Chapter 696 Inherently Unfair
Jin Dou led people to clean up the exclusive office of the student president, and moved in the flowers and plants again, and replaced it with new curtains and sofas. After cleaning for a whole day, the whole office looked brand new, without the previous local arrogance at all. Some fresh and natural beauty.

Tang Tang is quite satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Jindou is also good at interior design, so he praised Jindou a few words.

Jindou raised her tail up to the sky, and plucked her hair: "It's nothing, I often go to play at Grandma Zhuang's house in the village, and learn a little bit from Grandma Zhuang, hehe."

Tang Tang: Your village is full of talents.

After cleaning the office, the first thing Tang Tang did was to hold a student meeting.The new official took office three fires, and she wanted to re-enact the school's rules and order to pass on quickly. Tang Tang patiently waited for the opening of the conference.

Dean Hepburn heard about this and asked Tang Tang to go there. Dean Hepburn is old, and his temples are gray and his spirit is still good.

Dean Hepburn leaned back on the chair, looked at the young boy in front of him who had turned the whole academy upside down, and knocked on the table: "Gu Mingfei, I know what you're up to. But let me tell you, it's okay to make small troubles. If If you have violated the academy's way of establishing the foundation, I will immediately expel you from the academy."

Tang Tang stood up obediently: "Dean, please tell me first, which rules I can't touch, and I will avoid them."

Dean Hepburn snorted coldly, looking over with sharp eyes:

"First, tutors are not allowed to admit female students, this is a tradition and should not be broken.

Second, maintain the reputation of the college and do not do anything that damages the college.

No matter how hard you try, female students in ordinary classes will never be able to attend the tutors of elite classes.Music is a sacred and beautiful thing. Women will pollute music and destroy the purity of music. "

Tang Tang looked at Dean Hepburn with gray temples, as if he was looking at an antique hundreds of years ago.

Women polluting music?

Is this thinking that exists in the 21st century?
Dean Hepburn sighed and explained: "Gu Mingfei, you are still young, and you don't know how much damage women can do to music. Let me give you an example. When a male musician plays the piano, the audience's attention is too much. On the sound of his piano; when a woman plays the piano, the audience will pay attention to her appearance and figure, distracting attention from the music and destroying the purity of the music."

Tang Tang was silent for a long time.

The stereotype does exist.

For a man, the world pays attention to his career and great achievements, and the gossip is just the embellishment of his career; for a woman, the world pays attention to her face, figure and marriage, and her career is just an embellishment.

As if women were born only as tools for procreation.

For a career woman, no matter how successful or powerful she is, the world pays the most attention to her marriage and private life, and selectively ignores her career.

Tang Tang said softly, "I know, Dean, don't worry, I won't touch these two rules."

Dean Hepburn narrowed his eyes: "You better be like this."

Tang Tang left the dean's office, and Jin Dou called and said that the students had come to the conference room.But Jin Dou said angrily: "Brother Gu, there are more than 100 elite class students, but more than 40 students did not come! They still recognize Jian Jun as the president, hum!"

Tang Tang rubbed his eyebrows: "Don't worry, I'll come right away."

More than 160 students participated in the first meeting as the student council president.

Tang Tang walked up to the main podium, and the conference room immediately fell silent, and a pair of enthusiastic eyes stared at Tang Tang.

Almost all the students in the elite class present had received Tang Tang's private guidance and were convinced by Tang Tang.

(End of this chapter)

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