The top of the scholar

Chapter 328 At this moment, we must put all our eggs in one basket

Chapter 328 At this moment, we must put all our eggs in one basket

To complete all these simulation processes, a very strong theoretical foundation is required.

Including physics, mathematics, chemistry and other subjects, there must be an extremely strong foundation.

Fortunately, these are subjects that Xu You is very good at.

In a state of excellent mental power, Xu You perfectly displayed every detail of the process in the space of his brain.

In addition to the high degree of restoration of the real situation by the simulation simulation.

Xu You also faced another problem.

That is, Xu You needs to store all these details in his brain.

This amount of data is extremely large.

Fortunately, the memory capacity of the human brain is already very large.

According to scientists' estimates, the average human being can store about 100 trillion pieces of information in a lifetime.

This kind of storage capacity is even far better than ordinary computer hard drives.

Xu You didn't know what the upper limit of his memory was, but after reading tens of thousands of books in the Ji University Library, Xu You still felt that his brain was empty, far from reaching the upper limit.

Xu You stored these simulated processes in his brain bit by bit by using his own memory method.

After a few days.

Xu You can finally make sure that he has memorized all the details of the chip simulation process.

However, there is still a long way to go to develop a set of EDA tools.

Xu You still needs to convert the data in the brain into a language recognizable by the computer.

Among them, the workload required is extremely huge.

Fortunately, in the Lv5 deep learning state, Xu You has 6 times the normal state of time and higher efficiency.

Xu You mastered all the details by himself, so he didn't need to pay for communication like a normal team.

In this way, Xu You can complete the core code writing of the entire EDA very smoothly.

Even so, it took Xu You a whole month to complete the writing of the EDA core code.

This part of the work is equivalent to completing the skeleton of EDA, which cannot be put into use yet.

In fact, it is not impossible to give Xu You enough time to directly make an EDA that can be put into use.

However, a lot of work is relatively trivial, and it may take several months or even longer to complete all of them, even with the blessing of deep learning status.

In addition to the research and development of EDA tools, Xu You still has a lot of other work to do.

Xu You feels that it is more appropriate to leave the remaining work to the team.

Thinking of this, Xu You immediately contacted Luo Wenkun and explained his latest progress on EDA.

"What? Are you saying that you have completed the entire development of EDA tools by yourself?"

Hearing the news from Xu You, Luo Wenkun not only shouted directly on the phone.

"It's just the core skeleton. If you want to put it into use, you still need to fill in a lot of details. But I believe that our team can solve this problem."

"Okay, then when you have time, come to the company to help everyone with a training."

"Well, I will tell you at a fixed time."

In addition to freeing up time, Xu You also needs to apply for registration with the school in advance.

Xu You knew that this was not just to meet the regulations, but to be responsible for his own safety.

When the appointed time came, Xu You came to Fulong Technology under the escort of three bodyguards.

Xu You did not elaborate on the identities of these three people with Luo Wenkun, but only said that they were his assistants.

However, Luo Wenkun could also guess that these three people were supposed to protect Xu You's safety.

After gathering all the software R&D members of the company, Xu You started his own training.

"Everyone knows that several major parts of EDA include digital design EDA, analog design EDA, verification EDA, manufacturing yield EDA, etc. At present, our domestic EDA software is mainly analog EDA, which is still far from the whole process. This Once, our goal is to realize a truly full-process EDA."

In order to break through the ban on the Bald Eagle and achieve independent research and development of core technologies.

Fulong Technology has invested a lot in research and development recently.

There are hundreds of R&D personnel in the software department alone.

For a new company that is less than two years old, such a strategic approach can be said to be desperate.

If it is not possible to make the next generation of mobile phones within the next two years.

That company is really in danger of going out of business.

At first, they thought that Xu You was just making a work plan for everyone.

But as they listened, they realized that things were moving much faster than they had imagined.

Xu You alone has completed the core work of the entire EDA.

Through Xu You's introduction to EDA, they knew that Xu You did not just talk, but actually completed these tasks.

"Now, the basic skeleton of EDA has been formed, but a lot of work is still needed to complete it. Our goal is to be able to complete all the work within three months. This is a very important task for everyone. A huge test. The period in the future may be the busiest period for everyone."

This is Xu You's first time leading such a large team.

Xu You knows that this is an urgent project, which not only determines the fate of the entire company, but also a declaration of war on Western technology.

At this time, we must let everyone have a full sense of urgency.

Most of the employees of Fulong Technology also have strong patriotism, and they are not just working for money.

"Professor Xu, we will definitely do our best to complete these tasks satisfactorily!"

As one employee called out, more and more employees joined in.

In the meeting room, everyone seemed to be full of fighting spirit.

In the following time, Xu You divided the employees of the software department into several teams, and each team was responsible for the corresponding work.

Xu You conducted more detailed training on each part of EDA.

After several days of training, everyone basically understood their respective tasks and began to devote themselves to their work.

Because Xu You still has a lot of other work to do, Xu You can't stay in Fulong Technology's company for the next time.

However, Xu You will go to the company regularly to keep abreast of the progress of various tasks and help everyone solve some problems that have arisen in the near future.

Looking at several major EDA giants in the world, there is no direct layout of all EDA industry lines like Fulong Technology.

They all build one of the "hit products" first, choose to focus on a certain subdivided field, and then extend to other industrial lines.

This is also the normal layout of the enterprise.

However, the current Fulong Technology must complete all EDA industry lines before it can carry out chip design work.

(End of this chapter)

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