Chapter 163 Master Zhao's Use of Tactics
Erdener is a smart man, he is very thoughtful, and he must not sacrifice himself to help others.

"Only three Ming dogs! Only three Ming dogs!"

A Jurchen suddenly shouted.

Erden curled his lips in disdain.

Did you just find out now?
These tribesmen are not only incapable of fighting, they are also incapable of fleeing for their lives!

Look at his forehead, when he is running for his life, he looks at six directions and listens to all directions.

It has long been discovered that there are only three Ming soldiers behind him.

But what's the use of it?

Behind these three Ming troops, there are more than 1000 Ming troops!
As long as there is a slight delay here, if you are caught up, you will not be able to escape.

This Ming army is very ruthless, it kills anyone it sees, it has long been red-eyed!

Erden has a deep understanding.

Now, he really wished that the people of the clan would go back and fight those three Ming soldiers!
In this way, he can take the opportunity to escape further and distance himself from these tribesmen.

Now, Erdener must first outrun these tribesmen.

Let these tribesmen stand in the rear and stop the Ming army a little bit, and his chances of escaping will be even greater.

"We are Jianzhou warriors, how can hundreds of people be chased by three Ming dogs! This is our shame! Fight them!"

"Warriors, go back and kill these three Ming dogs, and there will be no more pursuers!"


Someone yelled, wanting to turn around and desperately.

Ping Pong Pong!

Gunshots rang out, accompanied by screams.

Those who were arguing fiercely, someone was shot and fell to the ground.

However, this did not deter them.

The number of the Ming army is too small, only three people.

The most important reason why there are so many soldiers in Zhenglan Banner that they were defeated in a single attack was that they were frightened by the electric cat mousetrap and the military searchlights that were suddenly turned on.

Thinking it was the sorcery of the Ming army, they were scared out of their wits.

The Ming army took the opportunity to charge again, so they dispersed in a hurry.

Now, after running all night, I was exhausted, and that fear gradually dissipated.

The exhaustion of the body, coupled with the death of the people around them, made some of them gradually become angry.


"Kill them!"

Dozens of Tartars turned their heads, wanting to fight desperately.

Seeing this, Gu Er and the others stopped running instead and stopped to shoot.

Ping Pong Pong.

They didn't hold their guns for very long, but they fired a lot.

The marksmanship is getting more and more accurate.

One by one the Tartars were thrown down.

They reload quickly and fire quickly.

At this moment, Gu Er was very calm.

"Retreat! Remember the twelve-character tactics that the adults taught us, the enemy advances and we retreat."

The adults have taught them that when the enemy is strong and we are weak, they must not apply for a job, and they must learn to avoid the edge temporarily.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we attack.

They kept a certain distance from these Tartars and kept shooting.

One by one the Tartars fell down.

Soon, the courage of the Tartars began to wear out.

"These smart dogs are too cunning!"

They chased, and the Ming army ran away.

While running, don't forget to shoot them and kill them one by one.

What's more, he specially picks up Ba Ya La fights, and picks up the bravest ones for charging.

Once they got within twenty or thirty paces.

This makes them very excited.

Two archers opened their bows and drew arrows, ready to shoot with heavy arrows to kill the three Ming soldiers.

At the critical moment, the three Ming soldiers suddenly put away their spears and rushed towards them with short pistols.

Ping Pong Pong!

That short pistol can fire continuously.

After a burst of dense bullets, the archers were all killed.

Nearly half of the Tartars who were chasing were killed in this chase.

The rest were scared again, and I don't know which timid one was the first to scream and run away.

The others also followed Sa Yazi and fled.

So many people were chased by three Ming troops?
At this time, everyone can't care about those anymore.

Their courage has been beaten to pieces.

The Ming army is invincible!

Erden didn't have this trouble, he didn't chase and kill the three Ming soldiers at all.

When the clansmen were clamoring to fight back, he ran faster than before.

He ran all the way to the northeast...

Because he knew that Huang Taiji's camp was in that direction.

It was almost noon, and Erden only felt dizzy.

He ate two handfuls of fried noodles last night and drank some water. He knew that until now, no grain of rice had been eaten, no drop of water was touched, and he had been running desperately, and his whole body was about to collapse.

On the ground in front, dust is transpiring.

Erden was taken aback, and with a jolt, he came to his senses.

This place is so vast that he doesn't even have a place to hide.

There are a few rides oncoming.

If the Ming army is chasing soldiers, how can he escape, how can he survive?
Erdener simply didn't run away, he wanted to accept his fate.

Those rides are getting closer and closer.

With the sun shining, his dim eyes gradually became clearer.

Red armor, bright...but not the red armor of the Ming army.

"It's the red flag!"

Erden let out a long breath.

When he saw that blush, his heart was in his throat.

The battle robes of the Eight Banners are made according to the style of the Ming army and are very similar.

However, as a disciple of the Eight Banners, of course he can distinguish the nuances.


He beckoned.

When he saw the clansmen who were facing the red flag, he knew he was saved.

Zhenghongqi is slightly stronger than their Zhenglanqi.

Although the Ming army can fight, but there are only more than 1000 people, it is impossible to defeat Zhenghongqi after defeating Zhenglanqi.

I don't know how long it took, but when he woke up again, he found that he was lying on the ground, and several people from the Red Flag tribe were pouring water for him, and asked loudly:

"You are from Zhenglanqi? How did you become like this?"

"We lost! We are facing the blue flag... lost!"

Erden drank a few sips of water, felt more refreshed, and tried to speak.

"What is lost? Where is it lost? Who are you?"

These few people who are facing the red flag are obviously sentinels.

"A Ming army with a very strong fighting capacity... We were defeated by Zhenglan Banner! We were scattered! I am Ba Ya La Er Deng E, and my master is Gu Shan E Zhen Zuo Nuo Mu... Died in battle!"

Erden did not say that he had been demoted to Aha by Mangurtai.

The Zhenglan Banner has already been defeated, and Mangurtai doesn't know if he is still alive.

In the chaos, it is estimated that no one cares about those.

Erden decided to conceal the unfavorable experience.

He is Erden, and now he is still Ba Yala.

"What? Master Gushan Ezhen Zonomu died in battle?"

The scouts were taken aback.

Of course they know what that means.

The Jurchen Eight Banners have been fighting for years, but they have almost won consecutive battles, and each time they have won big victories at a very small cost.

A Gu Shan forehead really died in battle...

This is simply unimaginable.

I'm afraid the entire Eight Banners will be shaken, and the sweat will be furious!

(End of this chapter)

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