Chapter 243
The surnamed Lai thought he had grasped the handle of Fla Su. In the following days, he tirelessly held a copy of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia Chinese Medicine Standards". Whenever Fla Su was in the clinic, he would be seen, like a dog skin plaster. Can't throw it away either.

If the research group allows outsiders to enter, I believe this surnamed Lai will haunt Huang Su every day, disgusting.In this way, every time he rounds the room, he will come uninvited.

That day Song took Mandu Latu into the consultation room, and from a distance he could see that the redness and swelling in his eyes had subsided.

"Director Huang, it's really hard to get your number. It took me a whole week to get it. It's almost the same as a Spring Festival train ticket." Mandu Latu just sat down and babbled happily: " Director Huang, you are so amazing. After drinking the four medicines, the redness and swelling of my eyes are basically gone. After the seven medicines are put together, my eyes are no longer sore, itchy, or tearful. , When I woke up in the morning, there was no white pus in my eyes, and after I finished drinking the medicine, I immediately came for a follow-up visit to see if I needed to continue taking it."

Next to him was holding a copy of the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia Standards of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and watching it with a pretense. Whenever he heard a Mandu Latu complimenting Chinese medicine and the efficacy of Chinese medicine, his face would turn dark.

Mandu Latu did not notice the embarrassed face of the surnamed Lai, and continued to ask: "Doctor Huang Su, why did you say that I took the medicine you prescribed, my eyes were healed immediately, and I ordered so many eye drops. , why did my eye disease happen again as soon as the medicine stopped."

Hearing that a certain doctor was ineffective and would not treat the disease, Lai's body suddenly became stiff, and his face darkened by two points.

During the two weeks in the department of traditional Chinese medicine, I heard too much useless words about a certain doctor. Some people who come to the department of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment choose to come to the department of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment because they cannot be treated by western medicine.

In fact, the surnamed Lai is much luckier now. The people of Prairie City have re-formed the habit of seeing Chinese medicine first when they are sick. If Huang Su was not famous, all the patients were basically patients who could not be cured by western medicine. .

However, every time he listened to it, the hatred in his heart deepened, and he had made up his mind that Chinese medicine must not be allowed to continue like this.

No one knew the vicious thoughts of the surnamed Lai.

"Did you have dry and watery eyes first, and then red, stinging, itchy eyes?"

Huang Su did not directly answer Mandu Latu's question, but asked him back.

Mandu Latu thought about it for a while, and looked at Huang Su in surprise: "Director Huang, you are so amazing, you are so right."

Flavin then explained: "Because it is the dry tears caused by anger, and the eyes are too wet, it will lead to the growth of bacteria or viruses in the eyes, and bacteria and viruses will cause the eyes to be red, swollen, stinging, and itchy. So, you It’s useless to just eliminate bacteria, if the anger is not clear, the eyes will still maintain a dry and tearful environment, and after the eye drops are stopped, bacteria and viruses will naturally breed again.”

Having said that, Huang Su gave Mandu Latu an analogy: "It's like there is a trash can in front of your house, which attracts a lot of flies every day. It's useless for you to kill the flies. You must remove the trash can."

This is also the reason why many people always take medicine when they are treated by a certain doctor after eye inflammation, but it will be bad if they stop taking the medicine.

The treatment of most diseases of a certain doctor is to eliminate flies. Because the development time of a certain doctor is short, their knowledge level simply cannot understand the existence of trash cans.

After listening to Huang Su's words, Mandu Latu exclaimed with a sudden realization: "Or the common people say that Western medicine treats the symptoms and Chinese medicine treats the root cause."

Seeing that Mandu Latu already understood the cause of his eye disease, Huang Su said, "Okay, stretch out your hand, and I'll take a pulse to see your current physical condition."

This time, Mandu Latu was very smart and put his left hand on the pulse pillow first. Who said he didn't know that Zuoguan controls the liver and gallbladder, but he clearly remembered that last time Huang Su and He Hui focused on his left hand. pulse.

The three fingers of Huang Su are placed on the three parts of the cunguan and the ruler of Mandu Latu. The pulse under the fingers is still like a string, but the beat of the pulse has returned to normal. It can be seen that the anger has been eliminated, but the liver and gallbladder syndrome is still there.

Huang Su had checked the pulse of Mandulatu's hands, released his hands and said, "I'll take a look at the tongue coating."

Mandulatu opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, only to see that the quality of the tongue had returned to normal, but the sides of the tongue were slightly swollen, with foamy saliva and a small amount of ecchymosis around the tongue, and the tongue coating was white and slightly dry.

Both sides of the tongue are slightly swollen, and there is foamy saliva on the tongue, which is liver qi stagnation.

The tongue coating is white and slightly dry, indicating that the anger has been injuring the yin.

When Mandu Latu retracted his tongue, Huang Su asked, "Are you still in a bad mood? Recently, you have been experiencing distending pain in your ribs."

Mandu Latu nodded heavily, sighed and said: "Director Huang, the family is unfortunate, what can I do, you can prescribe medicine for me, and let me take care of myself slowly!"

"There is no problem with me prescribing medicine for you, but if you can't maintain a normal state of mind, and you are in a depressed and irritable mood every day, I will prescribe Chinese medicine for you to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and Chinese medicine is not a panacea, only you remain peaceful. Your emotions, coupled with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, can eradicate your symptoms."

Mandu Latu sighed helplessly again: "Director Huang, you can prescribe the medicine according to the diagnosis you gave me."


This recipe uses Chaihu Shugan Powder for addition and subtraction.

The liver is in charge of dredging and excreting, and the nature is happy.If the emotions are not satisfied and the wood fails to reach the goal, it will lead to stagnation of the liver qi, and the meridian qi will be unfavorable, so you will see pain in the flanks and ribs, chest tightness, and fullness in the abdomen and abdomen; if the liver fails to disperse, the emotions will be depressed and irritable, and the good will be too breath; the pulse string is the liver Evidence of depression.

Chaihu Shugan San is a commonly used prescription for soothing the liver and regulating qi.

In the prescription, Chaihu Gong is good at soothing the liver and relieving depression, and it is used as a king.Xiang Fu regulates qi and soothes the liver and relieves pain, while Chuanxiong activates blood and promotes qi to relieve pain. The combination of the two medicines helps Bupleurum to relieve the stagnation of liver meridian, and increases the effect of activating qi, activating blood and relieving pain.Chenpi and Citrus aurantium are adjuvants for regulating Qi and stagnation, peony and licorice for nourishing blood and softening liver, alleviating acute pain and relieving pain.In addition, Ophiopogon japonicus and Beida ginseng nourish the body fluid injured by liver fire, and licorice reconciles various medicines for the use of medicine.The medicines are compatible.

"I still say the same thing, if you don't keep a comfortable mood, the medicine I will give you will only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and you should also take wolfberry chrysanthemum water while taking the medicine after you go home. The season when the liver fire is overactive, coupled with your liver stagnation and qi stagnation, will be greatly affected by the season.”

While reminding Mandu Latu about the precautions for taking the medicine, Huang Su handed the checked prescription to the surnamed Lai for inspection.

The surnamed Lai took the prescription very naturally and checked it carefully against the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia Standard of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

After a long time, seeing that the prescription still met the Pharmacopoeia regulations, the surnamed Lai handed it to Flavin with disappointment.

Huang Su then handed the recipe to Mandu Latu.

That Song and Mandu Latu walked out of the consultation room together.

Soon, Risong and Lu Guangxiang walked into the consultation room together.

I saw Lu Taotao in Lu Guangxiang's arms. Although his complexion was still sallow, he could already see Huaguang's blood on his face, and the child's spirit had improved greatly. He hugged his father's neck, shook his head curiously and looked around. At the same time, he showed a genuine smile.

When the surnamed Lai saw Lu Guangxiang come in with Lu Taotao in his arms, the loss just disappeared instantly, and the whole person became more energetic, staring at Lu Guangxiang and his son with burning eyes, and his back straightened unconsciously.

As soon as Lu Guangxiang sat down with Lu Taotao in his arms, he happily shared the changes in his son's medication to Huang Su.

"Director Huang, since my child took the medicine you prescribed, his complexion has improved, his spirit has improved a lot, and his appetite has also increased greatly."

Pointing to the change in his son's complexion to show Huang Su.

After being happy, Lu Guangxiang said with worry on his face again: "Director Huang, although my child has taken your medicine and his physical condition has greatly improved, the hair on the gums has not fallen off."

Speaking, Lu Guangxiang said to Lu Taotao: "Tao Tao opened his mouth and let the doctor's uncle take a look."

Lu Taotao opened his mouth wide, and saw that Lu Taotao's incisors on the upper gums to the gums of the canine teeth on both sides grew thin black hairs, protruding from the middle of the two teeth, some one, some many in clusters, basically There are no changes.

The surnamed Lai also approached to check, and Huang Su ignored the positive attitude of the surnamed Lai.

After all, Lu Taotao's hospital here has been included in the case study, and the surname Lai is so active, it can only be said that the assessment is serious and responsible.

Seeing that there was hardly any new hair growing on the patient's gums, the surnamed Lai sneered, "I've been with Dr. Huang for half a month, and I think most of the patients are fine after taking a few pairs of medicines, why? I went to Tao Tao and took medicine for half a month, but it didn't work at all."

For this kind of disease that he had never seen or heard of, the surnamed Lai never thought that flavin could cure Lu Taotao's disease.

Ignoring the yin and yang of the surname Lai, Huang Su looked at Lu Taotao's tongue, only to see that Lu Taotao's very obvious tooth marks had greatly improved.

Huang Su explained: "Patient father, don't worry, the child's gingival growth is caused by the weakness of the spleen and stomach and the lack of kidney essence. At the first consultation, the medicine I prescribed was mainly to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and I saw the patient's tongue. The tooth marks have improved greatly, indicating that the child's spleen and stomach have been greatly improved."

After listening to Huang Su's explanation, the worry on Lu Guangxiang's face also improved a lot: "Dr. Huang, I am too impatient. You can treat it as you say."

"I can understand your family member's mood." After speaking, Huang Su said: "Let the child stretch out his hand and I will check the pulse."

Lu Guangxiang took Lu Taotao's right hand and put it on the pulse pillow, and Huang Su was placed on the patient's wrist. The pulse was still weak, but the condition of the right pass had improved, and the pulse of the right foot was still not obvious.

The pulse and tongue signs indicate that the child's spleen and stomach weakness has been greatly improved, but the deficiency of kidney essence still exists.

Huang Su had examined the pulse of both hands of the patient, released his hands and said, "The general condition of the patient has not changed much from the initial diagnosis. This time, we will focus on invigorating the kidney and filling the essence, supplemented by medicines that strengthen the spleen and stomach."


Symptoms of deficiency of both spleen and kidney, congenital deficiency and acquired dystrophy are mainly manifested as loss of appetite, marked reduction in eating, abdominal distention, weakness of limbs, weakness of waist and knees, dizziness, pale complexion, weight loss, and mental exhaustion.

If the spleen and kidney yang is deficient, it is often manifested as cold limbs, coldness, and diarrhea.

Wugeng diarrhea means that from four to six in the morning, the first thing to do is to go to the toilet, and the stool is unshaped and thin.

Such cases of gingival growth in such patients are rare.

The gums of children are hairy, which is rare in ancient and modern medical records.

According to the four diagnosis and ginseng, it is concluded that the patient belongs to the syndrome of congenital deficiency and acquired dystrophy, and it is concluded that gingival hair growth must be related to this syndrome.

Therefore, flavin is first used to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and then to nourish the kidney and fill the essence.The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the acquired, the source of qi and blood biochemical; the kidney is the foundation of the innate, the main bone and marrow, the children's body is innately insufficient, and the acquired dystrophy is added.

For a diagnosis, use Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction to strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, so as to strengthen the source of biochemistry.For the second diagnosis, Liuwei Dihuang Decoction is added with pungent and warm hair-growing products to invigorate the kidney and nourish the marrow, so that the spleen and stomach are healthy and the kidney essence is replenished.

Rehmannia glutinosa is used for flavin, nourishing yin and tonifying kidney, filling essence and nourishing marrow, and is the king medicine.Mountain dogwood meat nourishes liver and kidney, and can astringe essence; yam nourishes spleen and yin, and can also solidify essence.The three medicines are matched to nourish the liver, spleen and kidney, which is called "three tonic".

However, the amount of Rehmannia glutinosa is the sum of the two flavors of dogwood meat and yam, so it is mainly used to invigorate the kidney yin, which is not enough to cure the root cause.

Compatible with Alisma to remove dampness and turbidity, and to prevent Rehmannia glutinosa from nourishing greasy and love evil; Cortex Moutan clears the fire, and controls the warmness and astringency of dogwood meat.The three medicines are called "three purgings", they are all adjuvant medicines.

Combined use of six flavors, three tonics and three reductions.

On the basis of three invigorating and three-repellent, drynaria is added to invigorate the kidney and bones, and Polygonum multiflorum is used to replenish the essence and blood, and finally, cinnamon and ginger are used to warm the yang to achieve the effect of yin and yang.

This time, before Huang Su took He Hui's recipe and handed it to Huang Su for verification, the surnamed Lai took the recipe first and began to find faults every day.

Seeing that the dosage in the prescription still conforms to the standard of the pharmacopoeia, he once again handed the prescription to Flavin reluctantly.

Huang Su was too lazy to take care of the surname Lai now. After checking the prescription, he signed his name and handed it to Lu Guangxiang and said, "Start taking this prescription from today, one dose a day."

Lu Guangxiang asked, "Director Huang, when will the child drink?"

Flavin pondered for a while and said: "This nourishing drug needs to be taken for a long time. In this way, after taking it for a month, you can come back for a follow-up."

"I see, Director Huang, thank you!"

After Lu Guangxiang thanked Huang Su, he walked out of the clinic with the child in his arms.

When Risong got up to call the next patient, he glared at the surnamed Lai when he turned around.

When the day's work was over, seeing that there were no patients, Lai stood up and picked up the book "Standards of Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine".

That day Risong looked at the surnamed Lai, with the appearance of a villain, and scolded: "As expected of the surname Lai, he is really a toad, and he doesn't bite people and respond to others, as long as it is the old me, I have to find someone to clean it up. He has a meal."

Huang Su this comforted: "Okay, what are you angry with him, he is just so disgusting with our ability."

Having said that, Huang Su got up and walked to the hanger to start changing clothes. The unpleasant mood of the day will all disappear when he sees his lover.

Risong sat there and lost his anger. He also got up and started changing clothes with He Hui. The two were about to get married soon.

After get off work, I was busy preparing for the wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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