Quickly wear the host, she is too charming

Chapter 175 Fairy Elder, Hello!

Chapter 175 Fairy Elder, Hello!
"That's it, alas." Yun Ye shook his head regretfully, but only he knew what was going on in his heart, and finally gave Ming Shi a look of betrayal, he nodded and left here.

Seeing that he didn't bother him more tomorrow, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And Bai Yin looked at Yun Ye's back hesitantly, pondered for a moment, and finally chased him out.

I don't know what Bai Yin and Yun Ye said, but during the investigation in the next few days, Yun Ye also accompanied several people.

Ming Shi, who originally thought he had escaped a catastrophe, wished he could hide far away, because he was afraid that those scary words would suddenly come out of Yun Ye's mouth.

The few people did not live in Bai's house, but found an inn outside, and did not arrive at Bai's house until they needed to investigate. Although they hadn't gained much a few days ago, they were not discouraged. They thought they would have to investigate for a while, but Just that night, Chu Han's formation in the Bai family was disturbed.

The formation is very simple, and it is not an advanced formation, but when someone touches it, it will send a signal to the person who set up the formation.

Chu Han had already fallen asleep, but he woke up immediately when the formation was disturbed. Feeling the evil spirit coming from the formation, he quickly got up and woke everyone up and headed to Bai's house quickly.

When they arrived at the Bai family's house, they found that Yun Ye was already standing at the door. They were wondering why a mortal would be more vigilant than them. The next second, the waves of fluctuations from the Bai family's mansion dispelled their thoughts.

Chu Han pushed open the door and walked in quickly, and the others followed closely, not wanting to fall behind tomorrow, but just as she was about to step in, someone grabbed her wrist.

Looking back, Yun Ye appeared behind him at some unknown time.

"Follow me." Yun Ye pulled Ming Shi behind him, he strode in vigilantly, and never let go of Ming Shi's hand.

The moment Mingshi passed through the main entrance, her body felt as if she had passed through some kind of barrier, feeling a thin layer. When she looked back, she saw white silk threads coming out of nowhere and had completely sealed the gate. .

Thin white lines interspersed, implying a certain pattern, but Mingshi hadn't looked carefully at those white lines before they disappeared, and when she recalled slowly, she found that those silk lines looked like spider silk.


Such a thick line, if it is spider silk, how big should the spider be.

Ming immediately swallowed, hoping that he was wrong.

Before Mingshi finished being surprised by the change of the gate, there was a sudden exclamation, and she looked along, then stayed where she was in surprise.

I saw that the Bai family in front of me was completely different from the Bai family in the daytime. The Bai family mansion in the daytime was dilapidated, with dead branches and fallen leaves all over the ground. It had not been cleaned for some time and was not popular, but now the Bai family was clean and tidy. It was lively, bright red lanterns were hung on the eaves, and there were laughter and laughter from time to time. The maids and servants came and went, and they seemed to have seen the appearance of the Bai family before anything happened.

Sure enough, Hakuin had been stunned for a long time, he greedily looked at the scene in front of him, his memory went back to the past, if not for all the disciples of Shang Qingzong, he might think that the massacre of his family was just a nightmare.

Chu Han stepped forward to grab a maid who happened to be walking by, but in the next second, he passed through the maid's arm.


These two words came to everyone's mind.

But just when they all thought so, the maid who walked over suddenly turned around and grabbed Chu Han's hand.

The eyes were extremely dark, the eyeballs took up most of them, almost covering the whites of the eyes, the servant girl just gloomyly glanced around a few people, and finally set her eyes on Chu Han.

Her hands were extremely cold and bloodless, her nails were too long and sharp, and they were piercingly black. She was holding Chu Han's arm so tightly that he couldn't move.

Chu Han's face was serious, and he was about to summon Qiushuangjian, when he saw the servant girl smile sadly, "The master has been waiting for a long time when he heard that some distinguished guests are coming, and invited the distinguished guests to follow the servants to see the master."

After finishing speaking, the servant girl let go of Chu Han's hand, stepped back and bowed in a proper manner, then got up and walked straight ahead.

Huo Lingrong walked to Bai Yin's side, trying to protect him in the future, Yin Shaoqing also cast his gaze on Ming Shi, seeing her wrist being held by Yun Ye all the time, frowning slightly, his heart flashed with displeasure, he almost He stepped forward and pulled Ming Shi behind him, and gave Yun Ye a hard look.

Although Yunye didn't express anything on his face, the eyes he looked at Yin Shaoqing were much colder after all.

The two stood facing each other, as if they were about to fight, Ming Shi glanced at this, then at that, and finally dragged the second senior brother to catch up with the few people in front.

They followed the maid all the way vigilantly, and finally came to the place where the Bai family received guests, and the generous sandalwood round table was full of sumptuous meals.

Before Mingshi approached, she felt a vision looking towards her, and when she stepped into the hall, that vision was even more sticky on her body like a poisonous snake. Mingshi had to say that she was really frightened. Looking straight ahead and not daring to look around, goosebumps shook off the ground, and hid behind Yin Shaoqing a little tighter.

Yun Ye stood obliquely in front of Ming Shi, seemingly inadvertently blocking that line of sight, as if something in the air was irritated, the line of sight staring at Yun Ye changed from sticky to cold.

The servant girl signaled them to sit down with a gesture of invitation, "The master will come later, please wait a moment for the distinguished guests."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and retreated to the side without making any movement. Chu Han's eyes flashed a few waves, and she tried to grab the servant girl's arm again, but this time she passed through it again.

Surprise flashed in everyone's eyes.

Putting his hands back, Chu Han pondered for a moment, and took the lead in finding a place to sit down, and at the same time he also called Ming Shi to sit down.

As soon as Ming Shi sat down, that sticky gaze climbed up her body again. Seeing other people's complexion, she should not have felt this gaze, so she suddenly shivered.

Is the person behind it going to take the knife on himself first?
Mingshi wanted to cry but looked around at a table of people, and found that the scene was either the heroine or the second actor, or someone like the second senior brother who had some roles in the scene. Yun Ye and himself were undoubtedly passers-by. It seems that it is not surprising that people take the knife on themselves first.


This is not going to be the fastest time to go offline, is it?

Just when Mingshi was thinking wildly, Yun Ye, who was sitting next to her, tapped her hand lightly at an angle that no one could see, and then a cloud of black air burst out and left out of thin air, covering the strange and silent fluctuations of the White Mansion, The gaze staring at Mingshi was forced to withdraw immediately.

The table was full of food, and the delicious food seemed to reflect the sincerity of the people behind it, but none of the people present dared to move their chopsticks.

(End of this chapter)

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