Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 255 Postpartum Lochia

Chapter 255 Postpartum Lochia
The noise outside the yurt gradually subsided.

The sound of footsteps approached, and a Mongolian man lifted the curtain with one hand, supported his wife with the other, and walked into the yurt.

The man supported his wife and sat opposite Huang Su.

Flavin carefully observed the patient's condition. The patient sat down with a slightly arched back and covered his stomach with one hand. Looking at his pale face and dark red lips, he could clearly hear the patient's shortness of breath.

Healthy people's lips are light red, round and full.If the lips are red and purple, it means that there is a lot of fire in the body, and there is a relatively obvious blood stasis and qi stagnation. The darker the color, the more serious the blood stasis.

Looking at the patient with his hands on his lower abdomen, his face was flushed and his breathing was short of breath. After sitting down, Flavin could smell the foul odor of the patient as if he had a gynecological disease across the table.

According to the patient's situation, flavin can roughly determine that the patient may have fetal uterine phlegm dampness and blood heat, or it may be postpartum lochia with blood heat, and the case of postpartum lochia is even greater.

Postpartum lochia was a very common disease among herdsmen women in the 90s and early [-]th century

In the days when Mongolian Xinjiang was vast and sparsely populated and medical conditions were backward, herdsmen were far from the city for grazing. When pregnant women were in labor, they were delivered by nearby midwives.

Due to the substandard sanitation environment and non-standard delivery operations, postpartum lochia is often thoroughly cleaned up, and uterine congestion will occur if it stays in the body for a long time.

Postpartum lochia is a term in Chinese medicine, which is a mixture of blood, uterine mucosal gland secretions, a small amount of uterine decidua, a small amount of necrotic fetal membranes, and bacteria after the fetus and placenta are delivered.

Before Huang Su began to ask questions, the Mongolian man began to introduce his wife's condition.

"Doctor, my wife had just given birth last month, and she felt pain in her lower back. Sometimes it was so painful that she couldn't straighten her back, and even turning her back became difficult. Every time she turned her back, it hurt even more. Now, these two days are the days of her visit, and she also had very severe dysmenorrhea, but she never felt pain before when she came."

The Mongolian man looked at Huang Su anxiously and continued: "When she was confinement, we were careful, careful, and more careful, how could she fall into the root of this disease."

"Postpartum low back pain and dysmenorrhea are not necessarily the root cause of confinement." Huang Su comforted her impatient husband and said calmly, "Put out your hand, and I'll check the pulse first."

Blood stagnation caused by postpartum lochia can lead to soreness and swelling in the waist, difficulty in turning the waist, and tingling in the lower abdomen.

Huang Su put his three fingers on the patient's wrist, and Huang Su asked, "Name, age?"

Enduring the pain, the woman said in a weak voice: "Narentoya, 25 years old!"

While writing the patient's name and age on the prescription, Flavin wrote down the condition of the patient's face and the symptoms the man said.

Although it is a visit, the medical records should be recorded in detail.

After Huang Su had checked the pulse, he asked Li Yan to start checking the pulse as usual.

After Bu He's training, Li Yan was even less stage fright this time. She was fast and accurate when she took Naren Toya's three steps.

Huang Su explained in detail: "Carefully feel the difference between the pulse of the ruler and the cunguan of the index finger."

Having said that, Huang Su walked to Li Yan's side, stretched out his hand and gently pressed Li Yan's index finger, so that her fingers could feel the ruler more carefully.

Huang Su gently pressed Li Yan's fingers and asked, "I feel what the pulse looks like."

Li Yan felt the pulse carefully and said, "The other's pulse is beating very fast, it should be a few pulses."

The number of pulses that Huang Su just explained to Li Yan yesterday, she can basically distinguish it now.

Li Yan then frowned and said, "It's not just a few pulses, but a pulse that I don't know about."

Huang Su looked at Li Yan approvingly and said, "Do you feel that the pulse is like a small ball passing through my finger."

Li Yan felt it carefully again, nodded in surprise, and said, "Dr. Huang, it's true."

"Fluent exchanges, like beads walking on a plate, should refer to Yuanhua, which is the pulse of Huamai. Huamai is responsible for phlegm and drinking, food accumulation, excess heat, evil qi stagnant in the interior, righteous qi does not decline, qi is full of blood, so the pulse flows. Very fluent, it should refer to smooth and smooth. If the Huamai is seen in a flat person, it will be smooth and gentle, always filled with Qi and blood, and the pulse will be smooth when the Qi is full, and the blood will be full. The Huamai is a manifestation of the abundance and harmony of Qi and blood.”

After explaining the slippery pulse to Li Yan, Huang Su continued: "The phenomenon of slippery pulse is the pulse of damp heat and phlegm. The appearance of several pulses on the feet of a woman is also a type of postpartum lochia. The characteristics of lochia are very similar to those of phlegm. It is also a common pulse of postpartum lochia."

Chinese medicine divides postpartum lochia into red lochia, plasma lochia, and white lochia, which correspond to the syndrome of blood stasis, blood heat, and qi deficiency.

Blood stasis lochia, postpartum lochia expires indefinitely, the color is dark and lumpy, abdominal pain refuses to press, the tongue is dark purple, and the pulse is astringent.

Blood-heat lochia, postpartum lochia has an indefinite period of time, bright red color and quantity, sticky quality, foul smell, flushing complexion, red tongue, rapid pulse.

Qi deficiency syndrome lochia, postpartum lochia expires indefinitely, pale color, large amount, thin texture, no odor, white complexion, fatigue and lazy speech, pale tongue, thin white coating, weak pulse.

After hearing Huang Su's mention of postpartum lochia, Li Yan asked, "Doctor Huang, how should postpartum lochia be treated?"

Huang Su said: "Just use Siwutang and Baijiangcaotang."

Li Yan recalled the introduction of Bai Jiangcao in the classics, and asked doubtfully: "Isn't this Bai Jiangcao partial to the intestines? Does it tend to take the breath?"

"This is the reason for adding Siwu Decoction. With Siwu Decoction to take care of postpartum blood deficiency, it can bring people's blood points. It can use Baijiangcao to make the blood clear and turbid to flow out from the lower orifice according to the situation. Abdominal pain is eliminated." Flavin explained.

Li Yan pondered for a while, and said with a sudden realization: "I understand, the patient's current symptoms are abdominal pain or low back pain caused by bad blood drainage after childbirth. As long as the bad blood is cleaned up, the abdominal pain and low back pain will improve. All healed."

Seeing Li Yan understand so quickly, Huang Su continued to explain while writing the prescription: "Yes, some people still have postpartum headaches and lower back pain. Yin descends. Under the guidance of Siwu Decoction, the blood stasis can be drained downward, so that headaches and back pains can also be treated.”

Having said that, the prescription for flavin production reads: Rehmannia glutinosa 12g, Angelica sinensis 10g, Paeonia lactiflora 12g, Chuanxiong 8g, Sorrel 30g, Honeysuckle vine 20g, Peach kernel 10g, Coix seed 30g.

Knowing that prairie women often suffer from postpartum lochia, Paijiangcaotang is also a key medicinal material prepared by flavin.

Li Yan pondered a little, and said with emotion: "It seems that Bai Jiangcao cannot be simply regarded as a medicine for clearing away heat and detoxification, expectorating phlegm and expelling pus, and Bai Jiangcao should be regarded as a herb for reducing turbidity in the lower body. That way it can be used widely.”

"Material Materia Medica" said that using baijiangcao, but postpartum pain, it is appropriate to use stasis dew for pain.It can be seen that Baijiangcao is not only a good medicine for lung abscesses and intestinal abscesses, but also a good medicine for lochia and septicemia in the lower uterus. All the turbid qi in the whole body can be used if it is good at drug compatibility.

"Medicinal Nature" says that Baijiangcao treats poisonous wind and stubborn arthralgia, mainly breaks blood stasis for many years, can purify pus into water, and is also responsible for postpartum diseases.

Huang Su handed the prescription to Li Yan and instructed: "Here, get two sets, one set for the patient to decoct now, and the other set for them to take back."

Li Yan looked at Huang Su suspiciously, and asked uncertainly, "Just two medicines!"

Huang Su smiled and said to Li Yan: "One medicine to clear the turbidity, another medicine to clear the blood, two medicines are enough!"

After Li Yan went out with the prescription, Huang Su said to Narentoya, "Sit next to you now and wait for a while."

Narentoya stepped aside with the support of her husband.

Huang Su said to Menggen in the room: "Menggen, please help me call the next patient."

Not long after, Menggan walked into the ward with a young man and an old man.

I saw that the old man's gait was a little vain, and he kept holding his stomach.

The old man sat down, and Huang Su looked at the young man and asked, "Old man, what's wrong with you?"

The young man said: "Doctor, my father has had diarrhea for more than a year, and there is still white pus and blood in the stool. At first we thought he had bowel cancer, so we went to the hospital for examination, but no cancer cells were found, but we also searched for digestive system. The doctor of the department showed it, and I changed many kinds of medicines to treat dysentery and diarrhea, but it didn't work. I heard that this visit is a traditional Chinese medicine, so we will come to see if the traditional Chinese medicine can treat it. "

Huang Su continued to ask: "What is the shape of the old man's stool, and how many times a day does he have."

The young man thought a little: "The stool is not dry or thin, it is paste-like, sometimes three times, sometimes four times, anyway, no less than three times a day."

Flavin nodded.

Through the youth's narration of the disease, Flavin has generally judged that the patient has red and white dysentery.

White dysentery is a Chinese term for dysentery with pus and blood in the stool.

"The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine Su Wen" has the names of Chibai, Chibai, Chibai Wo, etc.
"On the Origin of Diseases and Syndrome of Dysentery" has a detailed introduction to red and white dysentery.

Chibai dysentery, but the dysentery turns red and white is because the heat multiplies in the blood, and the blood seeps into the intestines, and it is red; cold air enters the intestines, and the body fluids are stagnant and white.Hot and cold intersect, so red and white are mixed.In severe cases, it looks like purulent snot with blood mixed with it, and in light cases, there is red pulse blood on the white pus, which looks like a fat brain.

In "Yilin Shengmo · Dysentery", there is a clear treatment idea for red white dysentery.

Injuring qi and blood is divided into red and white, which means that white is damp-heat injuring qi, which comes from the large intestine; red is damp-heat injuring blood, which comes from the small intestine; red and white are mixed, and both qi and blood are injured.Treating heat and dampness, eliminating stagnation, regulating Qi and promoting blood.

"Old man, reach out and I'll take a pulse."

The old man stretched out his hand, and Huang Su's three fingers were placed on the pulse. He only felt that the two-chi pulse was like a ball, beating fast and weak, and the pulse was the same as that of Naren Toya. The pulse was slippery.

All of them have viscous and turbid substances in their lower bodies, but one is in the birth canal and the other is in the valley road.

Huang Su put down the old man's wrist and said, "Put out your tongue, let me see the tongue coating."

The old man slowly stuck out his tongue, and saw that the patient's tongue was red, slightly yellow with greasy coating, and slightly thick at the base of the tongue.

Huang Su asked: "When you defecate, Jumen may have a burning sensation, when urinating, the amount is small, and the urine is red and yellow."

The old man nodded.

"Your disease is called red and white dysentery in Chinese medicine, Pulsatilla soup, drink it for half a month when you go home, and then go to the No. 1 civilian hospital in Grassland City for follow-up consultation with my number."

After speaking, Flavin wrote the old man's name and age on the prescription, and then began to write the prescription: Pulsatilla 15 grams, Cork 12 grams, Coptis chinensis 6 grams, Qinpi 12 grams.

Baitouweng Decoction treats heat-toxic dysentery.Abdominal pain, tenesmus, burning chrysanthemum, diarrhea, pus and blood.

Pulsatilla chinensis clears heat and detoxifies, cools blood and stops dysentery as the king; Coptis chinensis, Cortex Phellodendri and Qinpi clear heat and dry dampness, purify fire and detoxify as ministers.The combination of the four flavors can strengthen the power of clearing heat and relieving dysentery.

The most commonly used prescription in traditional Chinese medicine for treating red and white dysentery is Citrus Daozhi San.

At the beginning of dysentery, the use of Citrus Daozhi Powder can shorten the course of treatment, which is the so-called "diarrhea should not be placed under the head", but in the later stage of dysentery, when the yin is damaged by deficiency, it is not suitable to use this prescription for diarrhea.

The old man has been suffering from red and white dysentery for more than a year, and Jiu Xie has already hurt the yin, so it is no longer suitable to use Citrus aurantium to guide stagnation.

In fact, the best medicine for the treatment of red and white dysentery is still Paijiangcao.

There is an introduction in "Mindong Materia Medica" to treat red and white dysentery, two liang of freshly spoiled soy sauce, and five bucks of rock sugar.

However, there is no fresh rotten grass in the flavin medical box, so I can only choose other options.

Baijiangcao, as the name suggests, has a grassy gas like Baidoujiang, which has a stale gas, stale and rotten sauce, and a turbid and yin taste.Those with turbid yin are good at exiting the lower orifices.

"This Chapter of Justice" once said.Baijiangcao has a stale gas, so it is named after Baijiang.It can clear heat and relieve stagnation, diuresis and swelling, break blood stasis and discharge pus.Appropriate for the body of real heat.

"Modern Practical Chinese Medicine" also said that Baijiangcao can cure enteritis and diarrhea.

Red and white dysentery is the undigested food residue, which is very smelly and filthy. It should be used for general purposes. Therefore, sapphire is used to directly clear the intestines and stop dysentery, discharge pus and disperse blood stasis, and use rock sugar to ease the urgency. Eat sweet to slow it down.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Paijiangcao is also a commonly used drug in the treatment of intestinal cancer.

Huang Su handed the prescription to the young man and warned: "I don't have the Pulsatilla here, and you need to go to the hospital or Chinese pharmacy to catch the medicine."

"Thank you doctor, I'll go back to the city to get medicine for my father!"

The young man was not annoyed because Flavin had no medicine, but carefully put away the recipe, bowed and thanked him, and helped the old man to leave the yurt.

Not long after the two left the yurt, Li Yan walked in with the medicine she had just fried.

Huang Su said to Naren Tuya: "Drink the medicine first!"

Naren Tuya picked up the medicine bowl and drank the Chinese medicine in one breath.

More than ten minutes later, Naren Tuya suddenly covered her stomach and said, "Doctor, why do I feel a little pain in my stomach all of a sudden!"

At this time, Naren Tuya's husband also looked at Huang Su anxiously.

"Don't be nervous, stomach pain is a good thing, it is a signal to get rid of the lochia remaining in the body." After explaining, Huang Su looked at Li Yan and said, "Take the patient to the toilet."

Narentuya's husband watched with worry on his face, and Li Yan helped his sweating wife out of the yurt.

Not long after, Naren Tuya walked into the yurt with a face full of ease.

"Doctor Huang, I just went to the toilet to get rid of a lot of bright red sticky things,"

"These bright red and sticky turbid substances are postpartum lochia that stays in your body. Your low back pain and dysmenorrhea are all caused by these turbid substances."

After explaining, Huang Su asked, "Do you still feel low back pain and dysmenorrhea?"

"Doctor, it's amazing! My waist isn't sore now, and dysmenorrhea isn't as obedient as it was when it came."

When asked by Huang Su, Naren Tuya realized that her low back pain and dysmenorrhea had basically recovered, and she kept twisting her waist and felt the miraculous curative effect.

If Huang Su had fresh sagebrush in hand for the old man just now, its curative effect would be the same as that of Naren Tuya.

This is Baijiangcao, and it is the first essential medicine for turbidity.

(End of this chapter)

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