Chapter 123 Sanquan County

It only took them an hour to get to Jinggu County by riding fast horses, but the speed was much slower by horse-drawn carriage. By the time they returned to the place where they had discussed the way ahead in the morning, most of the afternoon had passed.

Chen Huiyin knew that there was a village ten miles ahead, so she told Tang Yaoling, who was driving the car, "I didn't rest last night, and I ran all the way today. If you go forward, if you encounter a village, turn it in. Let's find someone to spend the night in." , take a good rest."

"Okay, I will pay attention." Tang Yaoling replied.

There are no villages and no pedestrians on this road, so Tang Yaoling is driving the car. If there is a car passing by, Tang Yaoling can hear it in advance with his hearing, and then change places with Wei Chen in time.

After all, it's winter now, and the weather is very cold. It's impossible for Wei Chen and Mu Yang to be exposed to the cold outside, so the three of them take turns driving in this wilderness.

Chen Huiyin reminded Tang Yaoling that it didn't take long to know through the system that Jinggu County, which was under martial law, had released more than a dozen people, each of whom was riding a horse. They were people from Gu's Trading Company. They found the six horses sold by Mu Yang and Wei Chen through the Cattle and Horse Company horse.

It was only then that Chen Huiyin realized that the horses raised by Gu's firm had their own identification methods. She couldn't help but gritted her teeth. These guys are really cunning and don't want them. At the same time, she was grateful in her heart that they sent a letter to Jinggu County , and also found the six horses that were sold, and let her know how they identified the horses.

Chen Huiyin counted the time silently, making sure that he would not be overtaken by those dozen or so riders, and relieved a little, then asked Gu Xinfang: "Sister Gu, judging from what happened yesterday, you don't seem to know that there is a child in your family So many good people."

Gu Xinfang nodded with a grim expression: "Father is just the patriarch of our clan. The affairs of our clan are managed by the patriarch. Father's energy is devoted to the business of the family. Qian does not interfere with the affairs of the clan, if those people were really sent by the Gu family, they should have been cultivated by the patriarch secretly without telling his father."

Having said that, Gu Xinfang paused for a moment, and then continued: "It seems that they should have conspired to seize our family property a long time ago, and it is because of our father and daughter's too much trust in the clan members. Yes, if I had been on guard against them from the beginning, maybe I wouldn't have lost my father, and I wouldn't have caused you to almost die this time."

Chen Huiyin stretched out her hand to hold Gu Xinfang's hand, and comforted her: "Sister Gu, those people are greedy and vicious. It's not your fault. You must know that human energy is limited. If you do one thing well, other things will naturally fade away." What's more, if the patriarch wants to hide it again, not to mention your father, I'm afraid not many people in the clan know about it."

After hearing this, Gu Xinfang smiled and said, "I understand, what they owe our father and daughter, and what happened this time, I won't just let it go."

Chen Huiyin didn't say anything else. It seemed that she had to find a chance to avoid everyone and do it herself when it came to erasing the mark on the horse.

Half an hour later, Tang Yaoling saw the village from a distance, so he changed places with Wei Chen, and Mu Yang also sat on the shaft of the car.

Wei Chen controlled the horse and turned on the fork into the village. As soon as he entered the village, he saw an old man with a dozen young men coming up to meet him. Wei Chen reined in the horse and made it stop.

At the same time, Mu Yang also jumped out of the carriage, quickly walked up to the old man's group, first saluted, and then said: "Old man, in the carriage behind are my husband and the girl. From here to Sanquan County, there is no way to go before dark." I rushed here, so I want to stay in Guicun for one night, I don’t know if there are any vacant houses in Guicun, we want to rent two rooms.”

The old man looked at the young man in front of him, saw that the other party's facial features were well-rounded, his eyes were clear, and the cloth on his clothes was not bad. From this, it can be deduced that his master's family is well-off, and this group of people should be good people, who can entertain them.

With a score in his mind, the old man smiled and said, "There is a small vacant yard in our village. It's just a rural place with a simple environment. It's good that your husband and daughter don't dislike it."

"How can you dislike it? It's much better than sleeping in the wild." Mu Yang hurriedly answered, and waved Wei Chen at the same time.

Wei Chen drove the horse, followed slowly, entered the village, most of the young and strong people who followed the old man dispersed, only two of them followed the old man, and led them to the small yard at the end of the village.

It is said to be a small courtyard, but it is really a small courtyard. When a carriage drives into the courtyard, it takes up a small half of the space. There is only one room, but the layout is the same as that of Chen Huiyin's old house, except that the area is smaller.

The house was also very clean, and everyone was very satisfied with it. Immediately, they paid the night's rent and bought some vegetables from the old man. At this time of year, each family only had radish in the cellar, homemade sauerkraut, and eggs laid by the hen. .

So for these three items, Gu Xinfang, the "nanny", came forward and bought two meals of radishes and sauerkraut, and bought more eggs, which could be boiled and eaten on the road.

There was no well in the small yard, so Mu Yang and Wei Chen each carried a bucket to fetch water from the well in the center of the village, while Tang Yaoling moved the things in the carriage to the house, and when Gu Xinfang came back from buying vegetables, she saw that the kitchen was empty. If there was no firewood, he went out to buy firewood from the villagers.

Chen Huiyin was feeding the horse, which she took care of herself, and while everyone was not paying attention to her, she used a makeup brush to pluck off the mane on the top of the horse's head. There is a very inconspicuous Gu character hidden, which is the special imprint made by the Gu family for Ma'er.

Chen Huiyin took out the color-changing correction pen from the space, and blocked the character Gu.

This color-changing correction pen is also a reward for her previous sign-in. The amazing thing about this pen is that it changes color. Just like a chameleon, it can change into the same color according to the surrounding environment. It’s just that the color of the color-changing pen has almost no limit. It can change colors.

Temporarily blocking the imprints, Chen Huiyin put away the color-changing pen and fed the horses seriously. At the same time, through the system, she knew that the dozen or so riders had just galloped away from the official road outside the village, and then they quietly let go. Take a breath, at least you can sleep well tonight.

In the evening, Chen Huiyin and Gu Xinfang worked together to make dinner. The craftsmanship of the two was average, and with the lack of oil and water, the taste was not good, but everyone still ate the food.

After filling their stomachs and eating a little bit, Mu Yang and Wei Chen went out to fetch water twice, and all five of them took a hot bath before turning off the lights and going to sleep.

As soon as it was dawn, the five of them ate a simple breakfast, packed up their things, informed the old man, that is, the village chief, and drove away in a carriage. In one morning, the five of them encountered three checkpoints, but all After successfully passing the customs, they entered Sanquan County at noon.

After entering the city, they found an inn to stay in. According to the time, the merchant ship invited by Chen Boyu would arrive in Sanquan County tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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