The top of the scholar

Chapter 548 Five Important Conditions

"Yaoyao, do you want to join me in the project next time?"

"Of course, if there is a chance, I will definitely go. Believe in the last project, I didn't embarrass you too much."

"Actually, you don't need to ask me. Think about how valuable you are after you have been assigned some jobs after you left the space academy. But I think your value is not limited to that."

With Lu Zhiyao's current ability, the direction of research can be more biased towards science.

As for the philosophy part, Lu Zhiyao's biggest advantage is that he can even give unique answers to some key questions.

After thinking for a while, Xu You said to Lu Zhiyao:
"This time, you can directly apply yourself. Anyway, you were going to continue to join the project team, but because of the school's affairs, you didn't get into the project team in the end. If you can use my power, Best not to use it."

"Understood, I can handle these things myself."

If it is not necessary, Xu You hopes to rely on his own ability instead of relying on relationships.

The same goes for Lin Shi, if Lin Shi didn't have this ability, Xu You would never bring her into the project team.


After returning to Jijing University to rest for a period of time, Xu You came to the Academy of Aerospace Engineering again to continue the work of the lunar exploration project.

This time, the task of the project team is to determine the location of the first lunar scientific research base and make a construction plan.

If it goes well, the next mission to the moon will probably involve the construction of a scientific research base.

Apart from Xu You, Xu Zhou, Lin Shi, and Lu Zhiyao all participated in the project in their respective identities.

Xu You didn't use any power in it, because each of them had their own tasks, and they entered the project team by virtue of their own abilities.

When the meeting started, everyone gathered together to discuss the location of the lunar scientific research station.

"After Jintu-[-]'s exploration of the moon these days, we have found many locations suitable for establishing a lunar scientific research base. Among these locations, we need to choose the most suitable location as our first lunar scientific research station. base."

In the process of selecting a site for a lunar base, there are mainly these conditions that need to be considered.

The first condition is the water source problem.

Because the scientific research station needs to be stationed by astronauts, there must be sufficient water supply to maintain the normal life of the astronauts.

Although there is no liquid water on the moon, there are solid water and gaseous water, as well as some substances containing hydrogen and oxygen elements, which can form water under certain conditions.

The second condition is the problem of Yang Guan.

Not only life needs sunlight, but our various devices need solar energy as energy.

The moon base we choose must have sufficient sunlight to provide a steady stream of energy.

The third condition is the traffic problem.

The traffic here is different from the traffic on earth.

It is necessary to choose a relatively flat area on the moon to facilitate the take-off and landing of spacecraft, as well as the transportation of transportation equipment such as lunar vehicles.

The fourth condition is natural resources.

One of the main tasks of the lunar scientific research station is the mining, research and application of various resources.

The location of the scientific research station should be relatively close to these mineral resources, which will also facilitate future research work.

The fifth condition is the issue of safety.

Some high-radiation cosmic rays need to be avoided as much as possible.

These cosmic rays will not only endanger the health of astronauts, but also affect electronic communication equipment and spacecraft.

In addition to these conditions, there are many other factors that need to be considered, but relatively speaking, they are not as important as these conditions.

We need to combine the above conditions to find the most suitable location as our first lunar research station.

At this time, Xu You took the microphone and talked about his location selection for the lunar scientific research station.

"My suggestion is to build our first lunar scientific research station at the location of Shackleton Crater."

Hearing Xu You's words, everyone cast their eyes on Xu You one after another, and gave Xu You affirmative glances.

It can be seen that many people agree with Xu You's suggestion very much.

In fact, Xu You had already made plans for this location, and after a detailed analysis, he finally decided that this is the most suitable location for a lunar scientific research station.

Immediately afterwards, Xu You explained why he wanted to build the lunar scientific research station here in Shackleton Crater.

"The Shackleton crater is located near the south pole of the moon. Because of the special geographical location here, the peaks along the edge of the crater are almost always exposed to the sun."

The day and night rules of the moon are different from those of the earth. In most areas of the moon, there will be [-] consecutive days of day and [-] days of night.

But near the south pole of the moon, there can be more than 180 consecutive days of daylight.

Such special conditions are very suitable for continuous work of various scientific research equipment.

"The interior of the Shackleton crater has always been in shadow. According to the detection of our Golden Rabbit-[-], there is a large amount of solid water here. These water resources are enough to maintain the daily needs of astronauts."

"Because of the low temperature environment at the bottom of the crater, it is an ideal place for infrared observations. Therefore, it can also be used as an observation point for large infrared telescopes in the future."

"Not far from the crater, there is a mountain with an altitude of 5000 meters. This mountain is always visible on the earth and can be used as a radio relay station for our scientific research base..."

Xu You explained the various advantages of the location of Shackleton Crater from different angles.

Xu You even considered many details that were difficult to notice, and proposed some countermeasures for the future.

Such an excellent plan makes it difficult for everyone to pick out any faults.

After some explanations, all the experts at the venue couldn't help nodding their heads repeatedly, expressing their affirmation of Xu You's plan.

"I think Professor Xu's plan is really good. It gathers all the conditions we require for the scientific research station and fully meets our needs."

After everyone's unanimous vote, it was confirmed that Shackleton Crater will be our first lunar scientific research base.

Soon, the project completed the project approval process and was officially announced to the public.

When this news spread to all parts of the world, it aroused extremely huge repercussions.

The lunar scientific research base that once seemed a little out of reach is now very close.

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