Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 276 Specialized diagnosis of pneumoconiosis

Chapter 276 Specialized diagnosis of pneumoconiosis
The ward of the pneumoconiosis patient, today is the consultation room where Flavin gave the pneumoconiosis patient a follow-up consultation.

Watching Huang Su bring Li Yan and Fu Jing in.

"Isn't this the director Huang feared by the King of Hell? Welcome to our Department of Respiratory Medicine for guidance."

After getting acquainted, Director He can also make a few harmless jokes with Huang Su.

Director He is now really convinced by Huang Su's medical ethics.

Ask yourself, when the patient is in critical condition, Director He himself cannot do such a relentless treatment.

Huang Su was also joking: "Director He, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Director He said with a hearty smile: "Isn't that what everyone said these two days?"

Huang Su successfully rescued two critically ill patients for two days. The jingle of "The King of Hell will kill you, ask Director Huang first." spread throughout the hospital.

We all know exactly who is behind the little tricks.

Director He happily told Huang Su: "Dr. Huang, Lin Quanyou took the medicine you prescribed, and now the dry cough has been relieved a lot, and the palpitations have basically disappeared."

Huang Su nodded and came to Lin Quanyou's hospital bed.

Lin Quanyou's son became very enthusiastic this time, got up and moved a stool and greeted enthusiastically, "Director Huang, sit down!"

Flavin sat down and asked, "Has the patient's sleeping and eating conditions improved after taking the medicine?"

This is the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in terms of cognition of diseases.

According to Western medicine, those who do not eat well, sleep poorly, are physically exhausted and mentally weak are not considered diseases.

So just now, Director He only introduced the improvement of dry cough and palpitations to Huang Su, and did not mention other symptoms.

However, in traditional Chinese medicine, symptoms such as appetite, sleep, and fatigue are more important. Whether these symptoms improve or not depends on whether the patient's body's righteousness is consolidated.

Some people who often feel weak and lack of energy should have a deep understanding. When they do a Western medical examination, the physical examination indicators show normal values, and the doctor will also tell you that you are not sick.

"Director Huang, you are like a living fairy. Since my dad took the medicine you prescribed, his health has gotten better day by day. Just three days ago, my dad had the first peaceful sleep after he fell ill. The food intake has also increased a lot.”

The joy of Lin Quanyou's son couldn't be restrained, and when he talked about his father's physical condition, he was even more eloquent and saliva flying.

When Huang Su was inquiring, the patients in the two beds next door also listened carefully to the conversation here.

Lin Quanyou felt the deepest changes after drinking Chinese medicine.

Seeing that Lin Quanyou's body is improving day by day, seeing the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine in relieving pneumoconiosis symptoms, everyone is looking forward to the day when Fla Su will come for a follow-up consultation.

Flavin continued to ask: "Has the patient's physical weakness improved now?"

Afraid that Lin Quanyou's son would not understand, Huang Su said more carefully: "Is it still serious when I walk, and will I sweat on my body?"

Lin Quanyou's son said: "I still breathe very hard when I walk, but it's much better. The sweating is basically gone. Now, after my dad has eaten, he can walk a few steps on the ground to digest food."

"The loss of qi deficiency cannot be made up in a short time. You need to be patient." Huang Su nodded and explained, and continued to ask: "After the patient takes the medicine, has there been any new situation."

Lin Quanyou's son thought for a while and said, "These days my dad sweats at night and has a low-grade fever in the afternoon."

"The symptom of the patient's pneumoconiosis is the loss of Qi and Yin. Night sweats at night and low-grade fever in the afternoon are symptoms of Yin deficiency. In the original recipe, I added 10g of turtle shell to the patient, and took it for another seven days to see if the symptoms improved."

After Huang Su explained, he took out the newly changed prescription written on the prescription and handed it to the nurse who came with him.

"Thank you, Director Huang!"

Lin Quanyou's son hurriedly got up and thanked him.

Seeing that Huang Su got up and was about to leave, the two accompanying family members on the adjacent bed hurriedly sat down and said, "Director Huang, can you show us too?"

Huang Su did not agree immediately, and turned to ask Director He for his opinion.

After all, do these patients belong to the Department of Respiratory Medicine? Director He invites himself to participate in the treatment, which is called joint consultation.

"I am waiting here today, and I have already planned to ask you to give a Chinese medicine consultation to the pneumoconiosis patients in these wards."

Director He explained with a smile: "In recent years, the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine has become a trend, and I also want to write a paper on the treatment of pneumoconiosis with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine through the cases of these patients. I have to trouble Director Huang for the part, rest assured that this paper will be signed with the names of both of us."

Hospital doctors also have dissertation requirements, especially when promoting professional titles, the dissertation requirements are still very strict.

Although Director He is the director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, he is only a deputy chief physician, and this consultation with Huang Su made him see the possibility of his promotion.

Thinking that he was admitted to the chief physician, the hospital was rated as a top three hospital, and he would also be the chief physician of a top three hospital in the future, Director He felt very happy when he thought about it.

"No problem, when Director He writes the thesis, we can discuss it." Huang Su said beautifully.

After all, after Dr. Huang Su graduated, he also needed a dissertation to be promoted to the title of chief physician.

Although this paper may be the lowest quality among his papers, who would dislike the publication of many papers.

Hearing Huang Su's agreement, Director He's smile became even brighter: "Then I will thank you, Director Huang."

The patient's family members who were anxiously waiting on the side heard that Director He agreed with Huang Su to see a doctor for his family.

A family member said first: "Director Huang, please show my father first. He is already over 70 years old. If he continues to be tortured by the disease like this, I'm really worried that he won't listen."

Another family member of the patient heard that the other party had moved out of age to talk about the matter, and did not raise any objection.

It is a matter of watching early and watching later. Director He has already said that today, Huang Su will diagnose all pneumoconiosis patients.

Director He took the patient's medical record from the nurse and gave it to Huang Su: "This is Zheng Laifu's medical record."

Huang Su took the medical record and looked over it roughly, and approached the hospital bed to check the old man's condition.

This is a emaciated old man tortured by the disease, his face is pale and his lips are purple.

Zheng Laifu looked at Flavin who came over, struggling to sit up and talk to Flavin.

Zheng Laifu has been watching the clinical treatment effect, and this is his savior.

But just after leaving, Huang Su clearly heard Zheng Laifu's clear shortness of breath, followed by a violent cough.

Huang Su quickly stepped forward to stop Zheng Laifu from getting up, and clearly saw that he was covered with a thick quilt and still wearing long-sleeved underwear. It was summer in Prairie City.

Huang Su took advantage of the situation to touch Zheng Laifu's right hand, and sure enough, his right hand was cold.

With the help of Zheng Laifu's family, Zheng Laifu slowly lay down.


Huang Su took his own stethoscope from Li Yan's hand.

Flavin placed the receiver on the patient's lungs, and only heard obvious moist rales in both lungs, and the breathing sound of both lungs was very low, which indicated that the patient's lungs had phlegm and serious lung lesions.

Putting down the stethoscope, Huang Su put his three fingers on the pulse of Zheng Laifu's right hand.

Li Yan habitually came to the other side of the hospital bed and put her hand on Zheng Laifu's left hand.

After a long time, Li Yan looked at Huang Su and said tentatively, "Master, the patient's pulse is thin, and it is the pulse of deficiency syndrome."

Huang Su did not rush to comment on Li Yan's pulse diagnosis, and stood up: "Come here and examine the patient's right hand."

Li Yan sat in Huang Su's position and checked the pulse again. Three to four minutes later, Li Yan raised her head and said, "Master, the patient's right hand also has a thin pulse."

Huang Su said: "You are carefully diagnosing the patient's cunguan and two steps to see if there is a slippery vein in addition to the thin vein."

Li Yan closed her eyes gently, so that all her perceptions were concentrated on her three fingers.

Two or three minutes later, Li Yan opened her eyes and nodded slowly.

Although Li Yan learned knowledge very quickly, she also showed an amazing talent for pulse diagnosis.

But after all, she is a beginner, and it is still difficult for her to diagnose small pulses such as fine pulses.

Huang Su reminded her at this time, just to make her feel more about this pulse.

The slippery pulse at Cunguan indicates that the patient has phlegm condensed in the spleen and lung.

Huang Su also checked Zheng Laifu's tongue. The tongue was dark red, with white and greasy coating, the tongue surface was uneven, and there were obvious depressions in the front of the tongue.

After seeing the tongue coating, Flavin checked the patient's legs, and sure enough, there was also swelling, which is the most common complication of pneumoconiosis.

Due to the damage to the heart and lungs, Qi and blood cannot circulate normally, resulting in lower extremity edema, and in severe cases, whole body edema.

After the examination, Flavin asked, "How long has the patient had pneumoconiosis?"

Zheng Laifu's family replied: "It's almost 20 years."

Huang Su asked without thinking: "When your father was young, he should have worked in a coal mine, right?"

Zheng Laifu's family replied in surprise, "Director Huang, how did you know that?"

Huang Su did not answer the question of Zheng Laifu's family, and continued to ask, "Does the patient usually expectorate phlegm?"

Regardless of whether Western medicine accepts the theory of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, or the state believes that the five elements of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine are feudal superstitions and the dross of traditional Chinese medicine.

Among the patients with pneumoconiosis, those who work in metal mines generally suffer from deficiency of both qi and yin, mainly manifested as dry cough without phlegm, or yellow phlegm, because this metal belongs to fire and is the source of dry gold.

The vast majority of pneumoconiosis patients with non-metallic mines have white sputum.

Zheng Laifu's family nodded: "Coughing up phlegm, it's all white phlegm, especially in the morning. Every morning, I can cough up half a spittoon."

Huang Su then asked, "Does the patient have chest tightness and palpitation?"

Zheng Laifu's family said truthfully: "I feel very nervous because of the chest tightness, because I can't sleep well at night because of this problem."

"Do you usually have a dry mouth!"

"Dry mouth, but very strange, although my dad is dry, he really doesn't like drinking water very much."

There are two main reasons for dry mouth and less drinking. One is the dry mouth caused by phlegm and dampness, and the other is dry mouth caused by blood stasis.

Judging from the tongue image, the patient obviously belongs to the internal accumulation of phlegm and dampness.

Afterwards, Flavin asked several questions in a row.

After 20 years of illness, Zheng Laifu has accumulated a lot of symptoms, such as fear of cold, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus and backache, frequent urination, poor appetite and so on.

Seeing that Huang Su was not asking questions, Zheng Laifu's family members hurriedly asked, "Director Huang, what is going on with my dad's illnesses? Is there any hope for my dad to be cured?"

"The patient's syndrome is mainly spleen-lung-qi deficiency, heart-kidney-yang deficiency, as long as the patient's symptoms can be alleviated by warming the kidney and nourishing the lung, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the heart, and curing pneumoconiosis is currently incurable by traditional Chinese and Western medicine." Huang Su honestly explained it clearly .

Zheng Laifu's family hurriedly said, "As long as it can relieve his pain, we will be very uncomfortable seeing how he suffers tomorrow. Director Huang, you can prescribe it."


Flavin handed the prescription to the accompanying nurse, instructing the precautions for decoction and the dosage of the medicine.

The patient has been suffering from pneumoconiosis for more than 20 years. According to the patient's medical records provided by Director He, the patient is a late-stage patient, and he is more than old. Therefore, symptoms of deficiency of the lungs and deficiency of the kidneys appear. In addition, Zheng Laifu's condition is better than the first. A pneumoconiosis patient is even more complicated.

Such as shortness of breath, movement is more beneficial, cough, spitting up white phlegm, fear of cold, dizziness, blurred vision, tinnitus, backache, frequent urination, etc.

In addition, due to weak lung qi, insufficient production of zong qi, unable to transport blood to the heart, lack of nourishment for the heart, causing palpitation and insomnia; deficiency of kidney yang, weak qi transformation, water and dampness overflowing the skin, then lower limbs edema; lung disease and spleen, spleen deficiency When it comes to the stomach, if the spleen and stomach are damaged, it is difficult to perform its function of promoting clearness and lowering turbidity. Therefore, if anorexia is seen, there will be less stool. Therefore, the lungs, spleen, heart and kidney should be treated more seriously.

Astragalus, Asparagus, Ophiopogon japonicus are used in the prescription of flavonoids to benefit the lungs and nourish yin; Danfu tablets, Xianlingpi, Ligustrum lucidum, raw andshudi, Eucommia ulmoides, and mulberry parasites warm the kidneys and yang, and fill **, which is the method of yin and yang treatment; Angelica sinensis , Danshen, Huai wheat, fried jujube kernels, Fushen, activating blood and dredging the pulse, nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves; Atractylodes, Poria, invigorating the spleen and stomach; sea pumice, barley kernels to reduce phlegm to benefit the airway.Psoraleae, cinnamon twig, Chen gourd, plantain to enhance the power of warming yang and absorbing qi, tonifying yang and reducing swelling.

This prescription of flavin focuses on restoring yin and yang, and then supplemented with medicines to nourish the lungs, spleen, and kidneys. As long as yin and yang are balanced and the functions of the viscera are restored, various symptoms will be relieved naturally and the patient's quality of life will be improved.

After seeing Huang Su's prescription, Zheng Laifu's family felt that his father's recovery was just around the corner, and thanked him again and again.

"Director Huang, thank you for your hard work!"

After Huang Su finished diagnosing Zheng Laifu, he started diagnosing the next patient.

This morning, Huang Su stayed in the Department of Respiratory Medicine, treating more than 20 pneumoconiosis patients in the Department of Respiratory Medicine.

This is what the director said, and it has become a pneumoconiosis expertise.

Director He also put aside other actions and stayed by Huang Su's side.


(End of this chapter)

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