Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 169 The Wind Rises

Chapter 169 The Wind Rises

China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Huang Su walked into the office, put the backpack on the long table, just sat down, and asked Wei Lai opposite: "Wei Lai, do you have today's Beijing American News?"

Huang Su watched the program on Jingcheng TV last night, and was restless throughout the night.

Huang Su is sure that the manipulator behind it will definitely not only use the TV media as a means, there must be other backhands.

I know very well that these people are manipulating the media behind the scenes and have the ability to control the direction of public opinion.

"Jingmei Daily" is the best-selling and most widely circulated newspaper in the capital city. Huang Su needs to determine his own thoughts by checking if there are any similar reports on the Jingmei Daily.

After all, the man behind the scenes is a veteran with more than 100 years of experience in manipulating public opinion, and he will never miss a public opinion position like the Jingmei Daily.

Wei Lai said with a smile: "You don't usually read newspapers, why do you think of reading newspapers today?"

Although Wei Lai was joking, he still walked to the newspaper shelf on the desk, took out a copy of the Jingmei Daily from it, and handed it to Huang Su.

Huang Su opened the Jingmei Daily and searched quickly.

Seeing Huang Su flipping through the newspaper so quickly, Wei Lai said, "Huang Su, there is no one like you who reads the newspaper like this. What can you see if you flip through the newspaper so quickly?"

Seeing that Huang Su didn't listen to his words, he still seemed to be possessed, and continued to search quickly, Wei Lai hurriedly reminded: "You can flip through lightly, don't damage it, this newspaper will be here for a day, others have to Look."

When Huang Su turned to the main board on the third page, he saw an article titled: "How to Spot Cancer Treatment Scams".

Huang Su hurriedly read it carefully.

The main purpose of the article is to popularize science to everyone. Don’t listen to TV commercials and small roadside advertisements. All the information on the above that guarantees that cancer can be cured is deceptive.

He also pointed out that scammers use everyone's desire to have a cure for cancer to defraud money, and listed several cases of being deceived in detail.

Finally, the newspaper also solemnly reminded everyone that cancer patients should seek medical treatment in time, and also introduced modern medical treatments such as targeted therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.

He also popularized the concept of modern medical clinical cure to everyone, telling everyone that although cancer cannot be cured, life can be prolonged by actively cooperating with treatment.

It means that within five years after cancer treatment, the cancer has not recurred. This situation is called clinical cure.

Although it is said that the cancer has not recurred, it does not mean that the cancer has completely disappeared. Therefore, it is still necessary to take good care of the body and do regular checkups.

For ordinary people, this is a good article on popular science, anti-fraud and cancer treatment.

However, Huang Su instantly saw the tricks in the article. All the methods of treating tumors mentioned in the article, except that it did not mention that traditional Chinese medicine can also treat tumors.

"Wei Lai, does our research institute subscribe to the Southern Daily and Southern Periodicals..."

After reading this report, Huang Su asked Wei Lai for another five or six newspapers in one go.

I couldn't be more clear about the details of these newspapers. In later generations, they will be dug up by the supernatural netizens on the Internet.

Wei Lai said: "Don't underestimate the research institute, the representative newspapers in various places have subscriptions to the research institute."

Speaking of which, Wei Lai brought another five or six newspapers from the newspaper shelf. What Wei Lai said was true. There were more than 30 kinds of newspapers on the newspaper shelf, including academic newspapers, some Official newspapers, local newspapers with major cities.

Wei Lai put the newspaper on Huang Su's table, seeing that Huang Su flipped through it as quickly as before.

Seeing Huang Su's strange behavior today, Wei Lai asked, "Huang Su, what's wrong with you today."

Huang Su ignored Wei Lai, and continued to flip through the newspapers in his hands until he finished reading all five or six newspapers.

As expected by Huang Su, all newspapers published similar reports on the second and third pages of the main board. This is not deliberate and ensures that everyone can see the reports here. Sure enough, he is a master at playing with public opinion.

Huang Su pointed to the reports in several newspapers, and said to Wei Lai, "Wei Lai, come and read the contents of these newspapers."

Wei Lai walked up to Huang Su's side with a blank expression, and watched along the position Huang Su pointed at.

It took a while before Wei Lai read all the reports in these newspapers.

Huang Su asked: "Did you see anything?"

Wei Lai said very simply: "I think these reports are well written. Now these false advertisements are indeed too unscrupulous. How many patients have to be entrapped by advertising on TV stations. And those small advertisements on telephone poles , I often see it on the electric poles of my house, and I think this kind of report is really timely."

Huang Su continued to ask: "Don't you think there's anything wrong?"

Wei Lai thought for a while, and then he realized, "It's just a little strange, why so many newspapers suddenly published similar reports."

"anything else?"

Seeing that Wei Lai still didn't realize the seriousness of it, Huang Su continued to ask.

Wei Lai looked at Huang Su blankly and asked, "What else can I have?"

Huang Su guided Wei Lai to continue asking: "If you are a cancer patient, what is your first reaction when you see these reports?"

Wei Lai replied without hesitation: "Of course, I will go to the hospital for treatment. In the early stage, I will have surgery, and in the middle and late stages, I will use chemotherapy and radiotherapy."

Huang Su said at this time: "Even you, a graduate student of TCM tumors, didn't think of seeking TCM treatment. Do you think there are any problems with these newspapers?"

"Huang Su, I think you've been too tired these days, and you're a little nervous." Wei Lai still helped to explain with a look of disapproval: "Nowadays, everyone doesn't know much about the treatment of tumors with traditional Chinese medicine. Knowing that Chinese medicine can also treat tumors, and the editors of these newspapers are not practitioners of Chinese medicine, it is understandable not to know that Chinese medicine can treat tumors. After all, these reports are still good, so be careful not to be deceived.”

This is the brilliance of manipulating public opinion. Even people who study Chinese medicine like Wei Lai think there is nothing wrong with this report, but the people behind it have achieved their goal through this report.

Huang Su didn't listen to Wei Lai's justification, but looked at Wei Lai and said meaningfully: "Anyway, I read these newspapers and thought to myself, so many newspapers published this report at the same time, how many people think that only Western medicine can do it?" treat tumors."

Wei Lai stared into Huang Su's eyes, pondered for a while and said, "You mean, someone deliberately spread this kind of report."

After finishing speaking, Wei Lai hurried to the newspaper rack and flipped through some other important local newspapers.

Seeing that there were no similar reports, Wei Lai breathed a sigh of relief, and walked to Huang Su's side: "You don't have such information in other newspapers, I think you are overthinking."

Wei Lai comforted: "Don't think too much, Huang Su. I think many reporters must have seen the rampant advertisements of counterfeit medicines, so they wrote such reports. It highlights the serious consequences of listening to fake drugs in advertisements."

"I don't believe it's just a coincidence, and at a critical moment in our preparation for the project..."

Huang Su suddenly spoke half of his words, and swallowed the remaining half of the sentence.

Suddenly, Huang Su realized that maybe this incident was a good thing for all Chinese medicine practitioners, allowing them to realize earlier the evil spirits hidden behind Chinese medicine.

Don't wait until [-] for Academician Zhang Boli to say that sentence: I only now know that the Western Medicine Capital Group has been using money to buy domestic scum to discredit Chinese medicine for many years.

At this time, Huang Su looked at Wei Lai meaningfully and said, "Wei Lai, how about we make a bet!"

Wei Lai asked, "What do you want to bet?"

Huang Su said: "We bet that there will be more newspaper reports on such reports in the past few days, but there will still be many cases of being deceived in the name of Chinese medicine and claiming that they have ancestral secret recipes that can cure cancer."

Wei Lai said: "Okay, I'll make this bet with you, what are we betting on?"

Huang Su said: "How about we just gamble at Cheap Place?"

Wei Lai said bluntly: "I'll bet you, I don't believe that so many media can still listen to you."

As they spoke, the two clapped their hands together as an oath.

(End of this chapter)

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