Chapter 381
After breakfast, Huang Su went back to the hotel room, sat on a chair, and flipped through papers and experimental reports.

Today is the day for Huang Su's doctoral dissertation defense.

It is not popular in this era to make slides when the defense is not popular. The structure and general content of the thesis must be kept in mind, especially the content about the data of the thesis.

This thesis defense is scheduled for 10:30 in the morning. Huang Su now hurry up and compare the thesis and the project experiment report, and go over the defense ideas in his mind.

It was also the first time for Huang Su to defend in front of authoritative experts and professors from more than a dozen top Chinese medicine universities in the country, and he should be cautious no matter how cautious he is.

Slowly at 08:30, there was a knock on the door of Huang Su's room.

Huang Su put down the paper in his hand, walked to the door and opened the door.

Li Yan stood at the door: "Master, it's 08:30, we should go to the research institute."

Huang Su raised his hand to look at the time, but he didn't expect the time to pass so quickly.

"Come in first! I'll pack up and we'll leave right away."

Huang Su turned around and walked into the room, and put all the thesis and experimental reports into the office bag, and Li Yan also reached out to help tidy up.

Getting in the taxi, Huang Su asked with concern: "Yanzi, how are you preparing for the college entrance examination? I've been too busy recently and haven't asked you about your studies."

In Grassland City, Huang Su has been busy with the implementation of the trial of payment for curative effect.

When he came to the capital, Professor Sun personally took Huang Su to visit his personal connections, and shared his personal connections with Huang Su, paving the way for Huang Su's future career.

In this way, the original plan to finish the defense before New Year's Day and return to Grassland City was dragged to late January 2003.

I can only reply and go home for the New Year.

Due to the busy work, Huang Su has not cared about Li Yan's studies for more than two months.

"I have never missed my high school courses, and there is absolutely no problem with the college entrance examination." Li Yan asked hesitantly: "Master, do I really want to go to college? I think I can learn more by your side."

When Li Yan was studying the classics of traditional Chinese medicine, not only could she ask Huang Su at any time, but Li Yan also had three years more clinical experience than the students sent by the college.

If it is not limited by the qualifications to practice medicine, Li Yan has the ability to sit in the clinic alone.

"If you want to work in Chinese medicine in the future, you must go to university. Only in this way can you be qualified to obtain a medical qualification certificate." Huang Su continued: "Besides, after you go to university and study medicine with your ancestor, you will reach more patients."

At the beginning of the century, the method of obtaining the qualification to practice Chinese medicine was relatively simple, and there were not as many ways as there are now. Those who did not graduate from the academy could also choose to learn from teachers and specialize in specialties.

At that time, the best way for Chinese medicine practitioners to obtain the qualification to practice medicine was to go to university.

He is the successor of the folk Chinese medicine center. It is very difficult to obtain the qualification to practice medicine without going to a university majoring in Chinese medicine.

"Master, when are you going to teach?"

It is Li Yan who spends the most time with Huang Su every day. Li Yan knows better than anyone else the changes in Huang Su's heart.

From the time of the Cao Zhengchun incident, Huang Su showed her determination to leave, but now she has become wavering again.

She has been studying with Huang Su for three years. Li Yan is used to studying by Huang Su's side. She doesn't want to be separated from her master. She hopes to go to university and let her master teach her.

"After this trial is over."

While the master and apprentice were chatting, the taxi had already arrived at the gate of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Huang Su will finish his defense here today.

Huang Su took Li Yan into his former office in the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Walking into the office, Huang Su saw Wei Lai at first sight.

Wei Lai saw Huang Su and the other two coming in, got up and joked, "I haven't seen you for more than two years, and you've grown into a big girl, come on, call Master Uncle to listen!"

Li Yan is no longer the skinny girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old when I first met her.

After studying with Huang Su, Li Yan's food nutrition has been greatly improved.

In three years, Li Yan has become a slim girl.

Li Yan whispered shyly: "Uncle!"

"Hey, good!"

After teasing Li Yan, Wei Lai said with emotion: "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, Huang Su, you will be defending your doctoral dissertation. Are you confident that you will pass today?"

"I've heard that today, professors from eleven Chinese medicine universities came to listen to your defense. This kind of treatment and battle is unprecedented in the research institute. Don't be nervous!"

"There is nothing to be nervous about, the whole process of the project is in my head, I just need to talk about the process of this project."

Later, Huang Su asked, "How is your preparation for your doctoral project?"

Wei Lai is now a Ph.D. student, and he is about to start preparing for his doctoral graduation project.

Wei Lai said: "Because of you doing this, our teacher's graduation subject has been increased. I am struggling to choose a direction now. Do you have any good suggestions!"

With Huang Su as an example, Wei Lai's graduation thesis must also be an evidence-based medical experiment of some kind of tumor.

Now Wei Lai is worried about choosing the topic and himself.

Huang Su suggested: "After all, the funds we can raise are limited. I suggest you choose cancers with fewer symptoms, such as esophageal cancer, kidney cancer, and bladder cancer."

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that esophageal cancer is caused by poor emotions, esophageal damage, or unclean food, resulting in depression, blood stasis, and phlegm accumulation in the local area, manifested as swallowing obstruction, chest fullness, pain behind the sternum, and even difficulty in drinking water. , or the syndrome characteristics of drinking and re-vomiting.

The treatment of esophageal cancer is also relatively simple, as long as you pay attention to harmonizing the stomach, breaking knots and promoting blood stasis, it is most suitable for Wei Lai to use as a topic.

As for kidney cancer and bladder cancer.

In TCM theory, the kidney and the bladder are exterior and interior, so the syndromes of kidney cancer and bladder cancer are the same. They are both caused by accumulation of dampness and heat, obstruction of turbidity and stasis, and deficiency of both the spleen and the kidney.

Wei Lai nodded thoughtfully, and thanked: "Thank you, I will think about it carefully."

Huang Su's gang continued to suggest: "You can also find cooperation with Guo Ren Tang. They have already started to produce the Chinese patent medicine for the treatment of stomach cancer, and they will soon produce it. The Chinese patent medicine for liver cancer developed by my project, they will definitely not refuse to produce it. A drug to treat cancer, so that your project funds are also solved."

Wei Lai nodded thoughtfully again: "Thank you, I see."

While the two were chatting, Professor Sun also walked in.

"Huang Su, you are here. How are you preparing for the defense? Is there any progress?"

"Teacher, I'm ready!"

Professor Sun patted Huang Su on the shoulder encouragingly and said, "Take a rest first, and we will start to defend when the time is up."

At ten ten o'clock, the conference room where Huang Su was defending began to enter the conference room one after another.

Professors from various universities of traditional Chinese medicine came to listen to Huang Su's defense, and they learned more about the methods and processes of evidence-based medicine experiments in traditional Chinese medicine.

After all, there are only two cases of evidence-based medicine experiments in traditional Chinese medicine, Professor Sun and Huang Su, the master and apprentice.

Just after everyone arrived, several defense teachers were already sitting in the middle.

Mr. Lu walked into the conference room slowly.

Seeing Mr. Lu coming in, everyone stood up and said hello.

Professor Sun quickly stepped forward to help Mr. Lu: "Mr. Lu, why are you here?"

Mr. Lu said with a smile: "I heard that your little apprentice is defending his Ph.D. today, so I'll come over to join in the fun."

After being in contact with Huang Su for half a month, Elder Lu thinks that Huang Su is a very good kid, and he came here today to see Huang Su's level.

At 10:30, Huang Su walked into the meeting room with steady steps.

Seeing Mr. Lu sitting in the middle, Huang Su was a little dazed, but quickly returned to normal.

Stepping onto the podium, Huang Su bowed to the teachers in the audience.

"Hello, teachers. I am Huang Su, a 2000-level doctoral student at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The title of my thesis is the experimental demonstration of evidence-based medicine for liver cancer in traditional Chinese medicine."

"Student Huang Su, you can start your defense now."

The responding teacher sitting in the middle indicated that Huang Su could start his defense.

Huang Su bowed again and began to talk about the basic situation of liver cancer.

"Primary hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the common malignant tumors in my country, and its mortality rate ranks third among all malignant tumors, and it is the second health killer in my country. Its etiology is mainly from environmental factors, drinking water pollution, Aflatoxin in food, viral hepatitis, genetic factors and other considerations."

Huang Su wrote on the blackboard while explaining the pathological types of liver cancer: "From the perspective of pathology of liver cancer, it can be roughly divided into massive type with a diameter of more than ten centimeters. Nodular type with single or multiple nodules. One, ranging in size, ranging from 0.5-6.5cm in diameter; diffuse type, the distribution of cancerous nodules is more diffuse, accompanied by mild sclerosis, sometimes indistinguishable from sclerotic nodules by naked eyes."

Huang Su put down the chalk, turned around, and began to talk about Chinese medicine's understanding of liver cancer: "Chinese medicine has long recorded the 'liver accumulation'. "Nan Jing · 56 Difficulties" said: 'The accumulation of the liver is called fat qi.'" Pulse According to the record in Jing·Pingwu Zang-Zang Accumulation and Accumulating Pulse Syndrome, it is diagnosed that the liver is stagnant, the pulse is stringy and thin, pain in the flanks, no ointment on the body, and withered nails. Accumulation, stringy and thin pulse, pain under both hypochondriacs."

With that said, Huang Su turned around and continued to write on the blackboard: "In short, liver cancer is formed by the invasion of evil poison, improper diet, internal injuries of the seven emotions, old age and chronic illness, dampness, blood stasis, and stagnation of Qi. If we know the pathogenesis of liver cancer, we can roughly understand the syndrome types of liver cancer.”

Huang Su wrote on the blackboard: Liver stagnation and qi stagnation, phlegm blocking blood stasis, positive deficiency stasis.

Turning around, Huang Su talked to the audience of TCM masters and professors, talking about the pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment prescriptions of the three liver cancer syndromes.

"Syndrome of liver depression and qi stagnation, liver failure to disperse, collateral collaterals are blocked, qi congeals and obstructs or qi movement is reversed, then the lumps and softness under the flanks, qi is invisible, sometimes gathers and sometimes disperses, attacking and distending pain. Emotional sadness and fear Unhappiness, when the liver fails to disperse, the Qi gathers and sends out, and when the emotions are comfortable, the Qi flows and disperses, so it often gathers and disperses due to changes in emotions. Chest tightness, Taixi: stagnation of liver qi, rebelliousness takes advantage of the spleen and invades the stomach, so abdominal fullness, anorexia, inhalation. Tongue pulse can be seen with thin fur, stringy pulse is a sign of qi not being relaxed, and Qi movement is unfavorable. "

"In the treatment of liver cancer with liver depression and qi stagnation, soothing the liver and regulating qi are used. In the experiment, we added and subtracted Xiaoyao San and Chaihu Shugan San."

"Syndrome of phlegm blocking blood stasis, long-term illness, loss of spleen transportation, endogenous damp phlegm, mutual obstruction of phlegm and food, poor Qi movement, so abdominal distension or pain, constipation, loss of appetite can be seen. There are accumulations in the abdomen. Dampness blocks the veins, and the coagulation of qi and blood becomes more serious, resulting in obvious accumulation of abdominal mass, hard texture, fixed, dull pain or tingling pain. Long-term illness will weaken the righteousness and spleen, and the body will become emaciated , Nagu decreased. Tongue pulse can be seen purple tongue or ecchymosis petechiae, yellow greasy fur, thready pulse astringent or slippery, all are signs of phlegm blocking blood stasis disease diagnosis and syndrome differentiation treatment. "

"In the treatment of liver cancer with phlegm obstructing blood stasis syndrome, it is necessary to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, activate blood and remove blood stasis. Take Taohong Siwu Decoction combined with Erchen Decoction or Sanren Decoction or Yinchenhao Decoction to treat it."

"Positive deficiency and blood stasis syndrome, the tumor develops for a long time, the qi stagnation is not good, the veins are blocked, and the blood stasis is getting worse, so the accumulation is hard, with dull pain or severe pain; Power, so the diet is greatly reduced. Qi and blood biochemical sources are insufficient, the body loses nourishment, so the body is weak, the muscles are thin, and the mind is tired and weak; Severe injury, lack of power of transportation and transformation, overflowing with water and dampness, so the complexion is swollen; the tongue is pale purple, or stripped without coating, and the pulse is thready or stringy, all of which are signs of qi and blood consumption and blood stasis."

"Positive deficiency and blood stasis also belong to the late stage of liver cancer, and it should be treated with the method of strengthening the body and fighting cancer. For this type of patients, the research team uses Liuwei Dihuang Pills and Bazhen Decoction."

"536% of the 98 volunteers who participated in the project survived until the completion of the project, far exceeding the survival time diagnosed by Western medicine. During the treatment process, all patients' bodies have improved, and their pain has been relieved to varying degrees. This shows that traditional Chinese medicine is very effective in prolonging the life expectancy of liver cancer and improving living conditions."

Liver cancer is a cancer that spreads quickly and has a high mortality rate. Generally, Western medicine detects liver cancer, and the diagnosis survives no more than half a year.

In the research group, the occurrence of illness and death is unavoidable.

After speaking, Huang Su bowed again and said, "Teachers, my defense statement is finished."

Among the five responding teachers, the teacher sitting in the middle was the first to ask: "What are the anti-cancer drugs you commonly use?"

Huang Su replied: "We divide anticancer drugs into three categories, namely attacking poison with poison, clearing away heat and detoxification, and promoting blood circulation to remove stasis. We will match them according to the specific situation of the patient."

Flavin turned around and wrote three types of commonly used drugs on the blackboard.

Fighting poison with poison: centipede, scorpion, ground beetle, silkworm, etc.

Heat-clearing and detoxifying categories: Banzhilian, Lobelia, Hedyotis diffusa, Xu Changqing, Tengli root, Polygonum cuspidatum, etc.

Activating blood and removing blood stasis: peach kernel, safflower, three-lens, curcuma, salvia miltiorrhiza, sumac, dried blood, Liu Jinu, August Zha, etc.

Later, other responding teachers asked Huang Su a question.

Huang Su also responded calmly.

Finally, the responding teacher gave Huang Su an excellent grade after on-site discussion.

At this point, Huang Su's defense was successfully concluded, and it was announced that Huang Su's doctoral career was over, and he would receive his graduation certificate in July.

Huang Su accompanied Professor Sun to politely send away the responding teacher and professors from other schools.

Just when he was about to leave with Mr. Lu.

A person hurried into the meeting room and said anxiously: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Deng from Yangcheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine called just now, saying that a new type of pneumonia virus has appeared in Yangcheng."

Hearing what the visitor said, Huang Su's mind suddenly went blank.

(End of this chapter)

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