Reborn 1990: Cannon fodder fat wife wants to stand up

Chapter 531 Receiving the Annual Gift

Chapter 531 Receiving the Annual Gift
the next day.

When Meng Yao was looking for someone to send out the New Year's gift, she actually received the New Year's gift from someone else first.

The first one I received was from Mr. Hu, maybe I have been in the entertainment circle for a long time, and what I sent was some clothes, shoes, bags...

They are all high-end goods, and they are worth a lot of money at first glance.

She, the third brother, really understands women. In future generations, women will buy the most clothes and bags.

Thinking of this, she not only thought of the makeup and skin care products Sun Shuqi had given her.

When I first met this brother, he gave her a lot of cosmetics and told her to dress up well
She does not reject makeup, as a girl, she also loves beauty.

But because she has been in the kitchen all year round, dressing up and dressing up, it is a waste of time for her.

She didn't use those cosmetics, only some skin care products.

But maybe because of the frequent use of water in the space and the food in the space, she simply used some skin care products, and her skin was rosy in white, white in red, and unbelievably delicate.

In addition, she also learned to make some by herself after that, and the ones Sun Shuqi gave her were left there and never used again.

Thinking about it, I still feel sorry for him.

At this time, Meng Yao felt a little lucky that Hu Laosan didn't give her cosmetics, otherwise it would be ashes.

And I don't know if it was a good agreement between them, but soon, Meng Yao received the second, third, and fourth gifts.

The second one was sent by Sun Shuqi. There were more than a dozen ginseng plants and some more expensive medicinal materials.

Seeing this, Meng Yao couldn't laugh or cry. Is this for her or for her godfather?
Sun Shuqi also sent someone a letter, from which she knew the answer.

It turned out that the few of them really agreed to give her a new year gift. They discussed what to give, and finally came up with a lot.

But they have a lot of people, and they can't give everyone these kinds of gifts, so it is stipulated that everyone should give one kind of food, and it cannot be repeated.

Sun Shuqi kept complaining about this bad idea. He had already collected special products from all over the world and wanted to give them to Meng Yao, but in the end, all of them went to waste.

They are decided by lottery, so who gets what in the end depends on God's will.

And Sun Shuqi was lucky enough to be drawn to give away the medicinal materials.

Sun Shuqi couldn't help but feel complacent when he said this, because the medicinal materials he won were actually better.

Hu Laosan, the unlucky guy who came up with the idea, won the cosmetics, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

Meng Yao may still like this medicinal material, cosmetics, but that is really useless.

Seeing this, Meng Yao frowned.

Isn't it clothes bag?
Meng Yao continued to look down.

Sun Shuqi became complacent again, saying that the reason for sending clothes and bags was also his idea, and it was he who had spent a lot of effort to convince Hu Laosan.

Meng Yao had explained to Sun Shuqi before that she had been working in the kitchen and it was not good to use cosmetics, so it was useless.

After all, it was something given to her by her brother, and she would always have to explain it when it was left there to turn into ashes.

This is why Sun Shuqi persuaded Hu Laosan not to give away cosmetics.

Fortunately, it was not delivered.

The clothes and shoes Hu Laosan sent were actually well thought out, and they were all suitable for everyday wear, not out of the ordinary.

What may be different from usual is that the brand is big and the price is high.

Meng Yao can wear it out.

As for those bags, among other things, the capacity is quite large.

I just don't know what kind of effect it will have if Meng Yao goes to the vegetable market behind her back and is known by others?
Thinking of this, Meng Yao couldn't help baring her teeth.

Meng Yao put away all the precious medicinal materials, which are not needed for the time being, but they will definitely be useful in the future, and there must be a lot of precious medicinal materials for making medicinal meals.

Given so much to her, there must be some for her godfather. She doesn't need to borrow flowers to present Buddha.

Boss Hu, the gift is really simple and direct, it's gold.

When Meng Yao opened it, she was blinded by the bright yellow thing.


Meng Yao picked up the thin gold brick, looked up at the sky.

Well, she really loves money, and Boss Hu's gift of this thing is quite in line with her wishes.

It's just too expensive, and just this thin brick costs a lot of money.

Fortunately, gold is not as expensive now as it will be in the future.

This gold is left to appreciate, but it is the most suitable.

Meng Yao couldn't help but wonder now whether the gifts they gave were randomly selected or specially negotiated, and they were closely related to their respective fields of life.

In fact, just like what Meng Yao thought, it was said that it was a lottery, and there was a lot of truth in it.

It was the brothers and sisters of the Hu family who had discussed it and made a decision. Then, in the name of drawing lots, Sun Shuqi was obedient.

As for the suggestion that Sun Shuqi made afterwards, it was not within the scope of the Hu family's brothers and sisters to discuss, and Hu's third son also listened to it.

Finally, Hu Laosi and Hu Laoer, Hu Laosi gave special products from various places.

He often helps Mr. Hu collect special products from various places, and he has specially researched and visited them for this purpose, and he is very familiar with this.

As the only woman among them, Hu Lao Er also doesn't wear makeup, so naturally it is impossible to buy any cosmetics for Meng Yao.

Hu Lao Er sent books.

She is the vice president of the hospital. In fact, she is also teaching at a university, a medical university, and has a lot of books in her hand.

Some of the books sent by Hu Lao Er are about food and health preservation, as well as customs and customs of various places, and some dietary taboos.

It's all about food.

The brothers and sisters are indeed interested.

After them, those from Meng Yao's wife's family also brought New Year's gifts one after another.

Some food and clothing have been considered practical from all aspects.

Meng Yao entrusted someone to deliver the yearly presents in the distance, but Meng Yao personally went to those nearby.

Meng Yao drove the car and loaded things to old man Hu and Jiang Huizhi.

Old man Hu was wandering outside the yard. When he saw Meng Yao, he just asked, "Why are you driving here?", but didn't come over.

Seeing Meng Yao moving things from the car, he immediately came over holding his beard.

"What good things did you take?"

"Where is there anything good? Just something to eat!"

Old man Hu didn't believe it, he stretched out his hand to turn it over, but was knocked off by Meng Yao.

"This is for godfather and mother, uncle, where is your share!"

Meng Yao packed them in exquisite gift boxes, and she picked and washed the melons, fruits and vegetables so they were extremely clean.

When giving a gift, the person who wants to give it is naturally comfortable.

Old man Hu didn't argue with him, and immediately went over to open his own gift.

The first thing you see when you open it is a jar of wine.

The jug of wine, which was many times smaller than the previous gift, made old man Hu scream.

"Girl Yao, why is there so little wine?"

Meng Yao looked up at the sky helplessly, "Where is something missing, how about a whole jar?"

(End of this chapter)

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