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Chapter 307 I'm Not Threatening You

Chapter 307 I'm Not Threatening You

"Mr. Luo, in fact, we all agree with your idea of ​​wanting to develop a complete industrial chain, which is one of the important reasons why we are willing to invest in Fulong Technology. But this time, are we going too far? At that time Xia Wei is much more mature than we are now, but we are still slumped because of the ban on the bald eagle. We don’t have any technology that can be sold except for a battery technology.”

Successive major shareholders expressed similar views at the meeting.

As a businessman, interests must come first.

If the company really does not make any changes, not only will future profitability be a problem, but the company's valuation will be greatly reduced as a result.

In the face of complaints from these shareholders, Luo Wenkun did not lose his footing.

"I understand everyone's thoughts. But we must also understand that the fundamental reason for their ban is not because we want to join the Godson project. As long as we cannot master the core technology of mobile phones such as chips, they can, anytime, anywhere. Impose a ban on any business."

"As for our strides that are too big... others must have the ability to take such a big stride. If we have been doing well, we will not attract their attention. But if the performance is not good, all shareholders Friends, I wonder if you will have any other complaints?"

Listening to Luo Wenkun's words, they didn't know how to respond for a while.

At this time, Luo Wenkun changed the subject.

"We all know that the current Fulong Technology is at a critical stage of life and death. I know that everyone's confidence has been hit at this time. But I believe that the pain is only temporary. After going through this test, we will to a higher level."

"If you continue to stick with me, I will welcome it very much. If you quit now, I will fully understand. No matter what, we have gone through a very unforgettable journey together."

"However, if we choose to withdraw at this time, we may not have any cooperation in the future."

Luo Wenkun's words really shocked most of the shareholders.

They all know that Luo Wenkun's background is very unusual, and he is not the kind of entrepreneur who is completely self-made.

Luo Wenkun's father's wealth and power are also at the top level in China.

At this time, a shareholder frowned and asked:
"Mr. Luo, are you threatening us?"

After hearing this, Luo Wenkun smiled contemptuously and said:

"Threats? There is no need for this. I think what I said is very clear. I welcome everyone to continue to stand with me at this time. If I withdraw at this time, I will fully understand. To be honest, I have There is still some money, share repurchases are not a problem at all. If you want to sell equity, we can start to deal with it now."

Luo Wenkun's expression was calm and composed, as if he wasn't worried about this kind of thing at all.

Those shareholders who were originally inclined to sell their shares also began to hesitate at this time.

Indeed, for the current Fulong Technology, it is indeed in a relatively difficult moment.

In a short period of time, it must be difficult to go public.

But with Luo Wenkun's strength, it is true that he will not be easily defeated by this incident.

If it's a big deal, Luo Wenkun's father can solve the temporary crisis by investing a sum of money in Fulong Technology.

In the long run, Fulong Technology still has great potential.

Under Luo Wenkun's language offensive, none of the shareholders put forward the idea of ​​selling shares, and decided to continue to stand with Fulong Technology.

After stabilizing the emotions of the shareholders, Luo Wenkun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, regarding this matter, Luo Wenkun was not as confident as he appeared on the surface.

Luo Wenkun is really worried that a large number of shareholders will want to sell their shares.

Because of the ban on the Bald Eagle, the value of Fulong Technology has fallen to the bottom.

At this time, it is very difficult for anyone to accept the order at a normal price.

Luo Wenkun's father, although the total assets are very high, it seems that helping Luo Wenkun solve this crisis will not cause too many problems.

But in fact, total assets and liquidity are completely different things.

Not to mention asking Luo Wenkun's father to take out billions in cash, even if it is several hundred million, it will not be available immediately.

Therefore, Luo Wenkun can only find ways to stabilize the emotions of shareholders.

And in terms of method, we can't just rely on painting cakes.

None of the shareholders are fools, and they will not still have full confidence in the future of Fulong Technology at this time.

It was with this in mind that Luo Wenkun said those aggressive words on purpose.

The purpose is to deter those investors so that they dare not quit easily.

If only some investors withdraw, these gaps can be completely filled.

After stabilizing these investors, the remaining question is how the company will continue to operate in the future.

Faced with these bans, the next generation of Fulong mobile phones will definitely fall into a difficult situation.

Unless a series of problems such as chips and mobile phone systems can be solved.

And not long after, there was some new news about the "Godson Project".

For these organizations and companies participating in the Godson project, the countries they belong to have provided them with different degrees of financial sponsorship.

To encourage them to complete the research and development of related technologies better and faster.

In addition to scientific research funds, they have also received corresponding support in terms of scientific research.

Some excellent scientific researchers of related technologies were sent to these organizations and enterprises to help them carry out research work.

As an emerging technology company in Huaguo, Fulong Technology has also received important financial and technical support.

Our plan is to be able to use chips that are completely independently developed by ourselves within two years.

Of course, just making chips is not enough. What we need are high-performance chips.

In terms of overall performance, it cannot be more than one generation behind their latest technology.

This allowed Luo Wenkun and Fulong Technology to regain their confidence in future development.

As one of the participants of the Godson Project, Xu You has also participated in the research and development of several projects.

Including semiconductor materials, chip design, production of mobile phone systems, etc.

On this day, Luo Wenkun found Xu You, and communicated with Xu You about the company's current situation and the progress of various research projects.

Because in the future, Fulong Technology will no longer obtain the authorization of the Android system, which makes Fulong Technology have to make its own independent mobile phone system.

"As for the mobile phone system, our progress is very good. We hope to complete the production of the new system within half a year. The new system will be compatible with all Android apps."

(End of this chapter)

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