Top talent of csgo

Chapter 82 Add some points?

Chapter 82 Add some points?
After leaving the office, Yu Qing opened the system panel.

After the match with Team A, the system panel will also update the data.

Yu Qing looked at the data in front of him unexpectedly, ah this?

The specific attribute data is:

"Name: Yu Qing"

"Preview: S (+)"

"Positioning: S (+)"

"Gun control: S (+)"

"Response: Superb"

"Item: A (+)"

"Consciousness: A (+)"

"Agility: B (+)"

"Talent: Triple Experience"

"Skills: Concentration Lv1, State Player Lv1"

"MVP points: 5"

"Championship Points: 0"

Yu Qing was not surprised that the attribute of strength had not changed.

It's only been two days since the point was added, Yu Qing would feel strange if there was a change in marksmanship attributes!
To Yu Qing's surprise, he got mvp points!

From the original two points, three points were added to the current five points.

That is, 5=2+3.

Yu Qing is not surprised to win the mvp of two pictures in a row, and the points will be increased by two.

To Yu Qing's surprise, the mvp selected based on the performance of the entire game after the game will also be included in the mvp points.

Isn't this just repetition!

Cheering for a moment.

Putting aside her mentality of being a good boy when she got a bargain, Yu Qing seriously considered her current situation.

He will always be in a bottleneck period now and in the future.

The current four marksmanship attribute levels have already reached their peak, relying solely on his own hard training.

Want to further your career?

Gotta add some!
The three attributes of props, consciousness, and body skills have not yet reached S, and they can be mentioned through daily training and learning.

But the improvement of these three points is not that helpful to him now!

Yu Qing is very clear about his position in the team.

As long as he has no faults, he is meritorious!
With two top 20 riflemen, NiKo and huNter, to break through, G2's breakthrough ability is unique among all teams!
NiKo and huNter are expanding their frontiers. As long as Yu Qing, nexa and JaCkz play normally, G2 will be able to meet other top professional teams.

And once the three of them perform well, it won't be difficult to beat other teams!

It is also the current system of G2. As a rookie sniper, Yu Qing's statistics are so good, and it is so easy to obtain mvp points.

G2 wins, with a high probability, either NiKo will play, or huNter will play, or like a few days ago, Yu Qing will play unexpectedly!
Even if all five of them play, they all play beautifully.

As a sniper who doesn't need to press forward and can shoot dangerous guns, Yu Qing's statistics must be the best!
Yu Qing simply calculated.

Win the next map, and the mvp will probably be among him, huNter and NiKo.

It's just a simple third, on average, if G2 wins three maps, Yu Qing can get a little mvp points.

That is to say, if he plays well, he will be able to add another point after this DreamHack is over!

Maybe he can still get championship points?
Since he has a little to add in a few days, it is necessary to plan well.

Add marksmanship attributes?

Added to the three auxiliary attributes of props, consciousness and body skills?

Or draw a talent?

This is what Yu Qing struggles with.


Not sure!
Yu Qing was very confused.

Just increasing the marksmanship attribute by one level will not bring about a qualitative change in his strength.

Similarly, increasing the auxiliary attribute by one level will not bring about a qualitative change in his strength.

But he has to add points if he can add them, and he can't save them!

Even a slight improvement in strength can increase his probability of obtaining mvp points.

What Yu Qing wants is the most cost-effective addition.

After a while, I still couldn't think of a result.

Yu Qing simply knocked on the door of maLek's office again.


Yu Qing pushed the door.

MaLek looked at Yu Qing in surprise, he raised his left hand, and after about half an hour, "What's wrong?"

This time, Yu Qing took the initiative to sit opposite him.

"Coach, what aspect of improvement should I focus on now?"

MaLek was overjoyed after hearing this, and finally realized that he took the initiative to practice more?
He said earnestly, "You need to practice more on your marksmanship!"

"Preview, positioning and gun control, you have to practice more!"

Yu Qing asked, "What about props, consciousness and body skills?"

maLek was taken aback for a moment, then said, "Practice too!"

Yu Qing suddenly showed embarrassment, "Then if I can directly improve the level of one of them, which one is the best?"

MaLek paused, and then his face collapsed immediately, "Do you think this is an extra point?"

"Does the strength mean that it is improved when it is improved?"

"Training honestly!"

"As the level of marksmanship improves, the other levels will naturally not be inferior!"

Then, he opened a form, "Don't think about those messy things, look at your current data!"

An excel form.

The first worksheet is Yu Qing's overall evaluation.

It contains not only the killing data of the main firearms, but also the killing data of different situations.

"You perform best when you're holding a sniper."

maLek clicked on the worksheet named "AWP", turned the screen to Yu Qing, "Look at your recent best performance data!"

Yu Qing stretched her neck.

Several pictures attracted Yu Qing's attention.

The first picture is titled "Hit Rate".

The ordinate is the hit rate, the abscissa is the time, the graph is discontinuous, there are discontinuous points, and the time of the discontinuous point is the day when Yuqing added the point.

Before the discontinuity point, the image is a linear function with positive coefficients.

After the discontinuity, the image is approximately parallel to the horizontal axis, with a higher vertical intercept.

The title of the second picture is "Hit Ratio of Frame Points", and the picture is the same as the first picture, except that the value of the ordinate after the discontinuity point is higher.

The third picture
According to Yu Qing's understanding, the hit rate on the vertical axis can represent strength, and the horizontal axis represents time. These data can not only find out whether Yu Qing has trained seriously, but also represent the development trend of Yu Qing's strength.

His strength progress has a positive relationship with time, and the speed of progress does not weaken. This is the effect of the previous [triple experience] talent.

After adding points, although there is not much data entered, there is an obvious difference between the data and before adding points, so that it is expressed in the form of intermittent points in the image!

"Your talent is very high!"

MaLek pointed to the hit rate of the frame point, "90% of the data is unique in the active occupation!"

Yu Qing was secretly delighted.


maLek's growl, "Look at your other hits!"

"Is the club training poor?"

"Come to the club, and the rate of improvement in other shooting percentages has not accelerated?"

"Still fishing these days?"


Following maLek's last question, Yu Qing retorted subconsciously, "My hit rate has improved a lot!"

maLek hates iron but not steel, "Do you know what the hit rate of a sniper rifle is related to?"


"Reaction! The hit rate of the sniper rifle represents the speed of a player's reaction."

Yu Qing thought, good thing, doesn't this prove that I'm talented!

"But a player's strength is more than just reaction!"

It does not mean that Qing retorted, maLek continued.

"You only have a big sniper point, and it's hard to cope with the ever-changing situation in the game!"

"Whether it's using props, or a double pull, or avoiding you, they can all target you very well."

Although what maLek said might be true, Yu Qing's youthful self-esteem made Yu Qing retort, "Then Team A is still beaten like this by me!"

maLek's face darkened, and his tone was heavy, "Did Team A know your data in advance!"

"No surprise, how could they let you play such exaggerated stats!"

He pointed at Yu Qing's hit rate of throwing guns and difficulty guns, "Depending on them?"

"Based on 60% and 30%?"

Yu Qing opened his mouth, but couldn't find a reason to refute.

maLek was determined to impress Yu Qing, and he insisted, "You are a sniper, and the team will give you priority if they have money, so you just use such a low stat to reward your teammates?"

"Every shot of the big sniper may determine the outcome of a round. As a professional player, you should not let your guard down!"

"Otherwise, I will think that you have a professional attitude!"

Yu Qing shouted in her heart that she was wronged!

He just said a word, why is there a problem with his professional attitude now!

As a last resort, Yu Qing conceded defeat. He looked at maLek and asked, "Then me?"

"In the future, practice guns steadily!"


Yu Qing grinned in agreement, then turned and left.

maLek watched Yu Qing leave his office for the second time today, muttering to himself!
What a talent!

Why not practice hard?

The more he thought about it, the more worried maLek became.

When the other teams know about Yu Qing's characteristics and carry out specific targets, will he still be able to enjoy it by relying on his reaction alone?
If he can't eat it, can Yu Qing develop other ways of playing?

maLek glanced at the image again and sighed, "The training effect is still not good!"

"Add more? More training is almost the same!"

Is there something to add to real life?
 It's late today, just one update.

(End of this chapter)

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