dong Zhuo also has powerful generals such as Hua Xiong and Zhang Liao under his command.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Su Fan. Whether Yuan Shao and the other princes are willing to continue fighting with Dong Zhuo has nothing to do with Su Fan.

The two sides fought dead, that was the best, they fought bloody, and they developed rapidly in the rear.

This time he came to join the Qing Dynasty's side of the coalition army, in order to make a name for himself, and at the same time to plan for an official position.

Now all of this has been achieved. Even though Dong Zhuo was smart enough to replace Yangzhou Mu, Yuzhou Mu was actually for Su Fan.

That's even better, because he can recruit those talents in Yingchuan, especially the Xun clan in Yingchuan.

What Su Fan desires most now is Xun Yu.

This person known as Wang Zuozhi by later generations, whose internal affairs ability is no less than that of Xiao He and Zhuge Liang, is actually the talent that Su Fan is most lacking nowadays.

As the land got bigger and bigger, he had to deal with more and more political affairs. Of course, Su Fan was not willing to do this.

He still likes to be the kind of hands-off shopkeeper, but it is very difficult to have such a person who leads all the officials under his command.

Xi Zhi is the strategist, he has strategies, he can make suggestions, but let him handle the overall government affairs, it is a bit short, Cheng Yu is actually the same, they are more of a planner.

But Xun Yu is different, Xun Yu is the real prime minister, just like Zhuge Liang.

Of course, Zhuge Liang is classified as an all-rounder through the ages, whether it is government affairs, military affairs, or even a staff officer, he is considered a top-notch level.

Such a person is rare throughout the ages.

But now that Zhuge Liang was still a kid, it was impossible for Su Fan to find him, so Xun Yu, who was Wang Zuozhi's talent, was his best candidate.

(End of this chapter)

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