Chapter 264
In the past two days, the atmosphere in Yanyin's office has been somewhat depressing, and the staff who come and go dare not speak too loudly, because there is no good news for Yanyin recently.

The first is Akina Nakamori's new single "Tears Are Not Decorations" released last year. Now it is about to enter the end of the best-selling period. After all, it has been popular for more than two months. It is very impressive for a single to be popular for so long. Strong.

Although still able to occupy the top three in the sales charts, the sales volume is much lower than the sales volume of the hit single "North Wing" at the beginning of last year, and now it can exceed 70 copies. According to the current sales situation, the final The sales volume can exceed 80 copies at most.

And North Wing's sales exceeded 80 copies at the end of the hot sale, and it sold more than 90 copies when it completely fell out of the sales rankings. Now, the total sales may have exceeded one million, but it's a pity because it was after the sales fell off the list. , will not be included in the statistics, that is to say, Nakamori Akina cannot be certified as a single with sales exceeding one million.

Compared with last year, Nakamori Akina is more popular this year, and "Tears Are Not Decorations" has dominated the sales charts for a long time, even longer than Beiyi, but the total sales are abruptly less than [-] Zhang, anyone can see that this is not an artist's problem, but a problem with the market, because the sales of the singers behind are lower, and everyone's sales have become lower.

This is the first piece of bad news for Yanyin.

The second is that Hiroshi Kimura himself revealed that he is in love, causing a big disturbance. No one knows what impact it will have on the sales of his records. Most people think that the sales will definitely be greatly affected, not only by the media. Bad news, even many people in the industry are not optimistic.

In this way, it would be strange if the internal atmosphere of Yanyin could be good. After all, Yanyin’s performance exploded last year, and the two super idols doubled Yanyin’s performance compared to last year, growing rapidly for two consecutive years. Now it's going to fall back again, which makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

"It seems that this year's market is really shrinking further, and the sales of records are still declining. Akina-san has been greatly affected." Looking at the sales report of "Tears Are Not Decorations", Hanami He said with a sad face.

"Yes, it seems that Kimura-san's prediction is correct. There is a big problem in the record market. If it continues to fall in the next year or the next year, I'm afraid our performance will also decline further." Si Lin who was called to discuss things Chao also said very worriedly.

Although I really don't want to admit it, but Kimura Hiroshi's correct judgment on the market also shocked Hanami He. This kid is not only talented, but also has such a strong sense of business, which really makes people have to admire. This kid I'm only 19 years old, and I don't know what kind of character I will become in the future.

"Then find a way to improve our performance. We can't sit still. By the way, have the sales of Kimura-san's records come out, and has it been greatly affected?" Hanami He asked a little anxiously.

Shaking his head, Si Linchao said, "The marketing department hasn't sent the sales report yet. I think it should be soon. I'll go and have a look."

After speaking, Si Linchao got up and went to the marketing department to ask for a sales report, but the sales report didn't come out until the afternoon, because many record stores were really slow to send faxes.

Looking at the sales report he got, Hanami He was a little dumbfounded, because it showed that Hiroshi Kimura's new single "New Treasure Island" sold [-] copies on the first day, which was completely beyond his expectations.

"What's going on, why are the sales so high, and the exposure of the relationship is so big, doesn't it have any impact on Kimura-san?" Although the first-day sales are not as good as those of Kimura Hiroshi's first-day sales, they are still very strong. It doesn't make sense, there is still such a sales volume after going through a big storm just now.

Si Linchao didn't know the specific situation, so he could only say, "It may be that Kimura-san's loyal fans will choose to buy it on the first day, and the sales will drop after that, but there may be other reasons. I will investigate and report to the president. .”

In the next few days, sales began to come back non-stop. On the second day, the sales volume was 5 taels, on the third day it was 30, and on the fourth day, it finally fell below [-], only [-]. , and finally sold more than [-] copies in the first week, which surprised everyone.This is true whether it is the media or industry insiders.

Especially the super record bound with the dance MV, [-] copies were sold out. Many people bought it just to see Hiroshi Kimura's handsome dance again, but after buying it home, they were amused by the dance inside.

There is indeed a handsome dance by Hiroshi Kimura, but no matter how you look at it, it feels weird. A group of big singers have serious faces and serious clothes, but when they twist to the music, they always give people an inexplicable sense of joy, especially the more cheerful music. Next, Kimura Hiroshi, who led the jump, looked at the screen with a straight face, which made people want to laugh.

Many people have never seen this kind of amazing dance MV, so people who were not Hiroshi Kimura fans bought one and took it home as something funny. Many people called and wrote to the TV station, I asked Hiroshi Kimura if he could perform this dance on the TV station. The dance in the MV was actually more funny than the one he performed with a song on the TV show.

And not only record sales, but even the sales of comics signed and produced by Kimura Hiroshi performed very well this week. Hegemony comic magazine, when it went on sale on the same day as the record, sold more than 20 copies on the first day. It plummeted to [-] volumes on the first day, and [-] volumes on the third day.

This is quite in line with the products that celebrities want to harvest fans' leeks. Some media are already preparing to spread the word, but on the fourth day, sales started to rise against the trend, returning to [-] copies, and on the fifth day, sales exceeded [-]. At the end of the week, the sales volume exceeded [-] copies. Many media people are very lucky that they didn't spread the hype in advance, otherwise they would be ridiculed again.

The sales of manga magazines have risen against the trend. Reporters with good deeds went to interview manga buyers. Because the two works in Hegemony Manga Magazine are positioned as shojo manga, most of the buyers are young women.

The feedback I got from them is that the first two comics are very good-looking. The first "Jun's Name" has a fresh style of painting and a very good plot. It is very attractive. Everyone is guessing that this man who lives in the country What happened to the girl Mitsuha Miyamizu, what happened to that boy, and that shooting star.

The second comic is also very popular among girls. A Cinderella enters a noble school, and just after arriving at the school, she has a conflict with the school bully. What will happen between them in the future, and what kind of existence is F4 on campus? , It also makes the girls full of fantasy.

All in all, the comics are very good-looking. Even without the endorsement of Hiroshi Kimura, they would still buy them, and they would continue to buy them in the future.

The overall situation shows that although the announcement of the relationship caused a lot of trouble, it actually had little impact on Hiroshi Kimura. After listening to "Xin Treasure Island", many people in the industry said that although the song is excellent, it can be The quality is not as good as the previous single released by Hiroshi Kimura, but it can still sell 30 copies a week. If this sales can be maintained, I am afraid it will be close to a million copies.

The sales for one week in a row did not drop significantly, let Hanami He know that the love affair exposure incident had no impact on Hiroshi Kimura, and at the same time, he also saw Hiroshi Kimura's terrible popularity. Judging from the current sales, if other records are not released , I am afraid that the annual crown belongs to this kid again.

"It's really amazing Kimura-san. I have nothing to say. By the way, arrange the vacation for him and Akina-san next week. The expenses for going to Hawaii will be borne by the office, including Akina-san's. Let him come over on Sunday." After holding a summary meeting, you can rest for seven days, and after seven days, you must continue the publicity." Convinced, Hua Jianhe didn't want to say anything more.

 Thank you Wings Without Dreams for your 100 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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