Chapter 297 Movie viewing body (pseudo)
From the perspective of Kassel College, the Lord of Mysteries is really a terrifying existence to them.

Especially after that evil god invasion incident, I don't know how many students suffered from black glove pstd.从那之后,如果有哪一个人敢在学校里戴上黑色手套的话,那么几乎在在校园里走一圈之后就会被狠狠的揍好几顿。

This is the subconscious reaction of the students.

All in all, black glove phobia.

Even now that more than a year has passed, there are still many students who dream of black gloves, and then are frightened into the infirmary to find Professor Toyama Masashi and Miss Justice.

Lu Mingfei was also very impressed with that incident.

That was the first time he exchanged with Lu Mingze, just to save brother fool.

He originally thought that Brother Fool was just an innocent human being possessed by the Lord of Mysteries, or that he was just a sacrifice chosen by the Lord of Mysteries...

It is more likely to be the body chosen by the evil god.

But he never imagined that the ordinary idiot brother would be the terrifying Lord of Mysteries directly, how could this be possible.

Although his rationality told him that all of this was very likely to be true, because there was no need for Sherlock Moriarty to lie to him at this time.But his reason is still resisting.

Brother Fool is his friend!
How could it be that terrifying evil god?

Lu Mingfei now thinks back to the night when the evil gods invaded, Kassel College was turned into ruins, and the gray-white dragon stared coldly at the sentient beings like ants...

All sentient beings put on black gloves, showed eight teeth, and made a perfect smile. Their smiles were very bright, as if they were watching a silent performance.

Everyone's expressions and movements are exactly the same, like puppets being manipulated.

It makes people feel the cold chill emanating from the depths of the soul.

It was from that night that he realized that there might be something wrong with his idiot brother, but at that time he didn't think much about it, and just subconsciously classified the idiot brother as the victim.

But the truth slapped him mercilessly on the cheek.

The victim who was always thought to be innocently involved is the existence of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"That night, didn't it..." Lu Mingfei's voice was a little dry, "Is the one who appeared last, brother fool?"

"Yes." Sherlock Moriarty nodded, "It is the main body that is about to wake up. All you have known all along is him."

Lu Mingfei didn't continue to ask anything.

At this moment, Lu Mingze appeared in front of him again.

There was a look of compassion on his face.

"My dear brother, until now, you have indeed been tricked by that evil god. The only person you can trust now is me."

"Even if he really thought he was a human being, once he wakes up, the emotions and memories of the previous human beings will no longer exist. The memory of you getting along with him is not worth mentioning to higher-level existences. To Him, human beings are nothing but ants."

Lu Mingfei was about to say something just now, but when he recalled those dark and dull eyes back then, he really felt a little hopeless.

Brother fool... Is it really that weird and terrifying evil god?
"Uh...listen to me first, is it okay?" Sherlock really couldn't bear to see that little devil sowing discord, "The original fool is indeed human."

"So, what you want to express is that your body is a human being possessed by an evil god?" Lu Mingze sarcastically said, "Don't be kidding, from the very beginning, what you believe in is that evil god, right? ?”

"Even if that fool thinks he is a human being, he is also an evil god in essence. The moment he really wakes up, he won't be the one you recognize, brother!"

In this critical situation, Lu Mingze didn't want his silly brother to be deceived by that weird guy at all.

Sherlock Moriarty couldn't bear it anymore, he snapped his fingers.

Steal the voice of that little devil who has been alarmist.

When he is easy to bully?
No matter how bad it is, he is still a thief after all, the Sequence Three of the path!
Lu Mingze covered his neck in shock, no matter how much he opened his mouth to speak, he couldn't say anything.

"Brother fool... who the hell is it?"

"Now it's an ordinary human..."

Sherlock Moriarty said.

"A human being now? Then what does this sentence mean, wasn't it a human being before?"

"No, the current state of noumenon cognition is indeed a human being..." Sherlock Moriarty thought for a moment, "The sleeping noumenon, the personality and memories shown are all of him when he was a human. "

Listening to Sherlock Moriarty's explanation, Lu Mingfei was even more confused.

In the worldview of the Dragon Clan, the concept of being human once did not exist.

Everyone is born with dragon blood.

There is no such thing as a human being who later became a dragon.

Even in ancient times, there were some human beings who were overwhelmed and wanted to become dragons through some kind of secret technique, but they would end up with a very miserable end.

Sherlock Moriarty gritted his teeth, directly smashed the can, and dropped a blockbuster.

"Actually, we are not from this world."

"We come from a world other than your dragon world. The main body there is like a pillar of the world, but because of the invasion of foreign gods... it is equivalent to the end of the world, and then the main body is too tired and fell into a deep sleep."

Sherlock Moriarty explained his origin in a few simple sentences.

He is a little tired.

It feels like in this world of little dragons, although everyone's strength is not very strong, there is a serious mismatch between personality and strength, but there is a trace of weirdness everywhere.

For example, the world barrier like shattered glass, a trace of world will emerge from time to time, and Lu Mingfei who is like the protagonist.

There are also groups of little dragons who talk like the second disease of middle school.The Dragon King is extremely adoring and sentimental in character.

Coupled with a group of people who are good at brain supplementation and are very confident in the second grade.

It really feels like everyone is as good at making up brains like "The Hanged Man".

Cause their development in this world to be strange.

This made him deeply understand that if he wants to improve the understanding between the two parties, he should confess directly.

Otherwise, the ghost knows what other people will imagine.

What's more, as Lu Mingfei is his good brother, he is not willing to deceive him with lies.

As for Lu Mingfei...

Lu Mingfei's three views are being reshaped.

But it is indeed much better than the old Tang.

After all, Lu Mingfei's world view was also shattered once before. When he entered Kassel College, he learned that there are dragons in this world, and his world view was reshaped.

It has only been two years since that time.

It is not a big problem if the world view is broken again.

What's more, Lu Mingfei's age is much younger than Old Tang's, and young people still have a relatively high tolerance for new things.

...So there really is another world?
After listening to Sherlock Moriarty's explanation, Lu Mingfei's pupils trembled. Even though his ability to accept is really strong, his world view is still shattered.

Not only that, but even Lu Mingze, who was constantly trying to make a sound with his mouth open, had a wonderful expression at this time.

Lu Mingze once thought about what kind of existence that evil god that suddenly appeared was.

It was also speculated that the evil god might be one of the heiwang's successors, or one of the dragons who have survived since ancient times.

In normal times, he also likes to read animation and novels, and also loves to play games, immersing himself in the world of fantasy.

The imagination is still rich enough.

But he never thought that such a fantasy plot would happen in reality.

Maybe it's because Lu Mingze has been thinking about the Dragon Race, which makes his thinking a bit narrow.

But ordinary people really don't know how to just feel that their good friends are from another world!
"What was your original world like?" Lu Mingfei had been out of his body for a long time, and after finally accepting this setting, he reluctantly put his world view back a little bit, and then asked with some difficulty.

"Hmm..." Sherlock Moriarty thought for a moment, and said, "I remember that your history is pretty good, so it is probably the steam age from the first industrial revolution to the second industrial revolution. Similar to Victoria period. It’s just that our world doesn’t have oil.”

"And there are gods, there are seven orthodox gods. In addition, there is a western continent shrouded in mist, which is similar to the east in ancient times..."

Lu Mingfei nodded numbly.

Then he noticed an unusual point very keenly.

When Brother Fool introduces his own world, he seems to habitually use the history of their world as a comparison.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the other world be different from theirs?Idiot brother who has been living in another world, although maybe in order to familiarize himself with understanding, he uses the history of this world to explain.

But it doesn't make sense...

Even a foreigner who has lived in China for more than ten years may appear unfamiliar and strange in some aspects.Not to mention it's another world.

Lu Mingfei intuitively told him that Brother Fool behaved as if he had lived in this modern society since he was a child.

At least when he communicated with Brother Fool, he didn't feel anything wrong.

And in some respects, Brother Fool is even ahead of the times than him...

Something is wrong...

Lu Mingfei didn't keep the question in his heart, but asked directly.

Sherlock Moriarty pulled out a forced smile, and said half-jokingly: "The main body is actually a time traveler, who traveled from modern times to that era."

Lu Mingfei choked out a sentence for a long time: "Are you serious?"

Now he doesn't feel much surprise at what Brother Fool said.

The world view has been shattered, and before it is put back together, whatever you say is what it is.

He was lying flat anyway.

Sherlock Moriarty curled his lips, and said with some emotion: "Your expression is not as fun as Old Tang's expression at that time."

Old Tang's expression at that time was very vivid.

Let him remember deeply.

But when it came to Lu Mingfei, it was not so exciting.

Probably because there are too many stimuli.

From the dream last night, until this morning when Chu Zihang dragged her into the abandoned building to look for the Dragon King, to the script.

Obviously, Lu Mingfei has been tossed to the point of wanting it.

"What was Old Tang like at that time?"

Lu Mingfei complained, sending out his depressed heart.

Now he has absolutely no intention of asking brother idiot to ask his teacher for guilt. In his mind, brother idiot has changed from an ordinary person to a monster made of bugs, to a sealed villain, and finally to a visitor from another world.

It's nothing to add a traveler setting.

"Oh, what I said is true." Sherlock Moriarty sighed, "When Zhou Mingrui woke up in the crimson moonlight, he was really helpless and hesitant."

He waved his hand, and the dazed scenery around him changed again.

Endless gray fog shrouded around them.

A few simple chairs emerged in front of them, and in front of them was a curtain like a movie theater screen.

Sherlock Moriarty squeezed out two buckets of popcorn, gave Lu Mingfei one bucket, and took another bucket for himself, completely ignoring Lu Mingze who was speechless.

"If you want to eat anything, you can imagine it, and then you can take it out." Sherlock Moriarty took the lead in pinching a popcorn and stuffing it in his mouth, "Don't worry, it's not poisonous. But it doesn't matter if you eat it." full."

"After all, it's just a historical projection."

Historical projection?

Another unfamiliar term.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment, imagined a bottle of Coke in his mind, and finally took out the Coke.

Opened it and took a sip, it was exactly the same as Coke.

Lu Mingfei's doubts deepened.

"Where is this place?"

"Hmm..." Sherlock Moriarty thought for a moment, and said, "According to the more popular saying, it's... the cinema hall."

"You can watch the past videos here and find the answers you want. Because there are so many things that need to be explained, it will be really unclear for a while."

"Put the relevant situation in the film."

After finishing speaking, Sherlock Moriarty clapped his hands, and the screen in front of them lit up.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a red moon, and a young man with black hair and brown eyes and a bookish look.

【Everyone will die, including me...】


 Doing nucleic acid, trembling by the wind in the middle of the night^

  Let me briefly talk about the recent development. After Lu Mingfei exchanged news, he stepped on the gas pedal.

  In a few more chapters of this volume, it will be basically over after dealing with Xia Mi.

  The last volume is the beginning of the great fusion of the mysterious dragon clan.

(End of this chapter)

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