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Chapter 383 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Retribution For Earning Such Black-hearted Money?

Chapter 383 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Retribution For Earning Such Black-hearted Money?
With the unanimous consent of Xu You, Han Shubin and others.

On the official account of Haidao Artificial Intelligence, a response to this matter was released.

"Hi everyone, we are the Sea Island Artificial Intelligence Project Team."

"Recently, we have noticed that our island AI doctor project has received a lot of attention from everyone and has sparked a high degree of discussion."

"Here, we make a promise that as long as the island's AI doctor continues to operate, the diagnosis function will be opened to ordinary users for free forever, and there will be no mandatory fee-based services."

"In addition, as an auxiliary medical software, the island AI doctor cannot replace the functions of the hospital, but only provides some reference opinions. Don't delay the normal medical treatment because of this."

After the meeting, Han Shubin found Xu You alone and asked Xu You about it.

"Professor Xu, do you feel a little lost?"

Xu You smiled wryly after hearing the words: "To be honest, I am really disappointed. I originally wanted to do something to benefit the public, and the performance of the AI ​​doctor on the island has also achieved the expected effect. I just didn't expect that even so, it would still make some people feel uncomfortable. understand."

"This is a very normal thing. There are 14 billion people in China. No matter what you do, it is impossible to satisfy everyone. Professor Xu, I know that my ability cannot compare with yours, but along the way, I have experienced There must be much more frustration and scolding than you. Try to be bearish on other people's views, and never forget your original intention."

In fact, Xu You didn't have such a strong psychological endurance all the time, but he didn't care about these remarks and took the initiative to avoid them.

When Xu You really experienced these various speeches at close range, he would still suffer a certain degree of psychological shock.

I think of the story about a man and a woman leading a donkey, no matter what they do, they will be pointed at by others.

Xu You understands that if you want to achieve great things, you must have a strong heart that can ignore all kinds of remarks.

These episodes in front of him could not stop Xu You from moving forward.

After Sea Island AI published these official responses.

The voices of these doubts are indeed less.

But there are still some voices who continue to criticize the island AI doctor for various reasons.

Xu You no longer cares about these things, as long as he can help some people, Xu You already has a sense of accomplishment.

After that, Xu You continued to optimize the island AI doctor.

Because the times are always advancing, the island AI doctor cannot always stand still.

Through Xu You's settings, Haidao AI will learn some new medical knowledge every day, so that its own diagnosis can keep up with the changes of the times.

Like some treatment options that have been eliminated, Haidao AI will decisively discard them, and strive to provide users with the highest priority diagnostic information.

It was supposed to be like this.

During a meeting with Luo Wenkun, this matter was brought up again.

"MD, seeing those comments on the Internet, I'm going to die of anger! I didn't expect that some people would dare to blackmail you!"

As Xu You's old friend, Luo Wenkun knew that Xu You was by no means the kind of person who cared about interests.

Even Xu You was unwilling to accept the money he offered to give to Xu You, let alone this kind of profit-making method like cutting leeks.

Xu You is already the kind of person who has broken away from low-level interests. Only scientific research can make Xu You interested.

"It's okay, it's over. I've seen it very openly now, just don't care what they say."

"Actually, I used my own resources to investigate this matter, and it's not that simple. Do you want to know some inside information?"

Xu You originally wanted to say no, but since Luo Wenkun had already helped him investigate, he might as well listen to it.

"Is there any inside story about this matter?"

"Yes. At first, I thought that some foreign forces were playing tricks this time. But it's not the case."

"How to say?"

"I investigated the account information of those who made malicious comments on the island's AI doctor. Many of them are indeed ordinary users, but the rhythmic ones are organized and purposeful."

After a pause, Luo Wenkun continued:
"It's people from some private hospitals who are doing things. Think about it, whose interests will be affected by the appearance of the AI ​​doctor on the island?"

Listening to Luo Wenkun's words, Xu You immediately figured this out.

As an auxiliary medical software, Haidao AI Doctor will not have much impact on public hospitals.

Even many public hospitals have offered to cooperate with AI doctors on the island.

It is already difficult to see a doctor in a public hospital. The emergence of AI doctors on the island can greatly improve the efficiency of seeing a doctor, allowing the hospital to provide services for more patients within the same time.

However, the kind of black hospitals that rely on false advertisements, maliciously exaggerate the severity of the disease, and treat patients as cash cows will be greatly impacted by this.

Because of this, they will maliciously slander the island AI doctor, so that users can't believe the ability of this artificial intelligence.

"It still touched the interests of these people. But if you want the society to continue to progress, these are the processes that you must go through."

If you are afraid of touching the interests of others, you will not dare to make changes.

That civilization will forever stand still.

Xu You must rise to the challenge as a pioneer in the development of science and technology.

"Xu You, do you want to have a fight with them?"

"Why?" Xu You asked.

Xu You had never had such an experience before, so he didn't know what Luo Wenkun was thinking.

It can't be, use some inappropriate ways to fight back, right?
"Don't worry, it must be through legal channels. They have done too many black-hearted things, and they should have been punished long ago. Your business is mine. I will help you contact the relevant victims and find enough evidence. Uproot these black hospitals! Also, don’t try to escape responsibility for those who promote black hospitals, because they have played a role in fueling the incident. Gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way to earn this kind of black-hearted money , aren’t you afraid of retribution?”

Luo Wenkun gritted his teeth when he said these words, wishing he could tear them to pieces on the spot.

With Luo Wenkun's support, Xu You no longer wanted to put this matter aside, and was determined to fight back.

Before acting, Xu You specially greeted Wu Jing.

Wu Jing said that she did not have the authority to manage these matters, but she also supported Xu You's approach, and told Xu You that if she encountered any other difficulties, she could turn to herself for emergency help.

With Wu Jing's support, Xu You no longer has any scruples.

(End of this chapter)

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