Chapter 314 Source (Part [-])
When it comes to the farm, the patients lying in the ward all look disgusted.

"I just said that the chickens, ducks and geese are all dead. They must have got the disease and can't eat them. In your factory, you sell the unscrupulous ones to others, and even throw some unsalable ones into the river. Our village drinks the water from the river." , Can this not be sick?" The man screamed, with even more hatred on his face.

The other is a woman, who is a bit older. After suffering from this illness, her whole body has been weakened a lot. She sighed at this moment and said, "Dashan, you want to live, and we don't want to die. We also have a big family." If you want to support us, you might as well tell the doctor what you know, otherwise they won’t be able to save us.”

Seeing that this matter could not be concealed anymore, Da Shan sighed and told what he knew.

It turned out to be similar to Yu Ran's guess.

There is a farm in the upper reaches of the river, which raises chickens, ducks and geese. Even the poultry eaten by tens of thousands of people in the family courtyard here is bought from him.

But although raising these things makes money, you must be prepared to lose money at any time.

That farm is regarded as the property of the brigade, and it came to help the village generate income.

Every year when it is busy, people will be recruited from the village. It is not easy for rural people to make money, and they have no connections. This farm is their main source of income.

Therefore, people in the village have a deep affection for this farm.

But chickens, ducks and geese, even if they are raised by experienced people, will inevitably get sick.

Especially when the farm was built, it was built directly on the upper reaches of the river because of the convenience of water. In order to save labor and save money, the duck droppings were directly discharged down the river.

As a result, this time, the weather was so hot that some chickens, ducks and geese died of heat, and they were reluctant to throw them away, so they plucked their feathers and gave them to the hired workers as their welfare.

After all, food is precious in this era, not to mention that these poultry died of heat, even if they died of disease, they could still eat them.

That's meat!
Now that it is difficult to even have enough to eat, and you can't see minced meat all year round, how could they dislike it?

It was okay at the beginning, with few dead poultry, and the people in the farm didn't feel so distressed when they were distributed to hired workers in this way.

But what happened later, a large number of chickens, ducks and geese in the farm suddenly died, some of which were too late to deal with, and went downstream along the river, rotting in the river, making the water in the river stinky.

And those poultry that can be processed in time, there is no way to throw them away. After all, they are all meat, and they dare not sell these poultry to the outside world.

At first, the people in the village ate happily, and the smell of meat could be smelled from afar in the neighboring villages.

But gradually, some people began to have stomach pains, and then nausea and vomiting, and even began to develop erythema and fever.

And, the number of sick people is increasing.

More and more poultry on farms are dying.

The experienced people in the village directly suggested to stop eating these dead poultry, and also speculated that this flock of poultry may be infected with a disease, which is so serious that it can even be transmitted from poultry to humans.

At first, the people in the farm didn't care, thinking that this person was deliberately scary.

But there are more and more people who get sick later, so people can't help but care about it.

But it was too late. Some dead poultry had already flowed downstream along the river, especially the excrement of these poultry. They are all recruited.

The farm only guessed this situation and was terrified to death, and kept it a secret, fearing that the higher-ups would be held accountable.

When I knew that many people in the family home had the same disease, I almost collapsed.

The sick people in the village thought the farm was a cash cow at the beginning. Even if the farm made a big mistake now, they collectively did not report it, fearing that the farm would disappear in the coming year and they would not be able to earn money.

It was also these people who endured the pain, and finally couldn't take it anymore. The small clinic was also afraid. If they didn't accept these people, they had no choice but to come to the military hospital.

Hearing what they said, Yu Ran got direction and said directly, "This matter cannot be hidden, especially since this river spans half of the country, I am afraid that people are sick in many places now, and it is fortunate that you told us earlier now. Otherwise, if it is later, the situation will be more serious, and you will all be arrested, after all, you have made a big mistake."

Yu Ran said lightly.

And these people were frightened to death when they heard what she said, especially that big mountain, their faces turned pale with fright.

He is just an employee of the farm, and he just listens to the people above. He never thought that the disease was fierce, let alone that they polluted the river water, and the river water flows through so many places.

At first they only thought that the people in their village got sick because they ate sick and dead poultry, but when they knew that the people in the family home had the same disease, they were still lucky.

I think maybe the people in the family home got sick after eating the poultry from their farm.

Although they did not dare to send poultry that died of disease to the family home, they were carefully selected for being alive and kicking, but it was inevitable that these poultry were not infected.

Now knowing that there are still some people who may have gotten sick just by drinking the river water, they are too scared to speak.

Although I don't know how serious it is, if I think about it, it would be a big deal to lose my head.

Knowing the situation, Yu Ran didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, and wanted to hurry up and develop medicine to alleviate the epidemic.

I feel that this disease is very similar to modern bird flu and influenza, but it seems to be more serious.

She studied the blood of those who were sick and found that some cells in it were mutated.

Lu Yujing, who had been recording beside him, became serious after hearing what this group of people said.

He is different from them, knowing that if the disease is really as Yu Ran said, the consequences may be serious.

Fortunately, Yu Ran felt that the river water was smelly, so he was not allowed to wash clothes there, even the well water he dug in his own house had to be disinfected before reuse.

At first he found it troublesome, but he kept listening to Yu Ran.

Now I feel that he and Yu Ran can be healthy and healthy because of this.

"Have you recorded it? I'll go to the laboratory for research later, you don't have to go with me, you go and explain the situation to Dr. Qian and the others." Yu Ran ordered to him as she was about to leave the ward.


The man nods.

Seeing her leaving just like that, the villagers nearby shouted, "Doctor, you can't just leave like this, we haven't seen the disease yet."

Yu Ran turned her head and gave them a serious look, "Shut up if you don't want to die, I need to develop medicine now, if I can't develop it, I'm afraid you won't get well either."

These words made them feel anxious.

Want to open and close.

But before Yu Ran left, Dashan, who had been holding on just now, suddenly passed out.

His face was flushed, and the situation was critical at first glance.

Everyone was in an uproar, their faces turned pale with fright, and they shouted, "Dashan! What's wrong with you?! Don't scare us!"

Yu Ran frowned and stepped forward to take his pulse. The pulse was weak, and even her breathing was so heavy that she couldn't breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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