wanton coaxing

Chapter 170 All Girls Like It

Chapter 170 All Girls Like It

After a weekend full of conflicts, Tang Yuxin re-entered a new round of busy study.

She recently entered another competition.

Tang Yuxin calculated carefully, as long as she gets into the top five in this competition, plus the various activities she usually participates in, then this semester's comprehensive test scores will be enough.

What's more, there is one more thing that attracts Tang Yuxin most in this competition, that is, as long as he gets into the top five, he will get a considerable bonus.

Adding in the money she got as a tutor some time ago and the money in her small treasury, if she can win this bonus, then the money to buy gifts for Jiang Yue will be considered stable.

This is also the last relatively large competition before the final exam of this semester.Coupled with the fact that the New Year's Day holiday will be held soon, the arrangement for this event is very urgent, and it will be next Tuesday next week.

And Jiang Yue's birthday is next Friday next week.

In order to get the bonus smoothly, Tang Yuxin restrained herself from looking for Jiang Yue on rare weekends.I spent two days on the weekend running back and forth between the library and the teaching and research building to prepare materials for the competition.

Knowing that she was preparing for the competition, Jiang Yue didn't say anything.After all, he never felt that falling in love must be more important than studying, and it is naturally best for the two to coexist without affecting each other.If not, he is willing to make concessions.

It's just that he doesn't think it's unusual, it doesn't mean that others think so too.Just like Cheng Zihan, the guada eater in their studio.

During lunch, Cheng Zihan teased him with a smile: "Boss, why didn't I see sister Xiaoxin come to see you this week?"

Last week, under his hard work, he finally learned the whole process of Guo Hongkun's beating from Jiang Yue.

The process was so detailed that Jiang Yue punched and kicked the opponent a few times...

It's hard for Jiang Yue to have a good memory, but he still remembers all of them.

For this reason, Cheng Zihan felt refreshed for a week.Inspiration also flowed like a spring, and several manuscripts were handed in, and Party A's father was very satisfied.

He felt that if Guo Hongkun could take a few more beatings, it is estimated that all the hair he lost due to Guo Hongkun's order could grow back, which would be considered a merit, wouldn't it?

Jiang Yue ate his meal in a regular manner, facing Cheng Zihan's smiling face, he said calmly: "She is going to prepare for the competition."

Cheng Zihan, who can think like a spring, has become very out of his mind, and he just made up for Jiang Yue's mental journey at the moment according to his own ideas.

When it was over, he asked him self-righteously, "Boss, are you not used to it now?"

Jiang Yue glanced at him half confused and half speechless.

It's just that Cheng Zihan, who was out of his mind, didn't realize the deep meaning of that look, and continued to babble: "Boss, let me tell you. You can't be too indifferent to the little girl, it's easy to dampen the enthusiasm of little sister Xiaoxin!"

"And look, sister Xiaoxin came to see you every weekend before, isn't it time for you to care about others?"

"Bring flowers, food, drinks, etc. Girls like it!"


Jiang Yue really didn't have the patience to listen to Cheng Zihan come to teach him how to chase people, so he got up and paid the bill.Usually when a group of people from their studio go out to eat, Jiang Yue pays the bill.

"Ah~ Boss, I'm serious!"

Watching Jiang Yue's tall back gradually go away, Cheng Zihan sighed in bewilderment.

Young and vigorous, young and vigorous~
Xie Ming, who was sitting across from him, glanced at him with twitching corners of his mouth, and suddenly felt that this person shouldn't be an interior designer, but should write novels to be worthy of his out-of-the-ordinary thinking, right?
Jiang Yue, who came out of the restaurant, stood at the door and blew the cold wind for a while, and within a short while, attracted several girls who slowed down, covered their mouths and snickered.

There has been no snow in Changjing recently, and the temperature has warmed up a lot.

Jiang Yue wore a pure black jacket, his figure was tall and straight, the warm and warm winter sun poured on him, like a layer of golden light for him, bright and not tacky.

He took out his mobile phone, tapped it aimlessly, and somehow felt that what Cheng Zihan said was not completely unreasonable.

A few minutes later, Jiang Yue, who was planning to go back to the studio to continue drawing, detoured back to his residence.

When he returned, Pikachu was lounging on the balcony basking in the sun.Seeing him come back, he just flicked his tail perfunctorily, and then collapsed back again.

Jiang Yue, who has often been treated like this, has been able to adapt well without being surprised, but just walked over calmly and closed the balcony door.

Pikachu raised his head and glanced at him listlessly, then lay back down contemptuously.

Pikachu: Oh, that's it?

Working in the kitchen for an hour, with the "ding" of the oven.Jiang Yue put on insulated gloves and took the freshly baked strawberry croissants out of the oven.

It was also at this time that Pikachu, who was still dead on the balcony, stood up suddenly, and excitedly opened the glass door of the balcony.

Jiang Yue, who was patiently milking the strawberry croissant, didn't give it half a look.

During the period, Pikachu was still persistently pulling the glass door, accompanied by howls from time to time.

It wasn't until Jiang Yue indifferently closed the door that Pikachu rolled back to the den that Jiang Yue had placed for it on the balcony like a desperate dog.

Jiang Yue, who came out of the house again, was in a much happier mood than when he first entered.

An hour ago Jiang Yue sent a message to Tang Yuxin asking where she was.But she probably was busy and didn't reply.

She didn't reply to his message until he was driving to Tang Yuxin's school.

Tang Yuxin: In the library?What's the matter, Brother Jiang Yue?Haven't seen me for a week and think I'm spicy?
Since expressing his feelings to him, Jiang Yue found that this little girl became more and more shameless.

While waiting for the red light, Jiang Yue finished reading her message, the corners of his lips curled up unconsciously, but he didn't rush back to her.

When he arrived at her school, Jiang Yue found a parking place outside the school and walked into her school.

He had been to her school before and remembered a lot of ways.Moreover, the way from the school gate to her dormitory happened to pass through the library, and when Tang Yuxin was drunk and Jiang Yue sent her back, he silently remembered it in his heart.

It's just that you have to swipe your student card to enter the library. Just as he was about to send her a message to let her out, his eyes flicked casually, and he saw the person sitting by the French windows on the first floor of the library.

Tang Yuxin was sitting with her back facing him, but from behind she could still see her scratching her head and ears from time to time, as if she was trapped by some problem.

Jiang Yue walked over and knocked on the glass in front of her.

Tang Yuxin raised her head from a pile of problems, the anxiety in her eyes hadn't faded away yet.

But after only a few seconds, the anxiety in her eyes turned into surprise, and then ecstasy that couldn't be hidden.

She was stunned for a few seconds, then got up without saying a word.

 Pikachu: Oh, that's it?
  Jiang Yue: That's it.

(End of this chapter)

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