The top of the scholar

Chapter 192 We need a more authoritative reviewer

Chapter 192 We need a more authoritative reviewer
The two reviewers have every reason to believe that even if they cannot understand all the theories, this is likely to be a correct and subversive theory.

This feeling is a bit like when Einstein just published the theory of relativity.

Nobody at all understood Einstein's theory, and not many people even believed it.

But it was not until several years later that some phenomena were consistent with the theory of relativity that the theory of relativity began to be accepted by everyone.

After discussing it for a while, the two decided to talk about this matter with the editor-in-chief of the journal, Bolas Barry.

"Mr. Bolas Barry, here is a paper that we think may be quite subversive. We would like you to review it, if possible."

After receiving the news from the two reviewers, Bolas Barry also took the time to come to the office and read the paper.

Generally speaking, when the article is first reviewed, it is not necessary to let the editor-in-chief go through the purpose.

Since the two reviewers specifically informed him this time, Bolas Barry knew that this might be a very special article.

"Did you explain the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity?"

Seeing the main content explored in the article, Bolas Barry also attached great importance to it.

Anyone familiar with the current state of development in the physical world will know what this theory means.

Moreover, the sender of this article was actually Xu You from Huaxia Jijing University.

For this young man from China, Bolas Barry is still very impressed.

A year ago, Xu You submitted his first paper to PRL.

At that time, Bolas Barry decided to accept the paper and publish it in the journal.

Later, each of Xu You's scientific research results were published in major top journals.

A very good testament to Bolas Barry's vision.

But when Bolas Barry continued to read.

However, I found that the content of this article is indeed a bit too obscure.

Originally, Xu You's theory was very complicated.

Moreover, in order to comply with PRL's manuscript standards.

Xu You further refined this article to keep it within the required word count.

After reading the entire article, Bolas Barry only felt that it was similar to the feeling he had when he read the theory of relativity for the first time.

"I'm not a condensed matter physics major. What do you two think of the theory presented in this article?"

The field studied by Bolas Barry belongs to quantum physics.

For condensed matter physics, Bolas Barry did not study very deeply.

Bolas Barry felt that these two reviewers of related majors should be more qualified to evaluate than himself.

"Mr. Bolas Barry, seriously, we can't fully understand the entire content of this article. Perhaps, we need more authoritative experts to help review the manuscript."

"Oh? Even you can't fully understand it?"

Bolas Barry was also a little surprised by this.

These two reviewers are already top experts in the relevant fields.

Before this, it had rarely happened that even the two of them had difficulty understanding a paper.

If it weren't for the fact that the contributor was Xu You, a young scientist who is already well-known all over the world.

Bolas Barry might wonder whether the theory presented in this paper is really as significant as its title suggests.

That being the case, Bolas Barry also believes that it is a good choice to find more authoritative reviewers to help review the manuscript.

Since this is an unpublished paper.

Bolas Barry feels that it is better not to invite too many people to participate in the work of reviewing manuscripts.

If possible, it is best to find another reviewer to help review the manuscript.

"By the way, then contact Mr. Sage Kamara."

Serge Kamara is a true expert in the field of superconductivity, and his professional ability is at least one grade higher than those of the two reviewers.

When there are problems with the review, Bolas Barry will occasionally invite Serge Kamara to help judge.

A retired scientific researcher like Serge Kamara is still very suitable to appear as a reviewer.

After receiving the invitation from Bolas Barry, Serge Kamara also had a high willingness to participate in the review.

According to the agreed time, Serge Kamara came to the journal office of Physical Review Letters.

Because Serge Kamara is a reviewer specially invited by the journal, according to the regulations, he cannot directly send the electronic version of the manuscript, so he can only come to the journal office in person to help review the manuscript.

Moreover, in this case, it is more convenient for everyone to exchange opinions directly.

"Mr. Barry, let me read that article!"

Kamala is looking forward to this article and can't wait to read it.

"Mr. Kamara, would you like to rest for a while?"

After all, Kamara is very old, and Barry is still a little worried about his body.

"No need, I'm fine!"

"Okay, Mr. Kamara, then please help review this manuscript."

Sitting in front of the computer, Kamara read Xu You's paper.

Like the previous two reviewers, Kamara frowned when she saw the content of the article, as if she was very puzzled by the content of the article.

After looking at it repeatedly for a while, Kamala said:
"Please help me get the paper and pen."

"Yes, Mr. Kamara."

After taking the pen and paper, Kamala was writing something on the paper.

The three of Barry didn't dare to disturb them, they could only wait quietly on the side.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Time passed bit by bit, and Kamala still maintained the posture of writing on the paper, with no intention of stopping at all.

The three of them finally couldn't bear it any longer, and began to mutter in low voices.

"It's time for lunch. Is Mr. Kamara really not hungry, should we tell him?"

"Yeah, it's been too long. Can Mr. Kamara's body handle it?"

Barry also wanted to persuade him, but seeing Kamala's seriousness, he decided to wait a little longer.

"Let's wait and see. Mr. Kamara's energy looks good, so it should be fine. Mr. Kamara may be angry if his thoughts are disturbed."

Barry did not dare to provoke such a highly qualified scientist easily.

At this moment.

Kamala suddenly shouted:
"What a great theory! The question of the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity that has puzzled us for many years has finally been answered!"

Hearing what Kamara said, the three of Barry hurried over.

"Mr. Kamara, have you fully understood the theory of the entire article?"

"No, I only understand part of it. But with the only knowledge I have, I have been able to prove that part of the theory in the paper is correct."

(End of this chapter)

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