Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 264 Newcomer Assessment

Chapter 264 Newcomer Assessment
"Director, the test results of the three people have come out. Their knowledge of the textbooks is very solid, and the knowledge of Nei Jing and Shang Han Lun is so-so."

That day, Risong put the three papers on Huang Su's table, and explained to the three: "The poor grades of the three people's Classic of Internal Medicine and Treatise on Febrile Diseases are also excusable. Outline” has been downgraded to elective, and the general environment is not something that students can control.”

Huang Su turned over their exam papers with a dark face.

Seeing that Huang Su was in a bad mood, He Hui explained: "Director, when we first went to work, the situation was basically the same as they were. Don't worry, we came here too, we know how to bring them, and we will definitely be able to bring them out. "

This is why it is difficult to find a good Chinese medicine doctor these days.

Because more than 20 years ago, the vast majority of clinical students of Chinese medicine did not study the classics of Chinese medicine, but the textbooks after a certain doctor was castrated.

And this group of trained people is now over 40 years old, and they are the backbone doctors of major hospitals.

"I don't have any hope for their basic knowledge at all. Didn't you see that the traditional Chinese medicine classics in my exam paper only accounted for 20.00% of the proportion?"

Saying that, Huang Su put down the paper: "Tomorrow's on-site practical test is the most important thing. It is necessary to truly test their mastery of seeing, hearing, asking, asking, and integrating the four diagnostic methods."

Thinking back to myself, Risong and He Hui also nodded again and again.

The next day was the day when Song Song sat for a consultation.

Huang Su also had his own considerations in choosing the day when Song Song was sitting in the clinic for the assessment.

Most of the people who came to Na Risong and He Hui for consultation were some small brushes, or those who were not feeling well before they got sick.

Don't look at it as just some minor glitches.

Mild symptoms indicate that the good and evil of the patient's body are often in the game stage. The patient's body's yin and yang, outside and inside, deficiency and excess, cold and heat are often not easy to identify, which requires TCM to have a very solid foundation in TCM syndrome differentiation.

On the contrary, for some serious diseases, the yin and yang, external and internal, deficiency and excess, cold and heat are all very clear. As long as you know the traditional Chinese medicine of the four diagnosis and ginseng, even if you have not treated this kind of disease, as long as you find the relevant medical records, the difference is not bad. can be treated.

Chinese Medicine.

A middle-aged couple walked into the consultation room and were instantly stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw that there were actually six doctors in the room. Three young doctors were sitting in the seats, looking very nervous.

Doctor Huang, well-known to the grassland people, and two other doctors of traditional Chinese medicine stood behind them.

The middle-aged man looked at Huang Su and asked, "Doctor Huang, what's going on?"

Huang Su explained patiently with a smile: "Isn't this a new batch of doctors from the city hospital? We also have three people from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Today, we will do a business assessment for them."

Seeing that the middle-aged man heard that it was a newly graduated doctor, hesitation instantly appeared on his face.

Huang Su went on to explain: "Don't worry, the assessment will not delay your treatment. If they make a wrong diagnosis, I will personally prescribe it."

When the middle-aged man heard that Huang Su saw a doctor in person, he immediately put on a smile: "This is really good, I didn't expect that Dr. Huang would be able to treat you today, we are also considered a blessing in disguise, you don't know your number How difficult it is to sort."

Saying that, the middle-aged man supported his sick wife and sat comfortably in the patient's seat.

"Three doctors, show the one of yours to my wife."

The middle-aged man sat down and began to urge Qin Liang, Zhang Cheng, and Amur, and it was very obvious that they couldn't, and quickly change to Doctor Huang to come and see.

Being so urged by the middle-aged man, the three of you look at me and I look at you, and no one wants to be the first person to be assessed.

Huang Su, Na Risong, and He Hui, when Qin Liang and the others were hesitating, had already begun to carefully observe the middle-aged woman's face.

Risong and He Hui have always kept in mind the importance of what Huang Su said about the past. Following Huang Su for more than a year, they also developed the good habit of carefully observing the patient's face, movements, emotions, and body shape.

The woman's eyes were red, her lips were swollen and chapped, three buttons were unbuttoned on her neckline, her brows were frowning, and she kept fanning the wind with her hands irritably.

Seeing the three of them still hesitating, the woman urged impatiently, "Who are you going to show me? If you don't, please change to Doctor Huang."

Is the patient emotionally irritable? This is the rhythm of emotional explosion.

Huang Su hurriedly said, "Don't be nervous, it's the same whoever comes first. It's just to get a thorough understanding of your four-diagnosis and ginseng skills."

The three looked at each other, and finally Zhang Cheng said, "I'll come first!"

Qin Liang specializes in acupuncture and moxibustion. Although he is familiar with four diagnosis and ginseng, he is not proficient in prescribing.

If this makes Qin Liang grab the first one, it will really lose the face of the Chinese medicine clinic.

Zhang Cheng took a deep breath, without remembering the pulse first, he asked, "How is the patient's body feeling well?"

The middle-aged man said: "My wife has had a cold and fever for more than 20 days. The antipyretics we took didn't help, but it made it worse. I saw her coughing badly this morning, so I washed a pear for her to eat and cremated her." Phlegm, who knows that the body temperature is even hotter, if it doesn't come, I will come to the hospital immediately."

"Pinch the armpits for 5 minutes."

After Zhang Cheng took out a thermometer and handed it to the patient, he observed the patient's facial condition.

Seeing that his eyes were red and his lips were dry, Zhang Cheng already had a basic judgment.

"How is the bowel movement!"

The female patient replied: "The urine is less yellow, the stool is difficult, and the stool is dry and hard every four or five days."

With short urination and dry stools, Zhang Cheng further judged that the patient was a sign of internal heat.

Zhang Cheng continued to ask: "The patient does not expect much phlegm, but it is not thick or thick."

The middle-aged man said: "The sputum is particularly thick and thick. This week, there is blood in the sputum."

Zhang Cheng continued to ask: "Is the patient thirsty and thirsty and likes to drink ice water."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "There is dry mouth and thirst, but she doesn't like drinking ice water, she likes drinking hot water."

Zhang Cheng didn't care about the middle-aged man's answer: "Take out the thermometer and I'll check the temperature."

Huang Su, who was behind Zhang Cheng, heard that the patient did not like to drink ice water, but liked to drink hot water. After frowning slightly, he immediately relaxed.

Zhang Cheng took a thermometer and saw that the patient's body temperature had reached 38 degrees five.

Putting down the thermometer, Zhang Cheng said, "The patient is a cold due to wind-heat. I will prescribe Yinqiaosan and Shuanghuanglian oral liquid to clear heat and detoxify the patient."

Just when Zhang Cheng was about to write the prescription, Huang Su asked, "You don't look at the patient's tongue coating and pulse."

Zhang Cheng stopped writing and said: "Director, the patient has symptoms such as high fever, red eyes, chapped lips, short urination, dry stools, etc. This is a sign of internal heat. It is not necessary to look at the tongue coating or pulse. Our teacher said that if the symptoms are clear, cold medicine should be used for fever, and hot medicine should be used for cold disease.”

Afterwards, Zhang Cheng said a little embarrassedly: "Besides, I am not proficient in tongue diagnosis and pulse diagnosis."

Huang Su looked at Zhang Cheng, then looked at Amur and said, "That's how your teacher asked you to see a doctor."

I saw that Zhang Cheng and Amur looked at Huang Su with innocent big eyes, and nodded in unison.

The middle-aged man also saw that the young doctor had a problem with his wife's treatment, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor Huang, my wife's illness..."

Zhang Cheng now also understands in his heart, but his diagnosis was wrong, so he hurriedly got up to make way for Huang Su.

After sitting down, Flavin did not rush to diagnose the patient's pulse, but first asked: "Is the fever-reducing medicine the patient is drinking Chinese medicine or Western medicine."

"Dr. Huang, it's traditional Chinese medicine, and it was prescribed by the small clinic in front of our house. I brought the prescription specially today. I think there is something wrong with the medicine he prescribed to my wife."

The middle-aged man took out a prescription from his pocket and handed it to Flavin.

Flavin took the prescription and saw that there were buffalo horn, Coptis chinensis, rhubarb, gypsum, bamboo leaves, mint, Chuanbei and so on.

The fourteen herbs on the prescription are all to clear heat and detoxify, resolve phlegm and relieve constipation, and doctors in small clinics also treat it as internal heat syndrome.

Huang Su handed the recipe to Zhang Cheng and said, "Look at this recipe, is it any different from the medicine you prescribed?"

Zhang Cheng glanced at it, and the expression on his face sank.

Seeing that Zhang Cheng's face was not good, Amur and Qin Liang also came over to look at the recipe in his hand.

They are all graduates of Chinese medicine, and everyone still knows the basic medicinal properties of the formula.

Zhang Cheng immediately asked: "Director, why is this, the patient's symptoms are obviously of internal heat syndrome."

"Who told you that high fever, red eyes, chapped lips, short urination, and dry stools must be symptoms of internal heat, have you seen the tongue coating, and have you checked the pulse?"

Huang Su stared at the three of them and said, "Today, I will give you the first lesson. Remember that the truth depends on the pulse, and the pulse depends on the tongue."

Zhang Cheng asked suspiciously, "Director, you haven't done tongue diagnosis and pulse diagnosis. How can you judge that I was misdiagnosed?"

"You still remember how the patient's family responded when you asked the patient if he was thirsty and if he liked to drink ice water."

Before Zhang Cheng could answer, the middle-aged man said again, "My wife doesn't like drinking ice water, she likes drinking hot water."

Huang Su went on to say: "I'm teaching you a key point of Chinese medicine treatment today. The patient's physiological instinct will never be deceived. Since the patient likes to drink hot water, it means that the patient's body lacks yang energy and needs to use the body's energy. The heat calms the pathogenic cold in the body. If the patient is really yang syndrome, and the internal heat is fumigated, he should eat cold things, why is there any reason to drink hot?"

Zhang Chengyou continued to ask: "But what about the symptoms of the patient's high fever, red eyes, chapped lips, short urine, and dry stool?"

Huang Su explained: "The reason is that the patient mistakenly takes the bitter cold and cools too much, forcing the yang qi in the body to go beyond the outside, and forming a syndrome that the cathode resembles yang. Although the outside sees a group of heat, it is actually false heat: while the inside is It's extremely cold, it's really cold."

In fact, the patient's current situation is already very critical. If he continues to take cold and cool medicine, when the final yang energy on the body surface is exhausted, it will be time for the yang to be exhausted and the person will die.

Why do Western medicine often have cold medical accidents, this is the root cause.

Because they don't understand the inside and outside of Chinese medicine, cold and heat, they only use cooling methods to treat the body's fever when they see it.

For patients with wind-heat and common cold, the western medicine treatment method is effective, but when encountering wind-cold and common cold, the more the cold syndrome is treated, the more serious it is.

Especially children, they often use physical cooling methods, which is to encourage cold evil to consume the last yang energy in the body. When the yang qi is completely consumed, the person will be gone.

In 2018, the exorbitant 16 medical expenses in Beijing, which killed a child with a cold, were put to death in this way.

Even now, they still don't understand how a common cold can kill a person.

In order to establish the prestige of Na Risong and He Hui in the hearts of the three, Huang Su got up and said, "That Risong, this patient is still up to you to treat."

When the middle-aged man heard that Huang Su did not show his wife, he stood up anxiously and said, "Doctor Huang..."

Huang Su hurriedly explained: "The patient's family, the patient's illness is not a serious illness, and Dr. Risong's medical skills are also very good. He can completely treat your wife. You can rest assured that there is still a final review of the prescription."

Hearing that the prescription of Huang Su would be reviewed, the middle-aged man sat down with confidence.

Risong performed tongue and pulse examinations on the patient very carefully.

That day Song also understood the purpose of flavin, and while diagnosing the pulse, he explained: "The patient's pulse is floating, slow and about to dissipate, and the main symptoms of typhoid fever are headache, fever, aversion to wind and cold, and the pulse is floating and slow. Dispelling cold, reconciling ying and wei mainly. The patient's pulse is floating and slow to disperse. It is caused by taking too much medicine under the cold and cold after catching a cold by mistake. At this time, it is not suitable for Wenxin to be published, and the yang energy on the skin surface will also disperse along with the solution of the surface, so the cold pathogen in the body should be transformed with the material of warming yang."


Huang Su took the prescription from Nisong and checked it carefully, and praised: "Yes, using Sini Decoction to add and subtract, to help the heart-yang to clear the pulse, to warm the spleen-yang to dispel cold, and to invigorate the kidney-fire to restore the yang. Replenish Yuanyang."

In the prescription, Danfu Tablet is very hot and pungent, and it is used to replenish Yuanyang, and it is the monarch medicine.Dried ginger is pungent and hot, warms the middle and disperses cold, warms the yang and keeps the middle, and returns to the yang to clear the pulse. When used in combination with aconite, it complements each other and can enhance the power of Huiyang to save the adversary. It is a medicine for ministers.

Baked licorice nourishes spleen-yang, nourishes kidney-yang, mutual aid between acquired and innate, and reconciles the medicinal properties to prevent ginger from being attached to dryness and injures yin.The combination of various medicines plays the role of warming the middle and dispelling the cold, and returning the yang to save the adversity.

The yang qi of the patient has exceeded the surface of the body, and the cold pathogens are extremely prosperous in the body. The green onion supplements the effect of dry ginger, and the Poria is supplemented with the effect of licorice. Then, asarum and pinellia are used to disperse the lungs and resolve phlegm. All the medicines are warm and hot. medicine.

Seeing that Huang Su confirmed the recipe, the middle-aged man was relieved to accept the prescription. This is Huang Su's reputation in Prairie City.

After the middle-aged man received the prescription, he asked again, "Doctor Huang, isn't Yali good for clearing the lungs and relieving cough? Why did my wife eat Yali and her fever became worse."

Huang Su replied: "Pear is a fruit that nourishes yin and cools. Your wife's illness is originally a cold syndrome, which is equivalent to adding cold to the body again, and the natural disease will be aggravated. After returning, do not give the patient any fruit during this time. ."

After thanking Flavin, the couple left the clinic.

I advise everyone not to think that a cold is a minor problem. When you don’t know the symptoms of a cold, don’t take traditional Chinese medicine indiscriminately. If you take it wrong, it will really lead to death.

Some western doctors dare to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine blindly without understanding the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. They also suggest that Lianhua Qingwen and Shuanghuanglian should be kept at home. Everyone can listen to it, but don’t take it seriously, they know a hammer.

There have been real Chinese medicine practitioners who have prescribed Western medicine to patients, of course, the great god of integrated Chinese and Western medicine is not included in this.

(End of this chapter)

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