Chapter 568 Temporary Help~

Anderberg's scope was also aimed at the roof of the building 700 meters away.

He seemed accustomed to doubts from his teammates, and just replied calmly: "I never empty my gun."

If he felt that he couldn't hit, he would rather not fire the shot.

"Really?" Angostella took out an OK bandage from his pocket, and casually stuck it on his disfigured ear, "Do you see who the other party is?"

"I'm looking for it." Anderberg replied calmly.

Angostella listened and made a question mark: "Did you shoot just now, haven't you seen anyone yet?"

Anderberg remained calm: "I know the person is at twelve o'clock, you only gave me two seconds to react, Stella, I didn't even open the scope, you should be satisfied if you can hit someone .”

"...huh? How do you know you hit if you don't see anyone?"

"I never empty my gun."

Angostura: "..."

very good, very powerful.

"Then tell me where you hit?"

"The opponent's right ear..."

Hearing that the two of them started chatting, Claret couldn't bear it any longer. He picked up a brick on the ground and threw it at Angostella's face: "Angostella! The other party has a sniper! Still standing here and not retreating. Waiting to be a target?!"

Chianti and Cohen also aimed at the tall buildings in the distance at this moment, slightly startled: "Please, this is at least [-] yards away..."

They also tried to fire a few shots, but their record for the furthest distance was only six hundred yards, a distance at which they could not hit anyone at all.

Can hit from such a distance... Who is the opponent?

'Clang——! '
Suddenly, Anderberg pulled the trigger again.

Because of the silencer, they only heard the sound of the bullet being shot out of the barrel.

Angostella, who just wanted to reply to Clarett, once again ranted against his teammate: "Did you hit again?"

Anderberg nodded shyly, and then fired again: "Well..."

"Where did you hit again?"

"I knocked out the opponent's bullets, two."

"Do you see my letter?"

Clarett: "..."

Take a deep breath...inhale...exhale...


Can't stand it!
"Angostella! Can you look like a superior!" Claret took out a pistol and hit Angostella on the forehead, his face extremely dark.

She couldn't figure it out, even though she was robbed by a sniper, why did this person talk trash here without caring at all?
Facing the pistols of his own men, Angostella, who is not afraid of anything but gin, finally raised his hands: "Hey, hey! Claret, calm down...that building is mine. A gift specially prepared for those people... It's just that this gift may kill them."

Claret, Chianti and Cohen, who were still aiming at the side, were stunned for a moment when they heard Angostella's words.

"You deliberately?"

"Nonsense... If the other party knows our action plan and is following us, it's normal to protect their 'informant', right?"

Angostella grinned, and continued to comfort her injured ear with one hand: "That building is an excellent commanding height, and it is also a good hunting net, but those guys may not be able to see it, so I can only say that this 'informant' It still has some weight in their eyes."

After explaining to Clarett, Angostella showed a ferocious face again:
"Okay, Amber, get rid of that person, Chianti, Cohen, you two, let's see who takes this Maori—"

"Stella, be careful."

Angostella uttered half of her words and was interrupted again.

I only heard Anderberger speak quickly, and then kicked his teammate directly in the waist, and at the same time threw a shot at a tall building in the distance, and then fell to the ground.

Just the next moment they completed this action.

A knuckle-sized black shadow instantly brushed past the position between Angostella and Anderberg just now, and rubbed against the iron railing on the roof, sparking a bright spark.

And it was followed by…


- An explosion that does not hit within range.

The source of the explosion was the bullet that had just flown over.

Angostella saw the scene of the explosion before he had time to curse, and twitched the corner of his mouth twice, complaining: "Is the FBI crazy? Are all the explosive bombs out?"

"It doesn't have to be the FBI." Anderberger got up from the ground and continued to aim at the building. "There is a strange person... Maybe it's reinforcements."

"Whoever they are! Ambu, I order you to shoot them all within 30 seconds!"

Clarett: "..."

Should they think about retreating? Hey!Explosive bombs are out, okay?They only have ordinary snipers here! !
If there is no punishment for the following crimes, Claret will really throw Angostella off the roof and announce the retreat...


On a tall building 700 meters away.

Akai Hideichi covered his right ear, completely ignoring the blood that was still bubbling—even though the bullet from the opponent just now seemed to have pierced the artery.

Akai Hideichi's complexion gradually turned pale.

But he still insisted on holding the sniper rifle in one hand, facing the men in black on the lower floor on the other side, with a firm tone:
"Mr. Lin, thank you very much for your help, but... this time it is our FBI's own problem. I don't want you to be implicated in this incident."

While speaking, he pulled the trigger again.

But just like the previous two bullets, Akai Hideo watched helplessly as his bullet was blocked by the road—his bullet collided with the opponent's bullet, and then was directly bounced away.

His bullets can't hit the opponent, and the opponent can't hit it either.

'...No, the other party seems to be doing it on purpose. Akai Hideichi pinched the ear wound tightly to prevent excessive bleeding.

One crash could be a coincidence, two, three...

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Well, he should put seems two to go.

"Ah la la~ Xiao Xiuxiu, what are you talking about~?"

Akai Shuichi's side.

Lie was wearing a light gray cloak covering his whole body, and a mask was covering his face, covering his appearance.

But even with the camouflage, the particular voice is very recognizable.

At this moment, Lie also pointed a sniper rifle at the people on the other side of the building. He didn't look at the scope at all, and stood carelessly to the side, as if welcoming the other party to aim at him: "Just now, it was Little Conan who said he was talking about me." Come over to check on the situation~ You may not know it, but he almost cried when he called me~ Said he couldn’t make it back by himself...Ah! I made a wrong call again~"

Akai Hideichi looked at the flames that exploded again in the distance, and fell silent.

The tone said that Lie was here to help him, but he personally felt that Lie was here to play...

"...Well, Mr. Lin, isn't your sensitivity to explosive bombs a bit high?"

Akai Hideo saw clearly that the bullet exploded after rubbing against the railing, both front and back.

Lie turned his head, his tone innocent and innocent: "Ah? Is there? I detonated it on time~"

"...Original, that's how it is." Chi Jingxiu fired another shot with a pale face, and then hid in a nearby bunker, "Well, Mr. Lin, do you have an OK bandage on you?"

Lie just hit two shuttles and failed to hit anyone. He was about to pull out his big weapon, when he heard this, he turned his head: "Ah? It seems to be~ what's wrong?"

"I seem to be, a little bit, bleeding too much (△`)..."

"Hey Σ(っ°Д°;) っ?! Hey! Hold on~ Hey! How can you blame the FBI when you are dead... Ah no~ How can you live if the FBI is dead!"

Akai Shuichi: "..."

Did he hear something incredible just now?
(End of this chapter)

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