The top of the scholar

Chapter 727 A Nightmare

Chapter 727 A Nightmare

Xu You explained the questions raised by Luo Wenkun. For all these data, Xu You had done very detailed and precise calculations.

Just a lunar planetary engine has such a huge power consumption, which can be compared with the power generation of the entire Blue Star in the previous year, which seems to be an incredible thing.

Of course, with the maturity and popularization of controllable nuclear fusion technology, Blue Star's annual power generation will also increase exponentially, and there is not much need to compare the previous data.

After a day's work, everyone returned to the lunar scientific research station and prepared to rest.

At the end of the day, although Xu You and the others did not participate in any substantive work, they were only testing and evaluating the progress of the project, but in fact, the intensity of such work was still very high.

Because the amount of work involved in the planetary engine project is too great, even if Xu You and the others stay here for more than ten hours a day, there is still a lot of work that can't be done.

What's more, when working on the moon, everyone needs to wear space suits carefully and adapt to the acceleration of gravity on the moon.

Although the new version of the space suit is much thinner than the previous space suit, it must not be as comfortable as on the blue star in this environment.

After everyone returned to the lunar scientific research station, they all fell asleep.

Luo Wenkun's mental state has returned to normal, and because this is Luo Wenkun's first day out with everyone after his physical discomfort, this day is still relatively hard.

After lying on the bed, Luo Wenkun quickly fell asleep.

Xu You has much more energy than ordinary people. He only needs four to five hours of sleep every day, and he comes to bed after he has done some work.

Relying on his unique sleeping skills, Xu You also quickly fell asleep.

At midnight, the entire lunar scientific research station was very quiet.

Except for a few staff members who were on duty, everyone was in a deep sleep.

When a person enters a state of deep sleep, dreams appear naturally.

At this time, in Luo Wenkun's dream, Luo Wenkun came to a mysterious place that he had never been to before.

This place is filled with endless darkness, except for his own body, Luo Wenkun can't see anything.

Luo Wenkun was not even sure whether the land under his feet was real land.

Just when Luo Wenkun felt overwhelmed.

Suddenly, behind Luo Wenkun, a creepy monster appeared!

The monster was ten meters tall, gray-brown all over, with a ferocious face, standing upright, and ran towards Luo Wenkun.

Luo Wenkun took a closer look, and found that the monster had horns on its head, a face that looked like a human but not a human, and a dazzling blue light released from its eyes.

Luo Wenkun had never seen such a monster before, and the great sense of fear made Luo Wenkun subconsciously run forward.

Because the monster's size was too huge, its running speed was much faster than Luo Wenkun's. Before he knew it, Luo Wenkun was about to be overtaken by the monster.

In a trance, Luo Wenkun reached out and groped in his arms.

"This is... a pistol..."

At this time, Luo Wenkun only felt that everything around him was like a dream, and he couldn't tell whether it was in a dream or the real world.

But Luo Wenkun can't take care of so much anymore, before the monster catches up with him, Luo Wenkun must do his best to fight back.

What Luo Wenkun didn't know was that in the real world, he had already climbed out of his bed at this time, and came to Xu You's bed, holding a pistol in his arms.

At this moment, Xu You seemed to have discovered something suddenly, opened his eyes, and woke up Luo Wenkun.

"Wen Kun, wake up!"

Hearing Xu You's familiar voice, the monster image in Luo Wenkun's mind began to blur.

Gradually, Luo Wenkun jumped out of the dream, and the picture in front of him became clear again.

"Wen Kun, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Luo Wenkun sweating profusely, Xu You hurriedly asked with concern.

"I... I don't know too well. I just had a nightmare, and I don't know how I got out of bed."

Luo Wenkun was in a daze, as if he had lost his backbone.

"Wen Kun, have you ever had this kind of sleepwalking state before?" Xu You asked.

"Hmm... I probably haven't had it before. I don't know what's going on. It's the first time I had such a real nightmare that terrified me."

Luo Wenkun also felt very incomprehensible about this. He had just recovered, but he did not expect such a strange reaction to appear again in his sleep.

Xu You did not pay special attention to this, but smiled and said:

"Wen Kun, don't worry too much about it. Today's work is indeed a bit hard, and it is normal to have some slightly excessive reactions."

"Well, sorry to interrupt your rest."

"It's okay, go on to sleep."

Without Luo Wenkun noticing, Xu You noticed a detail.

Where the pistols were hanging on the wall, there should have been the pistols of Xu You and Luo Wenkun, but at this time only Xu You's pistols were hanging on the wall.

Xu You didn't mention this matter in front of Luo Wenkun, but silently kept this matter in his heart, went back to bed and continued to sleep.


In the following days, Xu You and others continued to repeat such work.

Except for the abnormal state that night, Luo Wenkun never experienced other abnormalities, and under the control of Xu You and others, the construction of the planetary engine was also very smooth.

At this time, Xu You and the others were already preparing to temporarily end their work on the moon and return to Blue Star.

Unknowingly, they have been on the moon for several months. During this period, although the construction of the first lunar planetary engine is far from being completed, it has passed the most difficult stages.

What Luo Wenkun didn't know was that everything he heard, saw, felt, and thought had been transmitted to Proxima Centauri b, which is light-years away, through the super quantum parasitic in his body.

"What? Xu You and the others are going back to Blue Star soon?"

After hearing the news, the humanoid creature in the lead felt a little urgent.

These days, they have been thinking about how to interfere with the plan of the lunar planetary engine.

And they also tried to use Luo Wenkun's body to carry out some lethal actions against Xu You.

(End of this chapter)

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