Chapter 147 Business Opportunities Reappear
Changle looked at the unknown liquid in the cup, and said it was milk, and the color was light tea brown. When he smelled it closely, the fragrance of milk really revealed the coolness of the tea. Through the glass cup, he could still see the bottom of the cup. Taking advantage of some small black balls and some ingredients she didn't know.

"This is porridge?"

Gu Qingyou smiled: "Eh~ Although it looks a bit similar, it's not porridge, but a kind of tea. We're used to calling it milk tea."

Milk tea is boiled, isn't it just milk tea?
"I don't know if you like sweets or not. Minnv didn't dare to put too much honey. Princess, try it and see if it suits your taste?"

"It's okay, I don't like eating too sweet things."

Chang Le carefully picked up the cup and took a sip. The first taste was the sweetness of milk, and after swallowing, there was a scent of tea leaves in his mouth. He was surprised again: "How many good things have you hidden? How did you figure it out?" ?”

Gu Qingyou was ashamed, this was not something she could figure out, so she said: "When Minnv was young, she traveled with her father to the nomadic tribes in the Northwest, where people used to boil milk and tea leaves to make tea."

Chang Le was surprised: "Those barbarians enjoy it better than us, and can research such delicious things."

"Uh~ Their milk tea is slightly different from this one. There are no other seasonings in it. These are randomly put by women according to their own taste. I didn't expect the taste to be good."

As she spoke, she handed Changle a silver spoon. Changle stirred the milk tea, and scooped out a spoonful of small black balls mixed with red beans and purple rice. Gu Qingyou introduced them to her one by one: "These things can nourish the blood, and it is best for girls to drink, provided that there is less sugar."

"Such a big bowl, with a smaller appetite, you don't need to eat after drinking it."

Chang Le ate with relish, nodded from time to time while eating, and asked, "Why didn't you sell such delicious food in the store? There are mostly female customers on this street, so they will definitely like it."

Gu Qingyou said: "Originally, it was to be promoted, but the special biscuit cups have not arrived yet, and it is too troublesome to eat with a spoon, so they are not for sale for the time being."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Changle suspiciously: "How does the princess know that there is no milk tea sold in the store?"

Chang Le swallowed the glutinous rice balls in his mouth, and said with a smile: "You have opened such a big battle, and the things are so novel, won't the princess come to try it?"

Now Gu Qingyou was even more surprised: "The women have been in the store for three days since the opening, why didn't you see the princess come over?"

Chang Le suddenly became shy, and smiled embarrassedly: "This princess is notorious outside, and I am afraid that coming here will scare away people, so I asked my subordinates to buy it and send it to the carriage to taste."

Gu Qingyou couldn't help being stunned when she heard this. The princess of Changle, known for being arrogant and domineering, actually condescended to hide in the carriage even for shopping because she was worried about missing her business.

Such a character, I am afraid that few people can achieve it, so how can it be tyrannical?

Now she was even more certain that the side of Princess Changle she showed to the world was an illusion deliberately created by her, just like Song Chengye who was deliberately raised and dismissed as if she had withdrawn. This was just to let the superiors relax their guard.

Otherwise, based on the dignity of the Qin Palace, Changle will definitely choose a son of a high-ranking official to marry him. With the heart of the dragon chair, he will definitely regard him as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, and try his best to suppress him.

But now, she is notorious, under the guise of indulging in masculinity, she has chosen Ye Lan, the son of the Marquis of Jing'an who has no real power in her hands, as the county horse, just to let the higher-ups know that the king of Qin indulges women too much, and also does things only according to his heart, so heartlessly. A man of opportunity is simply unbearable.

Which girl does not cherish spring, and which woman does not dream of finding a lover since ancient times?But Changle resolutely put his own reputation and future on the line for the future of Prince Qin's mansion. This kindness moved Gu Qingyou deeply.

She's just a teenage girl!

She held Chang Le's hand subconsciously, forgetting that this move was a bit presumptuous, but simply felt sorry for the girl in front of her, and said softly: "The world is used to knowing people by ears, not eyes, so why should the princess care about their eyes?"

Changle's fingers unconsciously clenched, she lowered her eyes and said with a smile: "Living in the mundane world will inevitably be tainted with vulgarity. It's normal for them to disdain to be with me, and I... don't care."

She said she didn't care, but her subtle movements still betrayed her, Gu Qingyou sighed softly, everyone has inherent responsibilities and responsibilities, Changle is no exception, she can't think of what she can do for Changle for the time being, But at least, you can make the girl in front of you happy, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Qingyou asked Shuangjiang to fetch the menu that had not yet been released to the public, pointed to the various milk teas on it and explained them one by one, and said: "These flavors of milk tea are all carefully selected by women. Drink a hot cup, warm your heart and stomach, next time the princess will come directly to the store, and the girls will invite you to try it one by one."

"Try them one by one, I'm afraid they'll be too much to walk!"

After a short period of gloom, Changle returned to his usual cheerfulness, laughed a few times, and the topic returned to the small felt object in his hand.

"Girls like cute things, why don't you make more and put them in the store, there must be a lot of people paying for them, wouldn't it be another kind of income?"

Gu Qingyou had exactly this intention. It would be too expensive to open a shop just for felt dolls, and it would not be easy to mass-produce such purely handmade items, unless more female workers were recruited.

But in this way, the craftsmanship must be made public. Once the personnel are lost or stolen, there will soon be a large number of imitations on the market. At that time, peer competition will inevitably lead to price wars.

It's better to simply make some and put them in the store. They can be sold separately, or they can be given as small gifts through some top-up and prize-winning activities.

However, the little things hooked out of wool are quite interesting.

First of all, the utilization rate of wool in Dajin is extremely low. At least so far, she has not found wool on the market. If wool can be processed into softer wool, it can not only weave slippers, but also make wool. Scarves, shawls, hats, etc., as long as the style is beautiful, why not sell it?
And different from the small objects of wool felt, these things are complicated in craftsmanship, and it is difficult for ordinary people to learn, and even if they can learn, it is not easy to figure out the patterns.

Chang Le said: "This is simple. Since you want to open a shop, you must have more goods. You can set up several workshops in different places, and the female workers in each workshop can only learn one trick, as long as they have no contact with each other. , there is no chance to learn other acupuncture methods, and there is no need to worry about the leakage of the skills."

As long as the craftsmanship is strict enough, there is basically no risk of being imitated.

(End of this chapter)

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