Wearing 80s with Space: Sweet Wife Dotes on Husband

Chapter 46 His Daughter-in-Law, Don't Think About Anybody!

Chapter 46 His Daughter-in-Law, Don't Think About Anybody!

This little woman seems to be filled with all kinds of candies at any time. Sometimes, she will give Gu Qin some to share with her classmates at school.

Feeling Gu Bai's gaze on him, Ruan Tong was very calm.

About the secret of her space, Gu Bai will know sooner or later, so she deliberately hides it.

The only thing is, that she is not the original owner, she will never say anything about it.

With the conservative thinking of people in this age, if they knew, they would take her as a monster to study.

A week later, Miaochu Medicinal Food Shop officially opened.

On the opening day, [-]% off the whole site.

This is a great thing for customers who like to drink medicinal food.

Those customers who think the price is high, take advantage of the discount on the opening day, and buy it to try something new.

"Well, the taste is very fresh, it's really good."

"It's so powerful, it's nothing more than that!"

There were good and bad comments, and Ruan Tong laughed it off when he heard it, and didn't take it to heart at all.

She is very confident in her medicated diet. Those customers who drink medicated diet for a long time will gradually find some subtle changes in their bodies.

For example, I am more energetic and ruddy than before, my health is better, and the number of illnesses is less and less.

This is also the idea she wants to promote food supplements.

The whole morning, Gu Bai was very busy. Under Ruan Tong's 'teaching', he is no longer as cold as the first day of trial operation, and he will start to introduce the products in his store to customers.

"Young man, what is your relationship with that pretty girl outside?" A curious old man asked.

"It should be brothers and sisters. I heard that girl call him fourth brother." A sister-in-law next to her said with a smile.

When the old man heard this, he immediately looked at Gu Bai expectantly: "Do you have a girlfriend? If not, I can introduce one to her."

"Your meat meal." Gu Bai handed the meat meal to the old man, coughed lightly and explained: "She is not my sister, she is my wife."

"Huh? You two are actually married?"

The old man couldn't believe it.

"Yes!" Gu Bai's face was cold, but there was a sense of pride in his heart that didn't come.

The beautiful girl outside belongs to him, and is his Gu Bai's wife, so don't worry about it!

The old man walked away disappointed with the medicinal food, and complained as he walked: "This girl is smart and capable, hey, why is she in charge?"

The corners of Gu Bai's lips curved slightly, and his eyes fell on Ruan Tong outside.

Just in time, Ruan Tong turned and looked at him.

Their eyes met, the little woman squinted her eyes and smiled, her bright smile hit Gu Bai's heart directly.

Since hearing from Chen Feifei that Gu Bai often peeps at her, Ruan Tong will pay attention to it.

Then... grab him often!
At first, someone's expression was a little unnatural when he was caught, but later, he became more and more calm, and even started to "eye-eyed" with her?

"Could it be because I fell in love with my old lady?" Ruan Tong thought happily.

But thinking of the original owner's previous reputation and destructive personality, plus Gu Bai's intentional testing of her a few days ago, he immediately put away that confidence.

Ruan Tong really couldn't be proud of the unforgettable black history of the original owner.

They have discussed before that they will open all day after the official opening, so the medicinal diet is not enough at all, and they will have to replenish it once in the afternoon.

When it's not busy outside, Gu Bai will go into the kitchen to help out, quietly learning about the medicinal food made by Ruan Tong.

The most important thing about medicinal food is the formula of various medicinal juices, which of course only Ruan Tong knows.

"Is the boss there?" A thick male voice came, the voice was very familiar.

Ruan Tong looked up and looked outside: "This voice seems to belong to Brother Chen in our village?"

"It's him." Gu Bai nodded.

The couple lifted the curtain and walked out of the kitchen together.

Looking out through the window, not only Butcher Chen came, but also Sun Xianghong.

"Xiao Ruan!" Sun Xianghong waved to her happily.

Ruan Tong quickly opened the door, went out to meet them, and warmly said to them, "Welcome, welcome, would you like to go in and sit for a while?"

"No need, we're just passing by, and I'll give you a compliment and try your handicraft."

Sun Xianghong glanced at her belly, pulled her aside, leaned into her ear and whispered, "Xiao Ruan, are you pregnant?"

Ruan Tong's white and tender face was slightly red: "Yes, it's been three months."

"Three months?" Sun Xianghong was a little surprised: "Isn't that..."

"Yes, the color of the moon." Ruan Tong was very calm.

To be more specific, it's not just the moon lottery, it's obvious that you won the lottery on the day of your wedding.

One hit, the winning rate is [-]%...

"I'm so envious of you. I've always wanted a child, but unfortunately I haven't been able to."

Sun Xianghong said, feeling a little sad.

Ruan Tong raised his eyebrows, and immediately took her hand to help her feel her pulse: "Your body is a little weak, and it's not easy to conceive. Take some traditional Chinese medicine to regulate it."

When Sun Xianghong heard it, she shook her head like a rattle: "No, no, Chinese medicine is too bitter."

Ruan Tong smiled faintly, forgetting that Sun Xianghong still has this kind of princess disease.

"Then you should take medicinal food for conditioning. If you take it for a year or so, your body will definitely improve a lot."

Medicinal diet is not as fast as traditional Chinese medicine, but it is definitely possible to insist on taking it.

These words moved Sun Xianghong a little.

However, I still have some doubts. When they tried their business before, Butcher Chen helped her buy medicinal food and ate it back. It tasted pretty good.

Didn't expect this medicated diet can also regulate the body?

"What's wrong, you still don't believe me?" Ruan Tong chuckled, naturally seeing her hesitation.

Sun Xianghong smiled and said, "That's fine, it happens that our old Chen goes to town every day and asks him to take it back for me."

"Well, I'll give you a discount card, you wait." Saying that, Ruan Tong turned and entered the store.

Soon, when Ruan Tong came out, he held a brightly colored card in his hand.

"This is a [-]% discount card. I'm giving it to you. It's the only one." Ruan Tong pretended to be mysterious.

At this time, Gu Bai and Chen Butcher also came over.

When he saw the card, Gu Bai knew it in his heart.

He had seen Ruan Tong draw this card before, but he didn't know what it was for, thinking it was for Dabao and Erbao.

Only now do I know that it turned out to be a discount card.

"Xiao Ruan, is there really only one card?" Sun Xianghong took a look at the card. She liked the design on the card very much, and Ruan Tong said it was the only one, so she treasured the card and put it away.

Ruan Tong nodded: "Currently you are the only one who has this kind of card, but today our store officially opens, with a [-]% discount, which is cheaper than your card."

"Really? Then I'll buy some more medicinal food for my in-laws to taste." Sun Xianghong happily held Butcher Chen's arm and said.

Butcher Chen was held by his young daughter-in-law, and he glanced at Gu Bai unconsciously, showing off: Look, how clingy my wife is to me.

Ruan Tong could see that since the birthmark on her belly 'turned into' Bianhuahua, Sun Xianghong not only became more confident, but also had a better relationship with Chen Butcher.

Gu Bai glanced at Chen Butcher who was showing off to him, his eyes darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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