Conan: I'm really not a model worker at a winery

Chapter 366 I don't know what title to call it

Chapter 366 I don't know what title to call it

By the ferry.

Ireland stood leaning against the cargo box, looking at the moon in the sky half covered by clouds, feeling a faint uneasiness in his heart.

Half of this anxiety comes from my boss who likes to run around and do things alone.

Ireland actually knew that Chablis was secretly conducting some investigations in Yokohama before, but he didn't know exactly what Chablis was investigating...

And the organization received the news that Akai Shuichi had left Tokyo, which was actually after that.

It's just that, except for him, no one else in the organization knows.

'Hope there won't be any surprises...'

Ireland sighed, and glanced sideways at his companion who was hiding behind the cargo box a few meters away. He had already taken out his pistol and started checking.

They were waiting for Belmode's order just now, but they didn't expect the FBI to be so bold and come out of their hiding place.

Although, originally their best strategy was to try to avoid arousing the enemy before taking full action...

But watching the prey pass by in front of him and holding back his hands, it is not in line with their organization's usual style, and it is still a fragrant bun like the FBI.

What's more, they have tolerated these prey for a long time.

...Of course, the main reason is that it is too close, completely under their guns, and it is still a small fish that has escaped from the main force.

If they don't take these fish, then their names in the organization can be written upside down.

And with the head in hand, the few members of the organization who did it are in a better mood...

Only Ireland felt melancholy-the few who acted were the quasi-core members brought by Chablis, and they couldn't command at all.

If Ireland is allowed to call the shots, these people will never be allowed to act easily and startle the snake.

In addition, although these quasi-core members have code names, they are actually still a certain distance from the core circle: After all, the number of code names is limited.Once the code name is full, the remaining capable members will be given a fake code name, such as adding a word before the code name...

If the code name is vacant, it will generally be selected among these members with pseudo-code names first, unless it encounters a particularly outstanding existence.

This rule has been going on in the organization for decades—except in Japan, because this place is extremely short of people, and even a little ability can be promoted exceptionally.

It's just that Ireland, who is not young, has discovered that these pseudo-code members now have extraordinarily big hearts, which are completely different from the core of their generation, and they rarely use their brains to think about things when they encounter problems.

Ireland expressed dismay.

Well, now that the grass has been cut, it depends on whether the snake can come out.

"What's up Ireland? Sigh."

Belmode's inquiry came from the radio headset.

Ireland settled down, "Oh, it's okay, I'm just worried that killing those people just now will make the rest of the FBI more vigilant..."

"Don't worry about this, their communication has been intercepted by the Intelligence Department." Belmode seemed to be listening to something else, "And the explosion just covered up the gunshots that were not that big. The FBI people don't know us actions, there will not be too much vigilance."

"Really? That's fine."

Ireland relaxed a little, although he wasn't too nervous.

In the call channel, Belmode's voice continued, but he didn't ask Ireland:
"Chianti, do you have a good view over there? I'm already outside the pier."

"Oh, Cohen saw your car, I'm ok..."


Did Belmode forget to turn off the communication with the commander?
"Bermod, did you forget—"

"Ireland! Those from the FBI are on the move!"

Ireland just wanted to remind Belmode, and Gin's urgent voice suddenly sounded on the communication channel.

Before he could say another word, a "bang" gunshot came from behind.

"Papil! Put your head back!"

Ireland realized something in an instant, and immediately yelled at the companion next to him.

Fortunately, although they all seem to have exposed their positions, they can find cover to hide as long as they move a little at most one position.

But the gunshots still rang several times in a row, and everyone in Ireland worried that their staff had been reduced...

"Wait! Ireland, what's the situation with you!?" Belmode obviously heard the gunshots, and his tone was anxious and inexplicable.

"...FBI, they are going to attack first." After Ireland replied, he immediately transferred to the communication station of his side, "Hello! No one had an accident just now, right?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be aimed at me."

"Me too……"

"My side... ah!"

A member of the communication suddenly let out a scream, and at the same time there was a collision sound not far away.

Ireland was startled: "Hydrake! Are you all right?"

As he called for the member, several more shots were heard from behind the cargo box where they were hiding.

Immediately, someone in the headset let out a painful cry:

"I'm fine! Hiss...these bloody bastards hurt my arm!"


Just hurting an arm is so tragic?He thought it was moderately disabled from the beating...

It was probably because the communication channel was heavily occupied in an instant, and the signal on Belmode's side was a bit bad.

However, Ireland can still hear Belmode's bewilderment from the intermittent words:
"Those FBI, what are they doing? They... Zizi... Commander hasn't arrived yet, right?"

Ireland also wanted to say something, and he also wanted to know why, but Gin Jiu's next sentence immediately made him lose his interest in speaking:

"...who knew? By the way, Ireland, you're surrounded by them."

"...What the hell am I?"

Ireland just wanted to pick up the FBI commander and ask him what he was thinking, whether his mind was full of straw.


Even though they are the ones being surrounded now, no one feels nervous at all. Even the member who was injured just now is still swearing to his companions in the communication on the Irish side, vowing to beat the person who shot himself to death. sieve……

"They all came out?" Belmode said suddenly.

Ireland froze for a moment, and was about to poke his head out to take a look, when he suddenly remembered that monitoring this kind of thing seemed to be the work of Gin Wine, so he moved his position with his backhand and casually fired a few times with his pistol backwards. gun.

Hearing the faint exclamation behind the cargo box, Ireland showed a playful sneer.

Just after Belmode finished asking, Gin continued to use his emotionless voice: "No, only most of the B group and a few A group targets came out, and most of the A group targets are still in the bunker. "

"Oh? Well that's all right. . . do you hear that, Ireland?"

"Nonsense!" Ireland rolled his eyes, "Tell me Belmode, what do you want me to do again?"

In the current situation, he is under the greatest pressure... All the guns of the FBI are pointing at him, can it not be too big?

Belmode smiled, "Well, I just ask you to resist the fire first, and let the snipers on the inner net help to contain it, and the commander-in-chief I caught will be here soon."

"When she arrives, those little fishes and shrimps who are hiding will definitely not be able to sit still..."

(End of this chapter)

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