Gu Qingyou was worried that he would be busy in the afternoon, so he didn't dare to sit for a long time, so he had to make an appointment with his mother after the festival.

Back in the small courtyard, he went straight into the kitchen without entering the door of his own room.

The kitchen is not too big, and it has long been filled with all kinds of ingredients, and the cooks are also gearing up for a big job.

The master had already said that all those who participated in making the zongzi this time would get a share according to the market price of the zongzi, just like the female workers in the handicraft workshop.

After all, it only happens once a year, who wouldn't want to take the opportunity to earn more money for themselves?

With great energy, the efficiency is fast. Before evening, the kitchen has already wafted the aroma of rice dumplings.

Even the most experienced cook couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said with emotion: "Where did our lady come up with so many wonderful ideas? I have lived half my life, and I never thought that I can cook meat with preserved vegetables." Wrap it in rice dumplings!"

Another cook said: "Isn't that right? There is also the duck egg yolk marinated by our girl, which is absolutely amazing! All of them are dripping with oil and sand, and they are hot and mixed into the rice~ Tsk, I am not willing to take the meat Change it!"

Before leaving at noon, Gu Qingyou asked the cook to share a sea duck egg with everyone. Everyone ate it full of praise and had endless aftertaste.

The same goes for the rice dumplings out of the pan, let Shuangjiang pick out the ones that don't look too good, and give everyone extra meals at night.

After a busy afternoon, everyone was already hungry, and the freshly baked rice dumplings were full of fragrance. When they were cooked, people were already salivating. Now that I heard that I could be the first to try it, I couldn’t wait to choose the one I was coveting for a long time. taste.

The older ones are relatively conservative in eating, so they choose sweet rice dumplings such as candied dates and red beans that they often eat. The younger ones are more interested in new things, so they choose salty rice dumplings such as salted egg yolk and bacon rice dumplings.

Gu Qingyou's taste has remained the same for thousands of years, and his favorite is the pork rib rice dumpling, and he eats it with everyone with great relish.

Shuang Jiang took a Dragon Ball egg yolk rice dumpling, and Siha Siha was satisfied, as if to make up for all the salted duck eggs he owed when he was a child.

The rest were in good condition, so Gu Qingyou had someone wrap them up, and the first one was sent to the Duke's Mansion without any accidents.

She personally brought up the second copy, ready to send it to Chang Le.

While helping to put labels on the wrapped rice dumplings, Shuang Jiang said distressedly: "Miss, with so many rice dumplings, do you really just give them away or sell them?"

Gu Qingyou had thought about it a long time ago, and was reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf. Instead of selling it directly, it would be better to use the zongzi as a gift to give back to old customers.

The ladies who customized shawls in the handicraft workshop before were all officials and noble ladies, and all of them had very tricky tastes. When Changle asked her to prepare tea, she did not lose the taboo flavors that she had noted for the officials. This time It came in handy again.

When it comes to gifting according to taste preference, you can never go too far wrong.

As long as they eat well, why don't they worry about selling the zongzi?

"The wool comes from the sheep, and the little money will be earned back."

Standing outside the gate of Prince Qin's mansion, Gu Qingyou suddenly hesitated.

Marrying someone who is not a good person, Changle's current mood may not be willing to see guests, let alone...

"Shuangjiang, go over there for me, let someone send the zongzi in!"

Shuang Jiang didn't understand: "You're already here, why don't you go in and say hello to the princess?"

"Forget it, I still won't go in."...

She couldn't explain why, so she told Shuang Jiang that she walked to a corner and waited. As soon as she stood firm, she saw a group of people riding on tall horses, rushing towards this direction aggressively. It's handsome, but it's Ye Lan.

He stared at the gate of King Qin's Mansion and ran wildly, when a figure appeared at the corner of the street, his horse's hooves could no longer be restrained, Gu Qingyou said inwardly, trying to dodge by brushing the corner of the wall, but he was bumped on the shoulder.

The severe pain at the shoulder blades made her bend down, unable to get up for a long time, but the person who bumped into him didn't seem to see it, and didn't stop for a moment.

If it wasn't for Changle's quasi-husband, Gu Qingyou would have been insulted by the country.

The weather was hot, but she broke out in a cold sweat, and her back teeth were almost crushed.

When Shuang Jiang came back, she saw her squatting on the ground covering her shoulders, and exclaimed, "Miss, what's the matter?"

"It's okay~ hiss~ I accidentally got bumped~"

Standing up with Shuang Jiang's support, and looking back, Ye Lan had already entered the palace.

Shuang Jiang immediately noticed her gaze, looked back, and said in surprise, "Your Lord hit you? On a horse?"

"Well, I'll be fine later~"

Changle's big wedding is coming soon, Gu Qingyou doesn't want to cause trouble for her, but seeing Ye Lan's expression, it seems that something happened, and she is a little worried.

Shuang Jiang only cared about her safety, stomped her feet anxiously, looked around and said, "Don't move, this servant will call for you to come over, let's go see the doctor first!"

Gu Qingyou originally wanted to decline, but she couldn't speak because of the pain. She tried to take a few deep breaths, her lips turned pale, and beads of sweat rolled down from her forehead, puffing down on the bluestone floor superior.

I tried to move my legs, but found that every step I took would cause my shoulders to hurt, so I had to compromise and lean against the wall, trying to relieve the pain.

I don't know how long it took, but with the pain becoming more and more blurred, Gu Qingyou's consciousness began to darken, and she was anxious, Shuang Jiang hadn't come back yet, if she just lay on the street like this, what would happen if she met someone bad? it is good?
"Frost's Fall~Heng..."

When the last trace of consciousness dissipated, she seemed to see a familiar figure running towards her.

"Yuyo? Yoyo? How are you doing?"

Gu Qingyou tried her best to open her eyes, but her eyelids couldn't be controlled at all, and she didn't have any strength in her whole body, only the burning ground was tinged with coolness.

"Doctor, how is Yoyo? Is her life in danger?"

"Ma'am, don't panic, sir...Miss Gu's shoulder blade was injured and her five internal organs were shaken, so she fell into a coma for a while, but her life is not in serious danger."

Xue Lan looked at the person lying on the bed. From the left shoulder blade to the back of the neck, it had already turned black and purple.

"The bone inside is not broken, is it? Why is it swollen so high?"

Xue Lan bit her handkerchief, and half-closed her eyes to look at her daughter's swollen place, which was glowing black because she had just applied the wound medicine.

Just looking at the sore limbs, Xue Lan's eye circles were red, she looked at Shuang Jiang who was kneeling outside the door, and said, "Who the hell is it that hurt Yoyo like this?!"

Shuang Jiang knelt outside and refused to get up because of self-blame, and swallowed even more when he heard the words: "Yes~ it's the young master of the Jing'an Hou Mansion~ It's all because the servants are not good, and they didn't take good care of the young lady, so she was hit by a horse. "

Fortunately, because it was a corner, Ye Lan's horse speed slowed down earlier, otherwise this would have cost Gu Qingyou's life.

Xue Lan was furious: "He bumped into someone, didn't even say a word, just ran away like that?!"

"At that time, his complexion was not good. I think there was something urgent..."

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