Chapter 377 The Best Uncle
The company had just opened, and Zhuang Ziqiang devoted a lot of time and energy to the company.

On this day, he received a call from Su Mingyu.

"Brother, be careful recently."

"what happened?"

"Uncle went to Dad's to borrow money, but Dad said no, so he pushed him to me. Uncle found my company and was just kicked out by me. I guess he will go to yours soon."

"Borrow money? Why borrow money?"

"For the sake of Zhongbang going to school..."

Mother Zhao Meilan's younger brother and the uncle of Su Mingzhe's three siblings have not shown up since Zhao Meilan's death.

This time, he said it was because his son Zhao Zhongbang failed to pass the public high school and wanted to go to a private high school, so he borrowed money from his father.

Borrowing money was a basic operation when her mother Zhao Meilan was alive. She said it was borrowing, but in fact she wanted it.

Mother's natal family has a habit of patriarchal sons over daughters. Back then, mother Zhao Meilan married her father Su Daqiang not only to settle her own urban hukou, but also mainly to get her younger brother an urban hukou.

In 88, my mother used the Su family's money to get my uncle to the city.

Then there is support all the way, from buying a house to getting married, to having a child, and going to school for the child, there is no one thing that does not ask the mother for money.

Over the years, Lin Lin always rarely said that he took 40 million from the Su family, and many of them were taken out in the 90s. Counting inflation, the money is worth at least one million.

The mother helped the uncle's family without any scruples, which not only raised the uncle's family's fat brains and lack of business, but also directly contributed to the poor living standards of the Su family in the past few years, including Su Mingyu's harsh treatment. If the mother did not use the money to subsidize the uncle, let alone It is to let Su Mingyu go to a good university, even if Su Mingzhe studies abroad, he does not necessarily need to sell a house to support him.

Zhuang Ziqiang knew so clearly not only because he was familiar with the plot accident, but also because he had a account book of his mother Zhao Meilan in his hand.

Not only father Su Daqiang kept accounts in the family, but mother Zhao Meilan also kept accounts.

However, the mother only keeps accounts of the money lent to the uncle, and Zhuang Ziqiang doesn't know what her reason is.

This account book was placed in the furniture of the old house. My father never lived in the old house after my mother died, so no one found the account book in the furniture of the old house.

Zhuang Ziqiang and Wu Fei found the ledger when they helped their father Su Daqiang sell the house and organize the furniture, so he kept it in his hand.

Recalling what this uncle did, Zhuang Ziqiang couldn't help shaking his head.

Ever since I was a child, I would buy some gifts and visit my house during the holidays, but I didn’t even think about it. My uncle would only come to the house when he asked his mother to borrow money.

Zhuang Ziqiang's three brothers and sisters can count the number of times they have seen this uncle over the years. Zhuang Ziqiang deliberately checked the account kept by his mother. It is basically certain that every time they see their uncle, he will come to the door Borrowed money.

After get off work in the evening, Zhuang Ziqiang was stopped by security guards as soon as he drove to the gate of the community.

"Mr. Zhuang, a gentleman said he was your uncle, and he has been waiting for you all afternoon."

Zhuang Ziqiang frowned. He saw a short and fat man coming out of the security room, and waved to Zhuang Ziqiang with a smile on his face.

Zhuang Ziqiang ignored him and said to the security guard, "I don't know him, don't let this person into the community."

After speaking, he turned around and got in the car, and the Mercedes-Benz entered the community.

Zhuang Ziqiang saw through the rearview mirror that the short and fat man was yelling angrily.

Zhao Meide was panting with scolding, "Su Mingzhe, you little bastard! I'm your own uncle, and when your uncle comes, you won't even let in the door, you unconscionable thing!"

He never expected that he would run into a wall with his always honest and kind nephew.

The son needs money to go to school, and his first thought was to ask his sister's house for money, but now that his sister is dead, he can only find his brother-in-law Su Daqiang.

The house in the old house was sold, and Su Daqiang moved to a new home. Zhao Meide found out the current address of this brother-in-law with great difficulty. After finding his home, he realized that since his sister left, his brother-in-law has lived a fairy-like life.

Back then, Su Daqiang didn't dare to breathe in front of his sister Zhao Meilan, and he didn't have a new dress for several years.

It's good now. They live in a big house of more than 100 square meters, with all kinds of furniture and appliances, and there is a young nanny to take care of them. Don't let the small life be more nourishing.

Zhao Meide is jealous!

With this red eye, the [-] that my son needed to go to school suddenly became [-].

"What? One hundred thousand?"

Su Daqiang stood up, "Do you think I run a bank?"

"Brother-in-law, isn't this also going to school for Zhongbang!"

"What does your son's going to school have to do with me?"

"Why doesn't it matter? Zhongbang is the only seedling of our old Zhao family. You are my brother-in-law. If my sister is alive, can you ignore it?" Zhao Meide said with a deadpan face.

It's good that Zhao Meide didn't mention his sister, but when Zhao Meilan was mentioned, Su Daqiang immediately became rebellious.

Zhao Meilan subsidizes this younger brother when she is alive, so does the Su family still have to subsidize her when she is dead?
But Su Daqiang is a cowardly person, so he definitely dare not say this to his brother-in-law.

"I have no money."

"Brother-in-law, how can you have no money? I heard that this house was bought by your boss, and the three younger ones will pay you more than 1 yuan a month for living expenses! Including your pension, How come it costs [-], right?

I didn't borrow much, just [-].After you wait for our family Zhongbang to go to college and work, I will definitely pay you back the money. "

"Return it to me?" Su Daqiang sneered, then shook his head, "No!"

Zhao Meide's eyes widened, "Brother-in-law, I said it's wrong for you to do this."

The younger brother-in-law's momentum came up, and Su Daqiang was a little scared, "Why are you yelling at me! They have money, so you go to them!"

Zhao Meide thought about it, yes, how much money does Su Daqiang have in his hand?Why don't you go to your nephew and niece to fight the autumn wind? These people are now spending millions of dollars to buy a house. Isn't it easy to ask for some money?
20 is a little less, let him borrow [-] first.

After making up his mind, Zhao Meide asked Su Daqiang how he could find his eldest nephew and niece. He knew that the eldest and third child of the Su family were the richest. Clan, can't count on him.

Seeing that his brother-in-law wanted to borrow money from his sons and daughters, Su Daqiang immediately diverted the trouble and reported both the company address and home address to Zhao Meide.

Zhao Meide stood at the entrance of Jinshui Bay and yelled and cursed for a long time, while the security guards on the side just watched him quietly, and when he had finished scolding, asked him to leave the door and not obstruct other owners from entering and leaving the community.

"Okay! Okay!" Zhao Meide didn't dare to yell at the security guards, turned his head and left angrily.

He had to go to Su Daqiang for an explanation.

what does it mean!

(End of this chapter)

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