This witch, please stay

Chapter 104 Myocardial Infarction【Available at 5 noon every Friday~】

Chapter 104 Myocardial Infarction【Available at [-] noon on Friday~】

Dressed in white clothes, walking through the mountains and forests, like a wisp of idle cloud, fluttering among the leaves of the forest.

Breeze blows.

It was Xun Ming who got off the ferry.

The mortal clothes overcoat, with the robes on the mountain inside, has been replaced with a Taoist robe on the mountain of mediocre rank.

White jade hairpin, black hair hanging down, indescribably freehand.

After the previous accident, Xun Ming didn't rush up and down the first ferry with the big crowd, but continued to sit quietly in the room with a pen in his hand, and waited until the second ferry before slowly going down. He got off the ferry, as if that was his destination.

And even if he was not in a hurry to go to Haishan Pass, he would probably make the same choice.

After the golden body of the unnamed Nascent Soul was shattered in an instant, the calm only lasted for a few days, and the ferry was already undercurrents.

A storm of searching for that "boy" is like a drop of ink, which quietly falls into the white water, overflows in an instant, and intensifies.

In the wave of search, there are not only boat crews, but also boat passengers.

Up and down the mountain, there will never be a shortage of opportunistic people.

Chances and chances, if you can't grasp the "opportunity", where will the "fate" come from?
And as for those pickled and fishy smells, who the hell cares?
Always winners and losers.

Who cares whether that "boy" is good or bad, whether he deserves to die or not.

All they knew was that the "boy" was definitely worth a fortune.

A "boy" who can make a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator act, either has a great background, or is carrying a treasure!

In short, as long as you find it, it will be a great opportunity!


Fortunately, before Xun Ming disembarked, the evil fire still hadn't reached the "Yizifang" where Xun Ming lived.

But just thinking about it briefly, Xun Ming felt that those people were really out of their minds.

Just keep "scraping the ground" on the boat, but don't care about those who get off the boat and get on the boat.

It's not that others don't have long legs, so he can't run? !

Besides, judging by the posture of the blond man, I don't know if that "boy" was just talking nonsense...

Just thinking about it casually, Xun Ming, who found it extremely troublesome, shook his head and stopped thinking about those useless things.

It's almost here.

The route of the ferry is like a hook shape. It starts from the border of Nanchan Dongsheng Erzhou, travels southwest to Bubei City, the "southern city in the world" in Haishan Pass, then turns northwest, and stops at the border of Xihezhou.

The ferry where Xun Ming got off was the last ferry before the ferry arrived at Bubei City.

Although there is still a long journey of mountains and rivers between Bubei City and Bubei City, it is actually not far away.

After half a day passed by in one breath, Xun Ming stopped in an open woodland.

It is said to be empty, but it is actually skipping the giant tree that collapsed in that lesson.

In the depths of such an inaccessible mountain forest, the forest is luxuriant, and the green crowns are connected to each other. The breeze blows like a large swaying emerald cloud.

In the undergrowth, which is almost covered by all the sunlight, only the low vegetation survives quietly, which is not obvious from the tall and verdant trees.

Only when one of the many "heaven" trees falls down, will there be a gap in the "green cloud" that seems to cover the sky and the sun, like a skylight opened above the zenith, through which the light shines. .

At that time, it was a scene of "every kind of frost competing for freedom".

The dormant vegetation in that piece of forest is competing to grow, occupying that precious window gap.

It's as if the dynasty changed, the old king fell, and the new king ascended the throne.

However, the woodland where Xun Ming was located at this time was obviously contrary to normal conditions.

It was supposed to be a luxuriant scene of barbaric growth, but now it seems to be lifeless, except for the old tree that collapsed and fell to the ground, and now it is so decayed that only a trunk and an empty shell are left. There was no shadow of the grass, it was bleak, and only the black and brown of the soil could be seen.

Standing by the dividing line between the bare soil and the surrounding short grass, Xun Ming had some guesses in his mind.

As we approached Haishan Pass, the danger level increased greatly.

Haorantian's local demon clan, as well as those human races with evil intentions, have been hiding near Haishan Pass for a long time.

Some waited for the army to break through the barrier, scrambling to be the first to present their votes, so as to save money from droughts and floods, while others were fortunate enough to want to be part of the barrier.

For a long time, it's not that these bastards haven't made great disturbances in Haishan Pass.

And for those "big movements", blood flowed into rivers again and again.

There was even a time when Haishan Pass was almost broken!

Xun Ming glanced at the soil next to the dead wood again, and roughly confirmed that the toxins were almost gone with the years, and then took out a small horse tie from the storage ring, and made the next one under the big tree.

But it wasn't that he was afraid of the toxins that might remain, so he didn't go to the open woodland that was obviously drier.

It's just that the big sun is really drying people...

Sitting in Maza, leaning on the tree trunk, with the forest wind blowing with a strong scent of grass and trees, it is very pleasant.

Xun Ming took out Bigu Pills of different flavors while taking out a Shanshui Mansion Newspaper that he had bought before disembarking, and browsed casually.

Skimming over the boring section dedicated to the anecdotes of sex on the mountain very skillfully, Xun Ming's eyes stopped on an entry.

"The Nameless Sword Immortal Chases and Kills the Ancestral Trees of the World"

Xun Ming was confused when he saw this entry.

However, it is not to confuse why the "ancestor tree" can run, but to confuse the "chasing and killing".

The ancestral tree of the world is a general term, not referring to a single tree, but to many trees.

Ancestral tree, ancestral tree, literally means, the ancestor of the trees in the world.

Although the Wuming Sword Immortal chased and killed, it should be only one of the ancestral trees.

But this is definitely enough to be shocking!
Because every ancestral tree in the world, the worst is the happy state.

And around where they took root, the environment that has evolved for countless years has long been called an independent forest dojo. Sitting in it, they are almost invincible!

Not just defeating, but also forcing the ancestral tree to leave the dojo and flee for thousands of miles. The sword fairy who should have a problem with his brain must at least be in the Dao Soul realm...

That is the ancestral tree of the world who is truly responsible for the great fortune of the heavenly mountains and rivers. If you say cut it down, you can cut it down? !

Although there is no news of the fall of the ancestral tree, Xun Ming always has a vague feeling that the old monster who is probably a lunatic should succeed in the end...

I can't tell, I don't know the way, I just have such a feeling.

Xun Ming turned up and down again, and found that there was only one sentence in the mansion newspaper for such a big event. If you read it carefully, it would even be easily skipped.

After a quick glance at the rest, there is no useful and interesting information except for the recent news that the entry and exit of Haishan Pass seems to be stricter.

Xun Ming, who had almost "finished his meal", was just about to get up and continue on his way, and then he had a sudden whim, and took out the snow-white booklet, preparing to indulge his eyesight.

Since getting off the boat, I don't know if it's because of the proximity to Haishan Pass. Xun Ming hasn't seen a single shadow of the male monster, not to mention the female monster.

But it’s okay, although I cut [-] paintings for my aunt in Biancheng, but as I said later, I still cut a lot of female monsters sporadically, and there should be a lot~
Xun Ming opened the snow-white booklet with a smile that the task was about to be completed, and then almost had a myocardial infarction in the next moment, and went crazy on the spot.


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(End of this chapter)

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