From the world of martial arts

Chapter 226 Four Forces of the Military Academy

Chapter 226
"General Xu! Dong Zhuo is nepotism, and he can't know people well. If you are the commander who defends our army this time." "I don't think we can break through your defense line at all. Dong Zhuo's failure is his own fault."

In Su Fan's military camp, Xi Zhicai looked at the silent Xu Rong, and kept talking.

"My lord is different. These days you should be able to see that you know people well, you have the reputation of knowing people, and you firmly believe in meritocracy. As long as you have the ability, you will definitely be given the status and rights to exert your abilities."

"Presumably, General Xuan and General Uncle and Nephew have also communicated with you before, and you understand what their identities were before."

"My lord doesn't care about your background, no matter you are born in a first-class family or in the market, as long as you have the ability, you will be able to rise to the top."

"To tell you the truth, our strength is not weaker than Dong Zhuo's. Dong Zhuo has hundreds of thousands of Xiliang elites under his command, and he controls millions of forbidden troops. He is indeed number one in the world."

"However, he is insoluble among the gentry. Luoyang seems to be controlled by him, but in fact he is in danger now."

"Xiangguo has millions of powerful troops to suppress it, and the princes of the Kanto region can't break through the Hulao Pass." Xu Rong, who was silent for a long time, responded.

"That's right, Hulao Pass is the most powerful pass in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of strong troops sitting in it, and it is difficult to break through even with tens of millions of troops."

"But is Dong Zhuo really relieved? The army under Dong Zhuo's command is too complicated. There are Xiliang elites from the direct line, as well as the Bingzhou Army and the Forbidden Army."

"Although the Xiliang army suppressed it, the Bingzhou army and the imperial army did not dare to act rashly, but they can hold it for a while, but they can't hold it for a lifetime. Your Xiliang army is arrogant and domineering in Luoyang City, robbing at will, causing anger and resentment."

"Luoyang City is like a furnace, sooner or later it will explode from the inside"

Xi Zhicai said calmly, "General Xu, is he willing to be bombed to pieces with Dong Zhuo? Even if you are, are your family members willing?"

"General Xu, you are not from Xiliang's direct lineage. Even if you have outstanding ability, it is difficult to stand out. Why not follow my lord to make contributions. There are tens of millions of people and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers under my lord. In the future,,,,, "

"And General Xu, you don't have to worry about your family, the lord has already sent someone to bring your family over."

When Xi Zhi stepped out of the tent, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Zhicai, how are you?"

"Haha! Don't worry, my lord, Xu Rong is not a foolish and loyal person, and Dong Zhuo is not worthy of his foolish loyalty."

"very good!"

Su Fan nodded with a smile all over his face. At that time, he would add another general, and this general was different from the general who charged into battle like Tai Shici Chen.

This is a commanding general. There are actually very few such generals. Although famous generals emerged in large numbers at the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, most of the generals are actually more of the type who charge forward, such as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Lu Bu, etc.

There are four factions or four forces in military strategists, military strategy, military form, military yin and yang, and military skills.

The core of the strategy lies in the temple calculation, that is, the calculation of the odds and how to win in advance. The commander's heart moves before the soldiers and horses move.The value of this faction lies in security and safety. The victory or defeat is clear in the chest.

The core of this school is clever calculation and strategy, which requires a strong overall view, strategy, and military strategy, and the representative is Bing Xian Han Xin.

The core of the military situation lies in the use of tactics before the battle, driving the army like an arm, knowing how to arrange troops, advance and retreat offensively and defensively, charge and withdraw troops, etc., to maximize the victory of the war.

This faction advocates the temporary flexibility of the enemy's soul and requires extremely high military support for generals, because they often need to charge forward and take the lead in order to stimulate the morale of the three armies and achieve the strongest combat power.

The representative figure is Xiang Yu in the late Qin Dynasty. It can be said that he is the ancestor of the Yongzhan faction. In the late Han and Three Kingdoms era, most of the generals were from this faction.

The core of Bing Yin Yang is the right time and place, astronomical phenomena, geography and other things that cannot be controlled and changed by people, become beneficial to one's own side and harmful to the enemy.

The characters of this school are like gods and ghosts, they understand yin and yang, and understand the phenomena of the sky. They often fight, and they will choose the place where the heaven and earth are beneficial to themselves. The representative of this school is Zhuge Liang.

The core of soldier skills is to improve all the strength of the army, and it can be used even if you have not led soldiers to fight.Soldiers skills are very practical and can pay off quickly.Improving the physical fitness of soldiers, strengthening military discipline, sufficient and timely supply of food and grass, innovating and inventing practical weapons and equipment, specific methods of managing the army well, and the unity of soldiers and soldiers are all a kind of soldier skills.

This faction is the least famous of the four factions of military strategists, but the further it goes, the more powerful it is, but the technology is improving.

And Su Fan is now a representative of this faction, crushing the enemy with powerful logistics and advanced weapons and equipment.

The reason why Niu Fu's Xiliang army was suppressed by him was because of this, not to mention Niu Fu, even Xu Rong, there was absolutely no good way to fight him.

And Xu Rong himself is a bit like a military strategist, but his experience is much worse, but he has this potential.

There is no distinction between the four factions of military strategists, only if they are suitable or not. For example, this soldier skill may be very suitable for Su Fan, but another person may not be able to do it.

There is no limit to other technological productivity.

Military strategy is often a handsome talent, the form of a soldier represents a brave general, and the yin and yang of a soldier is an all-rounder.

No matter what, Su Fan was very happy to be able to subdue such a handsome talent in the future. Being handsome means being able to command large-scale wars, which is often the defect of a brave general.

But Xu Rong did not have these flaws, not to mention that the two sides judged each other, after all, there is no comparison.

It is not uncommon for some military generals to lead thousands of troops to defeat an army of tens of thousands.

Of course, in Su Fan's eyes, handsome talents are more useful to him. After all, future wars require handsome talents to command large-scale battles.

It is very difficult for Chen Dao and Tai Shici to have such ability, not to say they are not good, but they are not fully competent.

And Xu Rong has such an ability, the battle of the large corps must take into account the connection between the various arms.

In this regard, Su Fan couldn't do it either. Although he had lived in his heart for more than a hundred years, it was really rare to lead an army.

So he needed to find someone who commanded the three armies. At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, if there was such a person, of course there was. Zhuge Kongming and Zhou Yu were the top figures among them, and of course Sima Yi also counted.

The experienced Cao Cao can also do it, but Cao Cao is the monarch, and he naturally has a slight advantage in clever calculations and military tactics.

In addition, there are very few handsome talents who can command the three armies. In the later stage, Lu Xun, Jiang Wei, and Deng Ai are also counted.

In particular, Lu Xun's commander-in-chief is not much worse than Zhou Yu. It can be said that the four major governors of Soochow have good commanding abilities.

But Zhuge Kongming and Sima Yi were the only ones who really achieved the top level. Both of them were born as literati, but their ability to lead troops in battle made many generals feel ashamed.

Especially Zhuge Kongming, who is considered to be at the forefront of Wumiao.

Later generations of the Internet did not have a high evaluation of Zhuge Kongming, it was because his political talent was too outstanding, which was misunderstood.

In Su Fan's eyes, Zhuge Liang's military talent was definitely among the top three in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of Han Dynasty.

With the power of Shu, Wei, which was suppressed in the early stage, was almost out of breath.

It's a pity that the potential of Shu is still too low.

(End of this chapter)

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