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Chapter 557 The Sudden Appearance of Che Shaozhong

Chapter 557 The Sudden Appearance of Che Shaozhong
Conventional energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas will no longer have such an important position.

Because as long as commercial controlled nuclear fusion is realized, people only need to extract deuterium and tritium in seawater to use it as an energy source for controlled nuclear fusion.

Compared with petroleum, seawater can be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible. It is much easier to exploit than other energy sources, and there is no need to worry about energy depletion.

Once humans really successfully master the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, the impact on human life can be said to be earth-shaking.

But obviously, this news did not make people on the other side of the ocean feel so excited.

"If the rabbit is the first to master controllable nuclear fusion technology... will it be shared with us?"

The answer is obviously no.

Over the years, they have done too many things against the rabbit. When the rabbit rises, it is obvious that the rabbit cannot be expected to repay evil with kindness.

It would be fine if everyone could not master controllable nuclear fusion technology.

If only one party masters this technology, the pattern of the world will undoubtedly be changed.

Such a result was obviously unacceptable to Sam.

However, it is completely impossible to stop the rabbit's controlled nuclear fusion project.

Now Rabbit, almost all newly developed technologies are self-developed, unlike the previous industries involving chips, etc., which can rely on a ban to achieve the purpose of restriction.

With the current security capabilities of rabbits, it is also very difficult to destroy these facilities.

At this time, one person suggested:

"After all, Rabbit is also a member of the International Thermonuclear Fusion Organization. According to the regulations of the organization, these research results should be shared with everyone."

"However, the East Japan series of projects have nothing to do with the International Thermonuclear Fusion Organization, but are just a separate project. There is no basis for our request."

"We can't care so much anymore. Whether there is any basis or not, we must put it forward and give it a try. At least we must give them some pressure from public opinion."

After everyone finished talking about their thoughts, the white-haired old man concluded:
"We must ask Rabbit to share technology with the outside world. As for the result, we don't need to think about it. In addition, we must seize the last opportunity to promote the international thermonuclear fusion organization's controllable Research on nuclear fusion. Since rabbits can complete the research on this technology on their own, there is no reason why we can't."

"Sir, you also know that this organization is not as united as imagined. Even if the rabbit can complete the research of this technology, it doesn't mean that we can also complete it."

Because of the success of Dongri No. [-], it means that the rabbit has actually withdrawn from the National Thermonuclear Fusion Organization.

You know, before this, the rabbit was the country that made the greatest contribution in the International Thermonuclear Organization.

Without rabbits, the International Thermonuclear Fusion Organization will become even weaker.

"If not, keep investing money."

As soon as the white-haired old man said this, everyone understood the meaning.

When the rabbit really masters the mature controllable nuclear fusion technology, the international status of the rabbit will be further improved.

By that time, Mi Yuan's world hegemony will completely become history.

If you don't take advantage of this time to reap another fortune.

After that, I'm afraid there will never be such an opportunity again.


Jijing University.

Xu You is in his own laboratory, conducting a more detailed analysis of the various data of Dongri No. [-].

Although the previous experiment was very successful, it does not mean that the entire device of Dongri No. [-] is ready for commercial use.

If you want to use it commercially, there are some other problems that need to be solved.

One of the problems is the separation of deuterium gas.

At this time, Lin Shi was also beside Xu You, conducting research on these issues together.

At this moment, Cui Ying walked over.

"Mr. Xu, Che Shaozhong is here."

"Che Shaozhong? Invite him in quickly."

Che Shaozhong is a famous military expert and a friend of Xu You's mother Wu Jing.

In previous related projects such as code name Wu, Che Shaozhong and Xu You talked about many issues related to the situation, which made Xu You feel that it benefited a lot.

This time, Che Shaozhong took the initiative to come to Xu You, presumably there must be some important matters, and he wanted to discuss with Xu You.

Soon, Cui Ying invited Che Shaozhong in.

"Mr. Che, long time no see."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, we haven't seen each other for two years."

Xu You greeted Che Shaozhong politely, while Che Shaozhong smiled obscenely. If you don't know Che Shaozhong's identity, it's easy to make people think that he is a villain.

Xu You introduced Che Shaozhong's identity to Lin Shi, and Lin Shi simply greeted Che Shaozhong before leaving.

Lin Shi knew that Che Shaozhong must be discussing some secret matter with Xu You, and it was inconvenient for him to listen.

However, Che Shaozhong didn't mean to avoid taboo, but greeted Lin Shidao:
"Lin Shi, I know you, and you have made a lot of contributions to the Dongri No. [-] project. Just listen along with me."

"Okay, Teacher Che."

Xu You invited Che Shaozhong to his office, and Cui Ying had already made hot tea in advance, poured tea for the three of them, and left.

While drinking hot tea, Che Shaozhong said:
"Mr. Xu, I came to you this time mainly to learn about some information about Dongri No. [-]. According to your estimation, how long will it take for this project to be commercialized?"

"The last experiment went very smoothly, but it is definitely not that easy to achieve commercial use. I don't dare to say the exact time. If it is fast, it will be three to five years, if it is slow, it will be more than ten years."

Xu You knew that if controllable nuclear fusion was commercialized, there would be a lot of issues involved, and even Xu You could not accurately determine the specific time frame through simulation.

Including the application and approval of various procedures, the site selection and construction of nuclear facilities, etc., will take a certain amount of time.

Che Shaozhong was not disappointed when he heard Xu You's answer.

"Well, a few years to a dozen years is actually very close. Before that, the time for the realization of controllable nuclear fusion has been dubbed as 'forever 50 years', which makes people see no hope at all. With the success of Dongri-[-], we can finally look forward to seeing the realization of controllable nuclear fusion in our lifetime."

"Mr. Che, why are you asking this question?"

Xu You knew that Che Shaozhong would not simply ask this question.

(End of this chapter)

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