The top of the scholar

Chapter 132 The idea of ​​a genius is always difficult to understand

Chapter 132 The idea of ​​a genius is always difficult to understand
Han Shubin was sipping tea while chatting with his assistant Liu Jiao.

"Yeah, Academician Han, Ji University is really doing a good job in theoretical physics. It's no wonder that people tend to choose Ji University's Department of Physics. qualifications."

Under the current policy, students recommended through the competition can only choose between Jinghua and Jida.

This has also caused other schools to be unable to obtain better students.

"Liu Jiao, I am also very envious of the students of Jinghua and Ji University. I believe that with the development of UCAS, we will gradually catch up with Jinghua and Ji University. By then, the willingness of top students to apply for UCAS will gradually increase. , our score line will also go up. I believe that in future policies, UCAS will also become an option for recommended students.”

"Yes, Academician Han. When that day comes, I believe that our scientific research environment in China will definitely not be worse than that in foreign countries."

At this time, Wang Xiangwu's experimental group had already arrived at UCAS.

"Academician Han, Professor Wang Xiangwu's experimental group is coming, I'll go downstairs to pick them up."

"Okay, Liu Jiao, you can go there quickly."

Liu Jiao came downstairs, waiting for the arrival of Wang Xiangwu's experimental group.

Seeing a group of people approaching, Liu Jiao went up and asked:
"Excuse me, is this the experimental group of Professor Ji Dawang Xiangwu?"

Wang Xiangwu smiled and said, "Yes, I am Wang Xiangwu, and you are Ms. Liu Jiao, right?"

"Yes, please come with me."

Liu Jiao was about to take everyone upstairs.

At this time, it was discovered that a familiar figure appeared among the members of Wang Xiangwu's experimental group.

"You are...Xu You?"

Xu You also recognized Liu Jiao, and hurriedly said hello:
"Hi Teacher Liu, I'm here again."

At this time, Liu Jiao had a lot of confusion in her heart.

Isn't this Xu You a student of Qiao Sen?
Why did he go to Wang Xiangwu's experimental group again this time?

But in front of so many people, Liu Jiao didn't ask any questions, and led everyone upstairs with a smile on her face.

Liu Jiao led the crowd to Han Shubin's office, and Han Shubin also got up and greeted Wang Xiangwu.

"Hello, Professor Wang!"

"Academician Han, hello!"

Han Shubin and Wang Xiangwu shook hands tightly and greeted everyone to sit down.

Before that, Wang Xiangwu had only met Han Shubin on TV and in some meetings, but had never had such face-to-face communication with Han Shubin.

At this time, Han Shubin finally noticed Xu You who was hiding behind everyone.

"Xu You? Why are you here too?"

Wang Xiangwu was also a little surprised when he heard the words. He didn't expect that academician Han Shubin even knew Xu You.

"Academician Han, I also did a little work on this project, so I came here together."

Xu You didn't dare to be greedy for credit, and described his status in the experimental group lightly.

When Wang Xiangwu and others heard Xu You's words, they couldn't laugh or cry.

If even Xu You, who made the design drawings of the new light source, can only be counted as "doing a little work".

Wouldn't the work done by the remaining members of the experimental group be even more insignificant.

Han Shubin didn't know what kind of role Xu You played in this project.

Hearing what Xu You said, Han Shubin subconsciously felt that Xu You really didn't have that much effect this time.

After all, this time, unlike last time, Qiao Sen brought Xu You alone.

After everyone was seated, Han Shubin began to communicate with Wang Xiangwu.

"Professor Wang, I took a look at the content of the paper, and I think it is very breakthrough. Whether it is in the field of fundamental physics or in practical quantum technology, this is an important research achievement."

"Thank you Academician Han for your affirmation. It is a great honor for all members of our experimental team to make a contribution to the island project."

"Professor Wang, can you tell me how our experimental group came up with the inspiration to design such a new light source structure?" Han Shubin asked.

For the content of the whole paper, what Han Shubin is most interested in is undoubtedly the design of the new light source.

Han Shubin can naturally understand the truth.

But if Han Shubin were to design it, it would be difficult to come up with such an ingenious design.

It's a bit like when a student sees an unfamiliar question type, he doesn't have any ideas. It's only after reading the analysis that he knows how to do it and why he should do it.

But the ability to come up with a solution when seeing an unfamiliar question type for the first time is very difficult to learn.

This is also a very rare ability in scientific research work.

"Academician Han, it's more appropriate for Xu You to answer this question."

After all, this new light source structure was not designed by Wang Xiangwu.

He also couldn't explain how Xu You came up with such a wild and unconstrained design.

Han Shubin was very surprised when he heard this.

"Oh? So, this light source structure was designed by Xu You?"

"That's right, I also take back what Xu You said just now. Although Xu You was not the one who worked the longest in the laboratory during the entire project, he was definitely the one who made the most critical contribution."

"I didn't expect it to be Ni again this time. Xu You, tell me what you thought at the time."

Wang Xiangwu and others did not understand the meaning of Han Shubin's words.

In fact, Wang Xiangwu and the others didn't know much about the subjects that Qiao Sen's laboratory was doing.

Even though they are from the same university, because the laboratories are different and their respective topics are kept confidential, they will not communicate with each other.

Hearing that his name was called, Xu You had no choice but to come out and answer.

Xu You only remembered that at that time, his attention was very concentrated, and he entered the magical state of flow unconsciously.

This state of flow is very wonderful. In this state, Xu You only feels that his brain has reached an unprecedented high-efficiency operation state.

Of course, pure flow state is not enough, sufficient knowledge is also a necessary condition.

Xu You recalled how he felt at that time, and told Han Shubin about his design ideas.

"Well, it is indeed a very ingenious design, and the theoretical foundation is also very solid. But I still don't quite understand how you got such inspiration. This may be the characteristic of a genius. If you ask Einstein how he came up with Regarding the theory of relativity, it is estimated that he himself may not be able to explain it clearly."

Xu You had no choice but to smile when he heard the words, after all, he couldn't say that he had entered a state of flow.

"By the way, Xu You, you didn't vote for "Nature" for the project results this time, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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