The top of the scholar

Chapter 265 This Is Really Disappointing

Chapter 265 This Is Really Disappointing

Before Chinese really becomes a widely used language in the world, it is unavoidable to communicate in English.

After some exchanges, the two sides reached a good agreement on sharing academic achievements.

This kind of communication and sharing, for both parties, is a matter that far outweighs the disadvantages.

Of course, while sharing results, each other also has the obligation to keep each other's results confidential.

The so-called sharing is just sharing with each other, not sharing the results with the world.

On this point, the two sides have also reached a tacit agreement.

After that, the two sides conducted detailed exchanges on the preparation method of 150K high-temperature superconducting materials.

Listening to Schultz's narration, Xu You quickly understood the different ideas of the two sides in synthesizing this material.

In fact, for Huaxia's material experts, it is relatively easier to synthesize this material.

Because Xu You has completely displayed the molecular structure diagram of this material based on the calculation results of the supercomputer.

Including molecular formula, molecular spatial structure, atomic bonds between atoms, etc.

For Schultz, synthesizing this material is even more difficult.

Because in Xu You's thesis, he did not reveal all the detailed information of this material like the Huaxia material experts did.

Schultz can only use limited information to study the preparation method of this material.

Even so, Schultz succeeded in making the material.

This level is above those of Huaxia's material experts.

After listening to Schultz's thinking on the preparation of this material, Xu You and Huaxia's material experts suddenly realized.

Schultz really deserves to be the world's top material expert.

Xu You probably estimated in his heart that if Xing Shuping was one notch higher than Xu Zhou, then Schultz was at least two notches higher than Xu Zhou.

If you have the opportunity to study with Schultz for a while, it must be very meaningful for the improvement of Xu You's material subject level.

This is the benefit of communicating with the world's top scholars.

After Schultz heard about the preparation method of this 150K high-temperature superconducting material by Huaxia materials experts, he was also very surprised.

Schultz felt that if they hadn't spoken, it might have been a way Schultz would never have thought of.

This is like doing an unpopular topic carefully designed by the author of the question. If you don't look at the analysis process, you won't think in this direction at all.

This is not because Schultz is not capable enough, but because of information asymmetry.

After the several-hour academic exchange meeting ended, both parties were very satisfied with the harvest.

"It's a great honor to be able to communicate with so many top Chinese scholars! I hope we can conduct such academic exchanges more often in the future!"

"It will definitely be so! Mr. Schultz, please go back to the hotel and rest. In the next few days, we will have many academic exchange meetings."

After this exchange, Schultz's impression of China's academic level has greatly improved.

Prior to this, Schultz had always believed that China's academic level was relatively average and could not be compared with those of Western countries.

Even, when he learned that they had prepared a 150K high-temperature superconducting material, Schultz was full of doubts about it.

It wasn't until Schultz read these papers carefully that he discovered that this material could really be prepared.

And through this close communication, Schultz is also more interested in contact with Huaxia Academic.

Especially Xu You, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, is really the only one.

In the next few days, Xu You participated in many academic exchange conferences, large and small, and had close exchanges with many top scientists at home and abroad.

Xu You is the one who has attended the most meetings here.

Because in many fields, Xu You has done in-depth research.

It is absolutely possible to chat back and forth with those top foreign scientists.

Even in areas where Xu You is relatively weak.

Xu You also hopes to participate in the meeting as a bystander.

Through the high-intensity academic exchanges in the past few days, Xu You has gained a lot in many fields.

Apart from Xu You, other scientists also expressed that they have benefited a lot from the academic exchanges in the past few days.

If the academic platform is suitable, they all expressed their willingness to submit papers to Chinese academic journals.

After that, the Chinese academic journals that made the statement before have fulfilled the content of these statements.

According to the reviewers of these journals, some foreign scholars have indeed begun to submit papers to Chinese academic journals.

This was very rare in the past.

And one of their favorite journals is the core journal of Ji University.

They all know that Xu You has published two papers on this.

Because of Xu You's leading role, the impact factor of Ji University's core journals will definitely increase rapidly.


After a number of top international academic journals announced that they would no longer accept papers submitted by scholars from Su and Bai Su.

This approach has encountered resistance from many scientists in the world.

Among them, scientists from Western countries such as the United States are also included.

They believe that such an approach is very disappointing.

This will gradually fragment the global research community and limit the exchange of global academic knowledge.

The reaction of the Chinese academic community after this incident undoubtedly confirmed their concerns.

If this continues, the world's academic exchanges are likely to split into two camps.

American physicist and former Nobel Prize winner in physics, Sage Kamara, also expressed strong opposition to this move.

To Kamala's great disappointment, PRL has also joined this camp.

Originally, Kamara believed that PRL was a truly pure academic journal of physics.

But I didn't expect that such a ridiculous move would be made.

In anger, Kamara went directly to the PRL office building.

"Is Mr. Bolas Barry there?" Camara snapped.

At the door of the office, Kamara directly called out the name of Bolas Barry, the editor-in-chief of PRL.

"Mr. Kamara, why are you here?"

For Kamara's sudden arrival, several reviewers of PRL were also a little surprised.

As far as they know, the journal has not invited Kamara to help them review manuscripts recently.

"I'm looking for Bolas Barry, I have something to talk to him about."

Kamara's expression was very serious, and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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