wanton coaxing

Chapter 128 "Autumn Limited Couple Package"

Chapter 128 "Autumn Limited Couple Package"

Because of Jiang Yue's words, Tang Yuxin froze in place again.It was as if a pump was pumped on her heart, and the oxygen in her chest was pumped out one by one...

It's the second time, Jiang Yue still doesn't believe what she said about liking him.Obviously this was the third meeting between the two after they parted, and she said twice that she liked him, but was rejected both times.

It's not that I didn't expect to hear the words of rejection. Although I have already prepared myself, but when this time comes, I will still feel uncomfortable.

Tang Yuxin didn't say a word for a long time, just when Jiang Yue was wondering if what he said was too harsh, Tang Yuxin raised her head again, the haze on her face just now was swept away, as if she was completely unaffected by his words affect that.

"Anyway, it takes time to see people's hearts. I'm chasing you now. If you don't believe that I like you, you will believe it after a long time."

When she said this, Tang Yuxin's small porcelain-like face had a stubborn expression.

It seemed that there was an electric eel in Jiang Yue's heart, and it shocked him when he was struggling.

He is well versed in the principle of playing hard to get, and sometimes he can't push her too hard, he must let her see some hope.

Jiang Yue passed her, raised his foot and walked slowly out, as if he was going to throw her away again and let her fend for herself... Thinking of this, the light in Tang Yuxin's eyes also gradually dimmed...

Jiang Yue's hand was still on the doorknob of the office, before he pulled it away, he turned and looked at her: "Didn't you mean to invite me to dinner?"

"Ah?" Tang Yuxin raised her head, her expression was a little dazed, apparently she hadn't gotten over Jiang Yue's indifference towards her just now.

After a long while, Tang Yuxin rolled her dark eyes, and her small face was filled with a smile in an instant: "Ah! Yes, yes, do you want to eat? I'm not familiar with this place, so you decide the location. Bar……"

She kept talking in a small mouth, the phrase "don't come again after you've been invited" that Jiang Yue wanted to say at first, but she couldn't say it.

Unlike Suiyang, which is like spring all the year round, Changjing, which is in a warm temperate zone, has four distinct seasons.The temperature in Changjing, which has already entered autumn in October, dropped a few degrees. The ginkgo leaves on the street swirled and fell, and then fell to the ground and were stepped on by passers-by to create cracks dedicated to this season.

Jiang Yue led the people into a hot pot restaurant in front of the school.

Because Changjing hadn't entered winter yet, it was only slightly cool and it was still noon, so there were not many people in the hot pot restaurant.

After picking a table by the window and sitting down, the two began to order.

After ordering, the waiter glanced at the two of them, and then asked with a smile: "Our store has a set menu for couples in autumn, and you can have a set of tasting dishes that are the same as the ones you ordered if you add another [-], please tell me do you need?"

This store is open near the school gate, and there are not a few young couples who come out to eat when they are there.Therefore, this event is specially designed for students at this age who do not have much money but pursue romance and ritual.

Tang Yuxin looked expectantly at the person opposite.

It's an event anyway, so it shouldn't matter if you pretend, right?

She blinked, and just about to speak, Jiang Yue had already closed the menu and put it aside, then said calmly: "No, that's all we have."

Tang Yuxin's heart was filled with gray and defeated thoughts in an instant.

Don't you even want to pretend to be a couple with her?

The invisible surprise flashed across the waiter's face. While passing the menu to the back kitchen through the tablet in his hand, he thought that although the boy in front of him was handsome, he unexpectedly turned out to be a stingy guy who even paid 50 yuan. They are not willing to pay more.

But what surprised her was still behind. When she walked up to this stingy but handsome boy with a code scanner, he frankly raised his chin at the girl opposite who was still distracted.

The waiter gave an embarrassed "Ah", Tang Yuxin quickly regained consciousness, took out her mobile phone and said to the waitress, "I'll pay, I'll pay..."

She still looked very impatient, as if she was afraid that the person opposite her would buy the bill first.

When paying, Tang Yuxin hesitated for a moment, then observed Jiang Yue's face, and said to the waitress, "The set meal just now...you can add it in for me."

The waitress froze for a moment, smiled and said "OK".It doesn't matter whether the awkward "couple" in front of her is a real couple, anyway, as long as she can sell the package, she can earn a share of it.

After Tang Yuxin said this, she didn't dare to look at Jiang Yue who was opposite her again.When the waitress calculated the amount again and brought the code scanner in front of Tang Yuxin, she quickly opened her payment code and settled the bill.

Before the waitress left, she took another deep look at this pretty girl.

She knew that the love in her student days was relatively pure, and she didn't know how to get hooked on material things, unlike those who had already mixed in the society, they had to look at each other's material basis before dating.

But she still felt a little sorry for the girl in her heart.She really wanted to say, the boy in front of him doesn't even want to treat you to a meal, and he still acts like a gentleman, how can he treat you well in the future?

After the waiter walked away for a while, Tang Yuxin dared to look up at the person opposite, and then the eyes of the two collided in the air through the dense mist from the bottom of the pot.

The calmness in Jiang Yue's eyes made Tang Yuxin even more guilty. She took a sip from the teacup and explained palely, "I just want to eat more..."

Anyway, you don't have to pay the bill.

Jiang Yue glanced at her calmly, as if the set meal she ordered just now had nothing to do with him, and began to scald the tableware with boiling water on his own.

Tang Yuxin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She was still staring at the churning bottom of the pot in front of her, thinking about why she would come to him after today, and then a set of hot tableware appeared in front of her unexpectedly.

It was as if a bouquet of fireworks suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart and bloomed without any scruples.The corners of Tang Yuxin's lips turned up slowly without her noticing it.

Jiang Yue's hand was still hanging, motioning for her to hand him her tableware.

Tang Yuxin, who was stunned for a long time, only smiled silly and handed him the unopened tableware when he beckoned again.

Jiang Yue, who lowered his head halfway and earnestly ironed the tableware, had hard and cold brows that gradually softened after seeing her smile.

Just when he was ordering, Jiang Yue took a peek at the back of her hand, it was still red.

He was also afraid that this silly girl would burn him again, after all, she could burn the back of his hand red just by making him a cup of coffee.

The serving speed of this hot pot restaurant is also very fast, but the dishes are ready in about 10 minutes.

Not long after the two of them started eating, a few girls entered the shop and sat at the table behind Jiang Yue.

Tang Yuxin vaguely felt that they would look over at them from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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