The top of the scholar

Chapter 589 This Didn't Happen By Accident

Chapter 589 This Didn't Happen By Accident
"According to this shielded area... the density of the positive load heart in the black hole must at least reach this value..."

During the period of rapid calculation in the brain, Xu You quickly simulated the substances existing in the black hole based on the results obtained so far.

This is a spherical substance, and there is a high-density positive load center inside, which makes it have a very strong attraction.

Objects that enter its capture range will be attracted by it and fall into the black hole.

The signal shielding effect it produces also comes from the strong electromagnetic field generated by the positive load heart.

"If the structure inside the black hole is indeed like this, it can indeed produce a similar effect..." Xu Youxin said.

Even if Xu You still can't confirm it, according to the information he has so far, there is no problem with this possibility.

Apart from this possibility, Xu You couldn't come up with any other more tenable hypothesis.

After all, this area not only has a strong shielding effect, but also allows objects close to this range to disappear mysteriously.

Unless it's some theory that even Xu You doesn't know, this is the final answer.

"Wait a minute... If the restricted area is really a sphere, then outside the restricted area can prove whether this theory is true."

Thinking of this, Xu You immediately contacted the people from the Aerospace Academy.

"Drive the Lunar Rover No. 500 to a position 150 meters away from the restricted area, and keep the two drones at a distance of [-] meters from the center of the restricted area, and take aerial photography alternately."

"Okay, Professor Xu."

This distance is considered by Xu You to be a safe distance outside the restricted area. If you observe within this range, the risk is very small.

In order to further control risks, Xu You especially emphasized that a drone must be used as the "pioneer", and the No. [-] lunar rover will follow behind.

After deploying the latest operation, Xu You took the pioneer drone as the first perspective, observing all the situations in the scene, and at the same time kept thinking.

The speed of the No. [-] lunar rover was very fast, and shortly after Xu You contacted the space agency, it approached the location of the black hole.

At this time, the No. [-] lunar rover began to slow down. At the same time, a drone took off from the lunar rover and flew ahead as a pioneer.

"If there is such a powerful attraction in the black hole, then there shouldn't be any fragmented objects in that area."

Judging from the existing information, it is still impossible to make a complete judgment, which is why Xu You wants to take further aerial photography of this range.

Theoretically speaking, this attraction does not distinguish between the type and size of matter, as long as it enters this range, it will be captured by strong gravity.

Only objects that are integrally connected with the surface of the moon will not be swallowed by this powerful attraction.

Unknowingly, the drone has approached the area where the restricted area is located, and is taking aerial photography in a safe range.

"Sure enough, in this area, you can't see any lunar garbage, gravel, etc. Such a clean area should not have been formed by accident."

If Xu You's guess is correct, some scattered objects nearby will be attracted into that deep black hole by a strong attraction.

As long as you can find a way to throw an object within this range, you can verify whether the guess is correct.

Of course, whether it is to enter the lunar rover or the drone into that area for testing, it is obviously a very expensive matter.

And this test can be completed using the No. [-] lunar rover.

Thinking of this, Xu You contacted the National Space Administration again.

"Let the No. [-] lunar rover search for some spherical stones, and find a downhill location nearby, and roll the stones to the restricted area. At the same time, use drones to track and take aerial photography."

"Okay, Professor Xu."

With the capabilities of the Lunar Rover No. [-], it is completely possible to complete such an operation.

And there are many mountains on the moon, so finding a slope is not difficult.

Soon, the astronaut's lunar rover driver controlled the lunar rover, found some spherical stones, and drove to a nearby hillside.

The climbing ability of Jintu No. 45 is very strong, even if it is a slope greater than [-] degrees, it can easily complete the climb.

Finally, the No. [-] lunar rover came to the top of a slope outside the restricted area, ready to push a few spherical stones towards the restricted area.

As a few stones fell to the ground, they rolled towards the area where the restricted area was located under the force of gravity.

The drone also quickly followed up, taking aerial photos outside the edge of the restricted area.


The moment the stones entered the restricted area, they seemed to be subjected to a strong force, which immediately changed their direction of movement.

"Is this... a centripetal movement?"

From the movement trajectories of several stones, it is easy to see that the direction of their force is changing all the time.

But the only thing that remains the same is that the direction of force always points to the center of the restricted area.

The scenes seen on the screen have more and more proved that Xu You's speculation is correct. In this restricted area, there is indeed a center of strong attraction.

In the end, these spherical stones rolled into the black hole without exception, and disappeared completely.

When Lu Zhiyao, Lin Shi, Cui Ying and others saw this scene, they were also so surprised that they didn't know what to say.

Who can imagine that such a mysterious area actually exists on the moon, which can swallow all objects within the range.

"Teacher, there shouldn't be...a primordial black hole here, right?"

Seeing this shocking scene, Lin Shi couldn't help asking in surprise.

"It's not a black hole. The nature of this force is different from that of gravity. I can basically confirm that what exists here is a high-density positive load center."

If it is really a matter similar to a black hole, then the attraction of this area is far more overbearing than what is observed now, and even light will be captured.

Judging from the scope that this attraction can work, it is very similar to the principle of the artificial gravity system developed by Xu You.

It's just that the strength of attraction is several grades higher than that of the artificial gravity system, making it even more impossible for the attracted objects to escape.

"An object containing electronic equipment, such as a lunar rover, will break the signal connection with the outside world when it enters this area. If a creature enters this area, it may also lose consciousness in a short period of time."

(End of this chapter)

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