Professor Gu, Lu Ziye, your actress

Chapter 296 Invitation from the future mother-in-law

These years, every New Year's day, even if Wen Nuan stays at home, she has no time to relax. Many relatives and friends will always come to welcome and see off at home. Signing and group photos are always inevitable. It is basically impossible to sleep late during this period. She Get up early every day, put on makeup and greet visitors at home.

In the past, Nuannuan just needs to receive her relatives, but this year she has an extra identity. As Professor Gu's girlfriend, she has to accompany Gu Zhanheng to meet his family.

The schedule is very full. On the first day of junior high school, Gu Zhanheng went to Happiness to visit warm family members. On the second day of junior high school, Nuan Nuan followed Gu Zhanheng to the Gu’s compound to pay New Year’s greetings to his grandparents. On the third day of junior high school, Wen Nuan and Gu Zhanheng went to his parents’ place for lunch. He and Gu Zhanheng went to Meng's manor to visit his grandparents.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, Nuannuan can finally have a good sleep.

Near noon, Nuannuan woke up at her home on the 27th floor of Lanshuiwan. The sunny sun was shining on her body, and Jin Mingshou was nestling in her arms. Gu Zhanheng was sitting beside her. Gently stroked her long hair.

Wen Nuan opened her eyes, feeling like she was still in a dream. Although the time she had been with Gu Zhanheng was not too short, she still felt from time to time that the happiness in front of her was a bit unreal.

Gu Zhanheng gently stroked her face, "Are you awake, baby?"

Nuan rubbed against his body, "I still want to sleep for a while."

"It's almost eleven o'clock, you haven't eaten breakfast, and you don't want to eat lunch?"

"What? It's eleven o'clock?" Wen Nuan was startled, she didn't expect that she would sleep so late.

Gu Zhanheng nodded.

"It's all your fault!" Nuan Nuan played petty temper, after thinking about it, she could only blame the man around her, if she hadn't been bullied too hard by him the night before, she wouldn't have become so tired.

"Me? What's the matter?" Someone looked like he had nothing to do with himself.

Looking at him warmly, "Ask knowingly."

Isn't it because of the Chinese New Year that the two lived apart for a few days?Wen Nuan never thought that she would be liquidated with profit on the first night she returned to Lanshuiwan.

The man smiled, "What do you want for lunch?"

"I'm not hungry yet." Nuan Nuan said lightly.

"Then I'll do whatever I want, you can't be picky eaters." After Gu Zhanheng said, he closed his book and got up to cook.

Nuan Nuan clung to him, "Wait a while!"

The man leaned back on the bed and looked at her dotingly, "What do you want to do? Didn't you get fed last night?"

Nuan Nuan let out a sigh of relief, she was completely defeated by the old driver Gu Zhanheng, she never imagined that there would be such a big contrast in his bones for a person who looks extremely serious!

"Be serious!" Wen Nuan said seriously.

"Am I not serious?" The man said innocently.

Forget it, Nuan Nuan didn't bother to argue with him, and continued, "I've never been able to figure out how I offended your cousin."

Gu Zhanheng's expression turned serious. The day before, he brought Nuannuan to visit his grandparents. Whether it was grandpa, grandma, or other relatives, they were very friendly towards Nuannuan, but Meng Ziyi was always cold-faced towards Nuannuan. At the meeting, Nuan Nuan toasted to the family, everyone raised their glasses, only Meng Ziyi didn't give her face, the scene was awkward for a while.

Gu Zhanheng looked at Wen Nuan, "You didn't do anything wrong, it's her problem."

Wen Nuan shook her head, "It must be that I didn't do well enough to offend her inadvertently. People don't hate each other for no reason."

Gu Zhanheng chuckled, "It's really not your problem. My baby is sensible and sensible. It's too late for normal people to like you. How could they hate you?"

Nuan was amused, "So, you said your cousin is abnormal?"

Gu Zhanheng nodded, "Don't pay attention to her, she has never had a good impression of people in the entertainment industry. Before, my cousin talked about a female celebrity, but she also got in her way. I heard that the female celebrity was threatened by her to kneel down and beg for mercy. .”

The warm desire to gossip was immediately aroused, "Female star? Who is it?"

"It seems to be called Zhou..." Gu Zhanheng didn't think about it for a while, he didn't know many celebrities in the entertainment industry.

It must not be an ordinary starlet who can be admired by the young master of the Meng family, Wen Nuan immediately said: "Zhou Shiyu?"

Gu Zhanheng nodded, "It seems to be."

Nuan Nuan was extremely shocked. Although Zhou Shiyu was inferior to her, she was still considered a popular flower in the first echelon of the entertainment industry. Nuan Wen didn't expect that Zhou Shiyu would have such an unknown underground love affair.

"How did the cousin threaten her?" Nuan Nuan asked curiously.

"I heard that it was a disorderly private life, and I was caught."

Wen Nuan was even more shocked. You must know that Zhou Shiyu has followed a pure line since her debut. If someone manipulated such a dark history, once she made it public, her personality collapsed and her stardom was completely ruined. No wonder Zhou Shiyu wanted to ask Meng Ziyi Kneel down and beg for mercy.

Wen Nuan couldn't help but feel lingering fear, "Fortunately, your cousin was merciful and didn't kill me."

After all, Meng Ziyi still holds two videos of her in his hand, no matter which one gets out, it will have a great impact on her.

Gu Zhanheng chuckled, "It's not that she is merciful, but that I choose to believe you."

Thinking about it warmly, what Gu Zhanheng said was right, she slipped into the man's arms like a cat, "Husband is the best!"

Gu Zhanheng lowered his head, and pressed his thin lips against her ear, "That's not what you said last night, you said I was necrotic."

Nuan couldn't help but blush, and could only change the subject, "I'm hungry."

"Just now I said I wasn't hungry. Could it be that this small mouth is so hungry?" After finishing speaking, Gu Zhanheng tapped her lips lightly with his fingertips.

Wen Nuan's face became more and more red, "I'm going to take a shower, you go to cook."

Almost without waiting for the man to respond, Wen Nuan slid out of the quilt. This man's speeding up the car was simply too frightening. If she didn't run, she would probably be turned on the highway by him again.

Originally, on the fifth day of the fifth day of the new year, Nuan Nuan didn't have any arrangements, but when she went to the future mother-in-law's place for dinner on the third day of the third year, Meng Yinghui invited her to attend the celebrity charity party on the fifth night of the fifth day of the new year. The invitation from the future mother-in-law, Nuan naturally couldn't refuse.

After lunch, Nuannuan began to prepare the outfit for the dinner at night. It was the first time for her future mother-in-law to attend the dinner, so she had to put in a lot of thought and dress appropriately and generously.

After some preparations, and it was time to leave, Gu Zhanheng sent Nuannuan to the door, "Waiting for you to come back."

Nuan Nuan snorted softly, "I went for you."

Meng Yinghui joked that day, saying that she couldn't invite her son, and wondered if she could invite her son's girlfriend.

Gu Zhanheng chuckled, "I know, the baby has worked hard."

"Insincere." Nuan gently tapped his side face with his fingers, full of hints.

The man was very witty, he lifted her chin with his fingertips, and kissed her with his lips.

I came back too late last night, I was out of shape, I went to bed very early, I will code a little more today, and make up for yesterday's update!

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