Chapter 356

"Come over and eat!"

Huang Su hung a towel on his shoulder, and held toothpaste, toothbrush, and facial cleanser in his hand.

Li Yan walked in beside Huang Su.

Yan Bing put the breakfast made at home on the coffee table.

The pale pink shirt could no longer conceal Yan Bing's belly.

Seeing my wife put rice porridge, steamed buns, and side dishes on the tea table, the sleepiness that was about to be boiled instantly revived, and my stomach growled unapologetically.

"My stomach is growling, Li Yan hasten to eat!"

Looking at the three pairs of chopsticks and three bowls on the table, Huang Su took a sip of porridge and said, "Sit down and eat too, and you'll be back to work in a while."

Yan Bing gently cracked open the eggshell on the coffee table, picked up an egg and handed it to Li Yan.

"How many more days do you have to check?"

Huang Su ate the egg and took a mouthful of porridge: "I can finish the investigation tonight."

Yan Bing asked curiously: "What's the result of the medicine?"

Huang Su said with a sneer on his face: "The results are very good. There are not more than 100 kinds of medicines, and none of them are counterfeit medicines."

"Isn't that good? After all, the city hospital is the only tertiary hospital in Yeprairie City, so it won't sell counterfeit medicines." Yan Bing said, not understanding the reason behind it.

"It's very good! Can't it be good without a single fake medicine, but the dignified tertiary hospitals use the goods that even the small clinics on the street don't use." Huang Su had a weak smile on his face.

Yan Bing said worriedly: "Then what are you going to do?"

Huang Su said very resolutely: "I will never use this worst Chinese medicine for my patients."

Yan Bing asked Huang Su's hand and said, "I support you!"

Looking at Yan Bing's gentle eyes with joy.

Huang Su patted the back of Yan Bing's hand lightly and said: "Don't worry! Our hospital won't use such inferior medicinal materials even if we want to guarantee our reputation."

After breakfast, Li Yan said: "Master, Master's Wife, you go to the outpatient clinic first, I will clean up these things!"

Huang Su looked up at the clock on the wall, but it was time to go to work.

Yan Bing asked worriedly: "You stayed up a little yesterday, can you go to the doctor today?"

Huang Su said indifferently: "It's okay!"


A middle-aged couple walked into the consultation room.

Huang Su looked at the couple's lips were red and purple, and the woman's eyes were red and swollen.

Without waiting for Huang Su to ask, the middle-aged woman said: "Doctor Huang, we are high school teachers, and when the college entrance examination is approaching, there will always be cases of getting angry. In the past, it would be fine to take some bezoar supernatant tablets, but today it is particularly serious."

As she said that, the female teacher pointed to her eyes and said, "You see, my eyes are red, itchy, and discharge every morning. During this time, my temper has also become very irritable, and I have quarreled with my husband many times. It’s also easy to lose sleep at night.”

Huang Su asked: "Is it like this every year until the third year of high school?"

The female professor said: "That's not the case. My husband and I have always served as class teachers. The closer the college entrance examination is, when the pressure is on our hearts, I hope they can all be admitted to the university of their choice and have a bright future."

Huang Su understood these teachers very well, and continued to ask: "Apart from red and swollen eyes, are there any other symptoms?"

The female teacher said: "Recently, I have defecated and defecated once every two or three days, and the stool is still very dry."

Huang Su asked: "Apart from dry stool, are there any other symptoms?"

The female teacher recalled: "Recently, insomnia and palpitations have occurred."

Huang Su said: "All these are caused by your excessive anger, reach out your hand, and I will take the pulse."

As soon as Huang Su feels the pulse, the Zuo Guan pulse is stringy and hard, which means that the liver stagnation transforms into fire and disturbs the Cun pulse, resulting in restlessness.

Letting go of the female teacher's wrist, Huang Su took a look at the image of the female teacher's tongue, both sides of the tongue were swollen and the tip of the tongue was already red.

The female teacher put away her tongue and asked curiously: "Doctor Huang, I have red, swollen and itchy eyes, dry stool, palpitation and insomnia. They are all related to anger, and this is irrelevant."

Huang Su explained with a smile: "The stagnation of the liver turns into fire, which burns the eyes, and when the turbid fire goes down, intestinal secrets will appear."

"There is yin in the intestinal tract blocking the way, and the fire of yang hyperactivity above cannot go down. Once it burns into the heart and brain, the mind cannot calm down. This means that if yang does not enter yin, people will suffer from insomnia."

Huang Su continued to explain: "The heart and the small intestine are connected externally and internally. If the small intestine is tightly blocked, the heart will feel uncomfortable, and it wants to pump blood desperately to push the small intestine. The workload of the heart suddenly increases, and palpitations will appear. "

The female teacher said in surprise: "It is true. When I go to the toilet, I have difficulty defecating, and my palpitations will be even worse."

Huang Su continued: "I know you high school teachers will have another meal after you go home from evening self-study, and you must quit this meal during this time."

The female teacher and her husband asked in unison, "Why?"

The female teacher explained: "When we go home after evening self-study every day, we will feel very hungry."

"This is the crux of many insomnia problems. Those who have an upset stomach are restless, especially at night, they should only eat [-]% to [-]% full, so that the stomach and intestines will be unimpeded, and sleep will be good. If you eat too much, it will aggravate the intestinal tract. Burden, like a car with too much weight, but it can't climb uphill."

Huang Su smiled and said: "I understand that you consume a lot of energy by self-study and work at night, and it is very normal to be hungry. Your insomnia is caused by your anger and constipation. Eating supper at night will increase the burden on your stomach and make your condition worse. In a vicious circle."


Huang Su gave the prescription to the female teacher and said: "Go to the Limin pharmacy and grab these medicines, grind them into powder, and make Wutong pills with honey. Take three times a day, ten grams at a time. I see that your husband also has purple lips. For excessive liver fire and other conditions, your husband can take it once a day, ten grams at a time, which is a monthly dose."

As soon as the two came in, seeing their red and purple lips, Huang Su knew that the two were suffering from liver disease.

Flavin can basically judge that the patient is caused by exuberant anger.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lips are used for opening and closing, and they are the outlets of the heart.

In terms of meridians, the important meridians of the human body, such as the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, Chong Mai, and Ren Mai, are all directly related to the mouth.Therefore, diseases of these meridians and viscera can be reflected through the lips.

The color of the upper lip is scorched and scorched or dark red, which is a disease of the large intestine, and is accompanied by symptoms such as uneasy shoulders, bad breath, bad breath, poor throat, and blocked ears and nose.

The upper lip is pale and bluish, which is due to deficiency of the large intestine, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal cramps, shivering, and alternating hot and cold symptoms.

The lower lip is crimson red, which is stomach heat, and symptoms such as stomach pain, limb stagnation, choking, and abdominal distension are also seen.

The lower lip is pale, which means stomach deficiency and cold, and symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, cold stomach, and stomach pains will occur.

The inside of the lips is reddish-purple or purplish-crimson, the liver is hot, short-tempered, distending pain under the flanks, unable to eat.

The inside of the lips is yellow, showing signs of hepatitis. If it is cloudy, the liver and gallbladder must be poor.

The lip color is as red as red, which means that the heart is full of fire, and it is often accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Lip color is dark and turbid, which is due to digestive system dysfunction, sometimes constipation, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, etc.

The lip color is white, which is the characteristic of blood deficiency. The blood circulation is weak, and the limbs are cold and purple in winter. If the nutrition is maladjusted and the daily life is poor, it is easy to cause anemia.

The lips turn yellow and dry, the secretion of the spleen is hindered, the resistance of the immune system and the auxiliary hematopoietic function are weakened, and it is easy to be infected.

The lip color is bruised, which is a sign of hypoxia or drug poisoning.It is often accompanied by dark red or light blue complexion, chest tightness or tingling pain from time to time, palpitation and shortness of breath, ecchymosis and ecchymosis on the tongue and other symptoms.

The female teacher thought it was too troublesome to make honeyed pills, so she asked tentatively: "Doctor Huang, can I not make honeyed pills, can I boil them into traditional Chinese medicine and drink them?"

Huang Su shook his head and said, "Aloe vera can only be made into honeyed pills, not boiled."

The female teacher continued: "Doctor Huang, can you replace this aloe vera with other medicines, after all we don't know traditional Chinese medicine and it's too troublesome to make pills."

"This prescription is called Angelica Aloe Vera Pill, and aloe vera is the king medicine in it. Although aloe vera is very common as an ornamental flower, it is not simple as a blind medicinal material. It can not only clear the liver fire, but also clear the intestines. A single flavor of aloe vera can drive the inflammation of the liver meridian down the intestinal tract and out of the body."

Huang Su said with a smile: "As for making pills, you don't have to worry, as long as you add some processing fees, the pharmacists at Limin Pharmacy can make them for you."

Aloe vera is not only a favorite skin care product for women, but also a good medicine for clearing away heat and laxative.

There are thorns on the leaves of aloe vera, which can carry out the orders of generals. In traditional Chinese medicine, all traditional Chinese medicines with straight thorns have the power to break open.

Such as: saponins, double-faced needles, etc.

According to the herbal scriptures, the thorns on the leaves can reduce swelling, so it can be used for liver depression to transform fire and local swelling and heat.

This aloe vera is juicy and bitter cold, and can clear away heat and relieve constipation, so the stagnant fire in the liver meridian can be guided to the intestinal organs through the bitter cold aloe vera and excreted from the body.

If you use one sentence to describe the effect of aloe vera, it can guide the liver meridian to heat up, return to the six internal organs, and withdraw from the body.

Of course, you should be cautious when using aloe vera, because aloe vera grows in the hot desert, and aloe vera is very bitter and cold. Among the medicines for bitter cold, it is also a medicine for extreme cold. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should use it less.

Generally, aloe vera will not be used as a decoction, and it will be made into pills or capsules, and the effect will be better.It will not cause vomiting due to stomach upset due to extreme bitterness and extreme cold.

That's why Huang Su didn't prescribe decoction to the female teacher.

Of course, the most commonly used aloe is still used as a beauty product. Aloe has become one of the gimmicks of major cosmetic brands. All aloe-based cosmetics are very popular with beauticians.

Aloe vera grows in the desert, and it can keep the branches and leaves full, and the body fluid is abundant, so the aloe vera is extraordinary in water retention and moisturizing. It can restore the delicate feeling of the skin as soon as possible, and can whiten and moisturize the skin surface.

Chinese medicine believes that all things in the world are inter-generated and restrained by each other, and medicinal materials follow this principle.

Traditional Chinese medicine grown in arid and hot areas must be characterized by severe cold. If the medicinal property is extremely hot, the environment is inherently hot, and the plants are still hot and cannot survive at all.

Just like the snow lotus on the snow mountain, it is the holy product of Wenyang.

Traditional Chinese medicine only uses cold aloe vera not only to treat liver stagnation and fire, but also to treat and kill insects for constipation.

"Materia Medica Huiyan" said that aloe vera is an important medicine for cooling the liver and killing insects.

"On the Nature of Medicine" also said that aloe vera kills roundworms with malnutrition in children.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, aloe vera can be used throughout to eliminate malnutrition and kill insects, so children with malnutrition and insects gather without using it.

Why can aloe vera be used to kill insects and treat ringworm sores?

Aloe vera tastes bitter and extremely cold, and ordinary insects dare not approach it at all.Therefore, it is said in ancient books that aloe vera can kill three insects.Generally, insecticides are either extremely warm so that insects dare not approach, or extremely bitter cold so that insects cannot stay.

Therefore, there are many reports on special aloe vera treatment of sores and ringworms in the prescription book.

For example, "Liu Yuxi Chuanxin Fang" records that a young man suffers from ringworm in his neck and extends to his left ear. Various ringworm medicines are used to treat ringworm. Make it into powder, first wash the skin with warm water and dry it, then apply this powder, it will be cured after a few times, it's amazing.

And Angelica Aloe Vera Pills are not only used for constipation caused by strong liver fire, but also a good medicine for treating hyperactivity of liver yang and elevated blood pressure.

When the liver heat is inflamed and the liver yang is hyperactive, using Angelica Aloe Vera Pills can quickly drive away the inflammatory liver fire and loosen the tense liver veins.

Danggui Longhui Pill is also a good medicine for lowering blood pressure in the treatment of hypertension caused by hyperactivity of liver yang in traditional Chinese medicine.

If the liver and intestines are unblocked, the pressure will not rush upwards. This Danggui Longhui Pill for lowering blood pressure is only suitable for the liver and intestines blockage.

The liver is the place of qi and blood. After the liver is dredged and the liver fire is dredged, the blood pressure will naturally come down.

After listening to Huang Su's explanation, the female teacher asked with doubts: "Doctor Huang, your hospital prescribes a prescription, why do you still ask me to go out to get the medicine, why don't you go to the city hospital to get the medicine?"

"Recently, the medicinal materials in the pharmacy are undergoing a large-scale inventory, and they are not open to the public for the time being. We can only let patients go outside to grab the medicine."

Huang Su explained to the female teacher in accordance with the unified caliber set during the meeting.

Worried that the female teacher is worried about the medicinal materials outside, Huang Su continued to explain: "Don't worry, we have inspected the medicinal materials in Limin Pharmacy, and they are all very good. You can buy them with confidence."

The female teacher picked up the prescription and bowed to thank her: "Thank you, Dr. Huang!"

After thanking her, she left the consulting room with her husband.

Chen Dafa's son is in a very good mood recently, watching his father's condition improve day by day.

After three acupuncture treatments, the left hand with apoplexy can now move freely, and he will be discharged from the hospital in a few days.

Chen Dafa's son carried his father's breakfast, and his steps became much lighter.

After all, my father didn't have to retire from his beloved post because of illness.

When Chen Dafa's son passed by the gate of the outpatient building with his breakfast in hand, he happened to see the female teacher and his wife coming out of the doctor.

Seeing his father's colleagues, Chen Dafa's son greeted him warmly: "Mr. Li! Teacher Zhang!"

When their father was ill, the two teachers both came to visit their father, and they naturally wanted to say hello when they met.

(End of this chapter)

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