The top of the scholar

Chapter 300 No, I will do it with you

Chapter 300 No, I will do it with you
After so many days of intense research work, Xu You was exhausted physically and mentally.

For the lab or something, let's go tomorrow.

Now, Xu You just wants to enjoy the two-person world with Lu Zhiyao.

"In the evening, I'll cook for you." Lu Zhiyao smiled.

"No, I'll do it with you."

Xu You can't let Lu Zhiyao always be the one who pays, he also has to give.

After ordering some dishes, the two returned to Xu You's house in the family courtyard of the Ji Family, and happily cooked together.

Xu You doesn't know how to cook complicated dishes, but such delicious but not difficult dishes like Coca-Cola Chicken Wings and Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs, Xu You still has the ability to cook well.

In order to increase the atmosphere, Xu You specially ordered some red wine just now, and had a drink with Lu Zhiyao.

After eating, Xu You didn't forget to buy some high-end skin care products for Lu Zhiyao online, which made Lu Zhiyao feel a little overjoyed.

The two had known each other for so long, and this was the first time Xu You took the initiative.

"Why is this a bit unlike you?"

Lu Zhiyao was even a little worried. With Xu You's character, would she give herself a brick or something, which symbolized that their relationship was rock-solid.

Fortunately, Xu You's emotional intelligence is constantly improving, and he has not stayed at the stage of a straight man of steel.

"Girls have to take care of themselves. Tell me what else you want. As long as it's reasonable, I'll buy it for you."

Xu You felt that as long as it wasn't for those meaningless luxuries, it was worth buying by himself.

Xu You has earned so much money, it is only natural to spend it normally.

"Isn't it too direct what I told you directly?"

"Then I can only guess wildly, maybe I will buy something you don't like."

"Okay, let me think about it."

Lu Zhiyao didn't want Xu You to make random guesses on this, because that would really be meaningless.

"Hey, I thought of these for the time being, but I'm not in a hurry to buy them. Just buy one for a festival."

"Okay, then it's settled. Also, there can be more cat food funds in the future."

Lu Zhiyao was taken aback when he heard this.

"Cat food fund...shouldn't there be so many of them?"

"I mean, our cat."

Listening to Xu You's words, Lu Zhiyao smiled shyly.

"Then thank you, Professor Xu, meow~"

After dinner, Lu Zhiyao and Xu You talked about the topic of graduation project.

"Recently, I have read a lot of books on physics, and I am very interested in the connection between physics and philosophy. This time I want to do a research project on the deep relationship between physics and philosophy. What do you think?"

"Great, Yaoyao, I agree with both hands. You are the best group of people who study philosophy and physics. If you need any professional knowledge, feel free to communicate with me."

Lu Zhiyao didn't force herself to study physics in order to have more common language with Xu You.

In fact, when Lu Zhiyao was in high school, she was very good at physics, and she had the level to participate in physics competitions.

It was only because of the lack of professional training that he did not embark on the road of physical competition in the end.

The recent research on physics made Lu Zhiyao regain her interest in physics.

"To be honest, I really have a lot of knowledge I want to ask you for advice. For example, I understand the general meaning of the concept of quantum entanglement, but I don't understand it very professionally. Can quantum entanglement transmit information? ? Also, quantum superposition, what is going on? What is quantum decoherence?"

Hearing Lu Zhiyao's series of questions, Xu You not only didn't feel annoyed, but became even more excited.

What a wonderful thing it is to talk about your favorite topic with the person you like.

Next, Xu You explained these issues to Lu Zhiyao from a very professional perspective.

Lu Zhiyao listened very carefully, and even recorded the key points with a note on her mobile phone.

It can be seen that Lu Zhiyao is not deliberately catering to Xu You, but is really interested in this knowledge.

After listening to Xu You's explanation, Lu Zhiyao asked:

"That is to say, in theory, people cannot use quantum entanglement to achieve information transmission faster than the speed of light, right?"

"That's right, according to the current theory, quantum entanglement cannot transmit information, let alone transmit information faster than the speed of light. It is more used for encrypted communication. Like some science fiction novels, quantum entanglement is used to transmit information faster than the speed of light The plot, at least for now, is theoretically untenable."

Of course, Xu You is very inclusive of these science fiction novels. Science fiction is science + fantasy. If it strictly conforms to science, it is scientific research.

Xu You himself is also a fan of science fiction, so he doesn't really use scientific research standards to evaluate science fiction.

"Is there such a possibility: Although people cannot transmit information through quantum entanglement, two entangled quantum can perceive each other's information?"

Hearing Lu Zhiyao's idea, Xu You suddenly fell into deep thought.

According to the existing theory, because the state of the quantum is random, it cannot be controlled to be in a specific state, so the quantum cannot be used to transmit information.

But for the quantum itself, it can indeed be said that they can perceive the state of another quantum.

At this time, Xu You had a very bold idea.

If humans can be transformed into a quantum state, it is really possible to use quantum to transmit information.

However, such an idea does have a very sci-fi feel to the current level of technology.

After a few years, when the level of science and technology is sufficiently developed, Xu You will go to explore in this direction.

"If you and I become two entangled quanta through some kind of technology, then we can really travel through time and space and transmit information." Xu You said.

"Okay, okay, then you must research this technology in your life. When we get old and our bodies fail, we will become two quanta, entangled forever."

Lu Zhiyao always felt that Xu You was not a romantic person.

But this time, Lu Zhiyao had an unusual feeling of romance.

If such technology can be realized.

That is really much more romantic than giving those vulgar gifts.

"That's it. After the graduation project starts, I want to do a science, technology and philosophy topic. I will study the realism of quantum entanglement. I will start preparing now and hope to make an excellent graduation project. " Lu Zhiyao said.

As Xu You's girlfriend, Lu Zhiyao must also make herself better, instead of just using "Xu You's girlfriend" as her label.

(End of this chapter)

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