Conan: I'm really not a model worker at a winery

Chapter 74 New York can have a pot of hodgepodge

Chapter 74 New York can come to a hodgepodge (plus a chapter!)

Check tasks, arrange assignments, confirm the situation, give feedback and report...

Qin Jiu mechanically repeated his daily tasks, and occasionally called up the monitor to see the figures busy in the laboratory.

He used to feel that time passed slowly, but now he found that time seemed to be swallowed inexplicably...

Look at the electronic clock on the wall.

It is now 1993, February 4.

"Tch... That idiot has been running away for almost a year."

Gin 'clicked' and bit the lollipop in his mouth to pieces.

Thinking of this stuff makes me angry.

Nearly a year, enough for a lot to happen:
First, Akai Shuichi returned to the United States, and Belmode in the United States confirmed the information with them, and then with the help of Rum, it was confirmed that Rye's real name was not Mohoshi Dai, but the FBI's ace agent Akai Shuichi.

The unscrupulous boss obviously panicked after learning this.

Gin communicated a letter with Belmode, and knew that the boss had sent them the same email, which probably meant to kill Akai Shuichi, the 'silver bullet', regardless of the cost.

Gin is actually a bit unimpressed with this term of Secondary School.

After all, in his eyes, Akai Shuichi is the junior who was beaten by him...

Belmode in the United States said that he could take over this task, so Gin simply threw the pot to the other party.

And then something unexpected happened to Gin:
After Akai Shuichi came out, Bourbon, who had no existence, suddenly said that he would go to the United States to help him deal with Akai Shuichi.

Gin probably knew what Bourbon was thinking, and after the boss allowed it, he approved it with a helpless face...

Since then, there have been two fewer people in his team.

"Fortunately, there have been more cases recently..."

Gin secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, those criminals helped reduce his task burden, otherwise two members would be lost at once, and all the excess task quota would be piled up on him...

At this time, Gin had no sense of being a criminal at all.

"Master Gin."

A security guard came in knocking on the door, and said respectfully, "Miss Shirley said she was going to have dinner with her sister today, look..."


"Late, evening..."

"You must come back within two hours."

Gin Jiu's indifferent voice made the member tremble three times.

"Good lord!"

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the security guard rushing away from the door, and Qin Jiu's eyelids jumped a few times.

As for?This coward...

Or vodka is better, but unfortunately vodka is now out to run the task.

——The matter of Akai Shuichi probably frightened the unscrupulous boss, after all, it is a rare talent he really wants to cultivate.

After that, the suspicion of the unscrupulous boss seemed to get worse, and he ordered Gin to watch over Shirley every step of the way, and to take people with him when he went out to do missions...

How could Gin be willing to do such a thing?

So he could only 'discuss' with the unscrupulous boss that he could replace him with vodka.

Thus, gin lost a driver, and vodka lost a big brother...

And Miyano Shiho lost his freedom.

The deja vu situation reminded Gin of the gifted boy who was also in the United States.

However, according to the feedback information, Xiao Hongshu was doing well after being taken away by his people, and the assessment every three months was also completed smoothly...

On the contrary, Miyano Shiho is now being controlled from morning till night.

And just as Gin thought, Miyano Akemi was also greatly affected——

Although on the surface, she still acts like a normal peripheral member.

But Gin knew how many pairs of eyes were staring at her secretly... After all, he sent them all.

The unscrupulous boss even revealed his intention to get rid of Miyano Akemi, which also made Gin extremely speechless.

Fortunately, the unscrupulous bosses are not too stupid, and they can distinguish the seriousness, and let Gin wait for Shirley's drug development to be almost finished before dealing with them...


"Who knows when Shirley's medicine will be developed!"

Gin leaned helplessly on the back of the chair.

He has now asked his companions from the five-star group to monitor Kudo Shinichi's whereabouts. Although the words "High School Student Detective Kudo Shinichi" still did not appear in the newspaper, he did not know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.


Because he knew in advance that Vodka was going to run the mission, so this time Gin asked Vodka to teach him how to use the program to cut the net.

Now as long as the vodka computer is on, the gin will do it all by itself.

As soon as the intranet was cut off, a bunch of bright marks popped up in the mailbox of the five-star group.

One of the members who sent a message was very knowledgeable about the media, so he directly set the title into a special font, and wrote "Kudo's new whereabouts report" in large characters in Chinese.

Gin immediately gave priority to this email:
[Information from - Tokyo Temma:

[Attachment], [Attachment]...[Attachment 1], [Attachment 2]...

Report to the leader, this is the photo taken secretly and the target's action plan overheard, the target will fly to New York tonight, please arrange the next step instructions. 】

Gin: "..."

Looking at the email, Gin slowly put a question mark on his forehead.

No...Tokyo has been quite peaceful recently, although there have been more murders and arson...

All right, what are you doing in New York?

Let him do the math.

"Hiroki is in New York, Belmode is in New York, Bourbon is in New York, Rum is in New York, Akai Shuichi seems to be in New York, and the action time that Belmode said..."

Belmode is already planning to break up with Akai Shuichi.

Gin doesn't think Belmode will be able to defeat Akai Shuichi...the two should be able to split [-]/[-].

Belmode sent him an email in the morning, saying that he would act tomorrow night...

And she's talking about American time, which means—

Gin made a calculation.

America's tomorrow night looks like Japan's tonight.

"Good guy... If this is lit in the United States, it can cook a hodgepodge, right?" Gin sighed resignedly.

While the unscrupulous boss imprisoned Shirley, he also imprisoned him, his capable subordinate...

Gin can't go anywhere now.

[Information Sent-Blade: Follow me, I will let my companions in New York cooperate with you, and keep an eye on it all the time. 】

After sending this message, Qin Jiu suddenly had a bad feeling.

Frowning and thinking for a while, he sent another email to another person:

[Information sent-Blade: If you have time, do me a favor, go to New York to monitor someone [attached], you can contact my subordinate 'Tianma', it is best to set off together. 】

Enter, send.

Qin Jiu's brows were quietly relaxed, and his heart suddenly became more stable...

With this arrangement, the possibility of problems should be small.

But after finishing all this, after playing minesweeper's gin for a while, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in my mind:
Shinichi Kudo, New York, by plane...

"No, it's such a coincidence, isn't it?"

Qin Jiu accidentally pressed the wrong position, and a thunder exploded, but he has no mind to care about it.

He had already started to get excited—Gin Jiu remembered the episode of Phantom in the Rain in Chinatown, and Mao Lilan seemed to have fainted or something, recalling the previous events.

It seems to be related to the previous incident on the plane, it seems to be called——

Flying chamber?

 Forecast: Gin is about to go offline, and Kudo Shinichi is about to go online (*﹃`*)
  PS: Next is the collection of the Flying Chamber of Secrets and the New York incident, which will be broadcast in 4K characters~
(End of this chapter)

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