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Chapter 303 The Press Conference Begins

Chapter 303 The Press Conference Begins

Brain simulation is not something that can be used casually.

The premise is that you must be very familiar with various reactions and changes.

For example, when Xu You was simulating a nuclear power plant in his brain before.

I have fully understood the nuclear fission reaction, the material properties of the nuclear reaction protection box, the impact of nuclear leakage, etc.

As long as Xu You closes his eyes, these scenes will be in his mind.

This is a state that can only be achieved on the basis of a large number of experiments.

If these reactions and properties are not well understood.

It is impossible to simulate the whole process well only by the skills of brain simulation.

The current Xu You is still far from being able to strictly simulate a world in his brain that is exactly the same as the real world and satisfies various laws of physics and chemistry.

If it really reaches that level, it really may not need to do any experiments.

After agreeing on a time, Xu You came to the Materials Laboratory of Jida University and explained some plans for this subject to everyone.

In the last cooperation, several teachers had a very good impression of Xu You, and the project was successfully completed.

Everyone is looking forward to this topic.

Because there are many types of flexible electronic technologies, the uses of various technologies overlap, and there are completely different places.

The direction that Xu You mainly wants to explore at present is the direction of flexible solar cells.

Of course, in the process of research, it is likely to encounter various difficulties, and there may also be some unexpected surprises.

If we can find other flexible electronic technology application directions besides flexible solar cells.

Of course it couldn't be better.

With the above commitments, as long as the subject makes new progress, research funding will not be a problem.

After Xu You arranged the plan, the subject of flexible electronics was officially launched.

According to Xu You's plan, the experimental group needs to conduct research on the selection of flexible electronic materials, flexible power transmission technology, flexible solar cell module technology, flexible substrate technology, flexible deployment and other technologies.

Some of these technologies not only include knowledge of materials, but also knowledge of other parts such as electronics.

However, because of Xu You's interdisciplinary talent, these technologies are not unsolvable.

If necessary, Xu You will also invite teachers from other colleges to give some technical guidance.

After the project started, all the experiments were carried out in an orderly manner.

The experiments in the early stage were carried out relatively smoothly. Xu You and others also obtained some new discoveries through the observation and summary of the experimental phenomena.

Of course, it will definitely take longer to really make some major achievements.


On this day, Luo Wenkun posted such a message on the WeChat group of the four of them.

"The time and place of Fulong 2 and Fulong 2pro press conferences have already been set, and I have reserved the first row of tickets for everyone, so we must go to the scene to join us."

After receiving this news, Xu You also felt a little excited.

It has only been two years since Luo Wenkun started his business, and he has already produced the second-generation Fulong mobile phone.

Even if Luo Wenkun's starting line is very high, such an achievement is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

According to Luo Wenkun, this generation of Fulong mobile phone, according to the previous plan, has made two versions, the thin and light version and the super long battery life version.

Even in other technologies, it doesn't have much of a feature.

But as long as good quality control can be guaranteed, this technology alone is enough for Fulong mobile phone to occupy a place in the mobile phone market.

After receiving the news, Xu You hesitated whether to go to the scene to watch this press conference.

As one of the shareholders of Fulong Technology and Luo Wenkun's friend, Xu You must really want to appear on the scene.

But because of Xu You's current status, if he wants to participate in such a press conference, he needs to go through the review of the above, and even if he passes the review, he may have to be escorted by multiple bodyguards.

In non-essential circumstances, Xu You can't leave school without authorization.

Xu You really wanted to go to the scene, but it was better for Xu You not to show up on such an occasion.

After weighing the pros and cons, Xu You replied to Luo Wenkun:

"I may not be able to go to the scene, but I will definitely pay attention to this press conference, come on."

Luo Wenkun also understands this very well.

"It's okay, just do your own thing. After the official release of Fulong 2 and Fulong 2pro, I will give you two sets for each of you, so you can have a good experience."

Xu You is also looking forward to these two phones.

If the user experience is really good, one can be given to each family member who needs to change their mobile phone.

When it was time for the press conference, Luo Wenkun had already come backstage, ready to go on stage.

The whole company attaches great importance to this press conference.

Not only rented a small gymnasium that can accommodate 7000 people, but also carried out simultaneous live broadcasts on multiple platforms on the Internet.

At the beginning of the press conference, a female employee of the company first warmed up the scene.

I don't know if this was intentional by Luo Wenkun, but this female employee has a pretty face and a good figure, and her overall demeanor looks like a female star.

The female employee introduced the company's entrepreneurial process and achievements in the past two years.

This made the live broadcast room very popular on the Internet, and the number of online users soon reached 100 million.

Because of the popularity of the Xueba community, when Fulong Technology is going to hold various activities, it will be announced through the Xueba community, which is equivalent to a free advertising platform.

After the warm-up work was over, Luo Wenkun appeared on stage in formal attire.

As soon as Luo Wenkun appeared on the stage, warm applause broke out on the stage.

Before Luo Wenkun officially started his business, he was already a well-known Internet celebrity.

After founding Fulong Technology, Luo Wenkun has the label of a young entrepreneur, which makes Luo Wenkun's popularity continue to rise.

Because of his handsome appearance, he has gained the attention of many female fans.

"Boss Luo is so handsome!"

Seeing Luo Wenkun come on stage, some female audience even screamed outright.

Luo Wenkun waved his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

After the atmosphere calmed down, Luo Wenkun started his speech.

Luo Wenkun is very talented in his speeches. He didn't just talk about the various parameters of the mobile phone boringly, but interspersed with a lot of humorous baggage.

It sounds like a talk show.

This made the atmosphere of the press conference very relaxed, and the audience laughed from time to time.

Like Fulong 1, the new generation of Fulong mobile phone is still positioned as a flagship phone.

"In addition to these top-level configurations, Fulong 2 and Fulong 2pro are also equipped with a new technology."

(End of this chapter)

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